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140 Cards in this Set

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The area of moral philosophy or "value theory" includes questions like

What kind of life is most worth living

The question "do the ends justify the means" falls within area of

Normative ethicsclas

Claims that morality is a human intervention therefore not objective is a claim about


In philosophy an argument is

A claim of reasoning consisting of a set of reasons that supports some conclusions

It is impossible for an argument to have

True premises and a false conclusion

There is no such thing as

A sound but valid argument

A moral agent is

Anyone who is capable of controlling his or her behavior through moral reasoning

Conventional morality is

The set of traditional principles that are widely shared within a culture or society

The desire for unification in ethics is a desire for

Single general moral principle

What area of moral philosophy deals with questions about what moral obligations are

Normative ethics

Why is the literal meaning of religious texts problematic

Such texts sometimes contradict themselves

Which of the following is required if we are

Justified in relying on religion for moral guidance

We must have a way of accurately interpreting our own religious text

According to the text, what does good moral character involve?

Doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do q

According to the text book extracting reliable moral knowledge from religious scriptures is


If one has selected a religious text to rely on then

One must interpret the text in order to determine what it implies about morality

Omniscience is the property of being


In Platos Euthyphro Socrates asks

"What reasons do we have for believing in the Gods?"

The Divine Command Theory states that

Acts are morally required just because they are commanded by God

If fear of God is the most effective way to get people to act morally then,

None of the above

Desists believe that

God exists but does not give us moral guidance

Agonists are people who

Are not sure whether God exists

What does Nozick think we desire to experience that the experience machine can't provide

To live with contact in reality

Which of the following is not one of Nozicks reasons for not plugging in to the experience machine?

We cannot serve other people once we are inside the machine

What does Nozick think we should conclude from the experience machine thought experiment

What else can matter to us, other than how our lives feel from the inside?

What does Nozick think is most disturbing about the experience, transformation and results machine?

They all live our lives for us

If all that mattered to us were our experiences, then

We would enter the experience machine

According to Nozick, what explains people's disagreements over the use of psychoactive drugs

Disagreement over whether or not such drugs enhance or inhibit our contact with reality

From the experience machine, thought experiment, Nozick thinks we should conclude

That we often desire things that are not good for us

What is the paradox of self harm

According to desire satisfaction theory it is impossible to intentionally harm yourself

A desire toward the interests of a distant stranger is an example of which kind of desire

An other-regarding desire

What is the example of giving vaccines to small children supposed to show

Some things can benefit us without satisfying our desires

What kind of theory does the text endorse as an alternative to the traditional desire satisfaction theory

An objective theory

Why do impoverished desires pose a problem for desire theory

All of the above

According to text why can't the desire satisfaction theorist maintain that what's good for us is the pleasure we feel when certain desires are satisfied?

Because this is to say the pleasure rather than the desire satisfaction is what makes us better off

According to desire satisfaction theory

No desire is intrinsically better than any other

Informed desires are those desires that

Are not based on false beliefs

One example that shows that desire satisfaction is

Vaccinations of small children

According to the desire satisfaction theory desire satisfaction is

Both A and B

Which of the following is a premise in the desire satisfaction theorists argument for self interest

If something satisfies our desires then we have reason to obtain it

How does Epicurus think we should pursue pleasure?

By trying to maximize our total pleasure in the long run

What does Epicurus mean by pleasure

Absence of pain in the body and of trouble in the soul

According to Epicurus one should seek pleasure

Only when it will not result in greater amounts of pain later

Epicurus claims that the end of all our actions is

To be free from pain and fear

According to Epicurus philosophy

Is a worthwhile activity for young and old people alike

Which of the following claims is not true

If hedonism is false, happiness is not intrinsically good for people

What is paternalism

Limiting someone's Liberty against her will for your own good

What is lacking in the lives of wools on aldous Huxley's Brave new world?


What does Ross's "Two Worlds" objection falsely assume about hedonism

That it provides a way of evaluating worlds

The value of autonomy explains why paternalism is

Always objectionable, even when it is justified

The experience machine thought experiment is supposed to show that happiness is less valuable I'd it is based on

False beliefs

Autonomy is

The power to guide our life through our own free choices

Ross's "Two Worlds" objection asks us to imagine two worlds that are alike in _____ and differ in _____.

Total happiness; whether people are virtuous or viscous

If hedonism is true, then the enjoyment a serial killer derives from committing crimes is

Good for her

If it's true that single-mindedly pursuing happiness makes you less happy then

Hedonism says single-mindedly pursing happiness is not good for you

What would a hedonist say about a person who sometimes enjoyed his or her own pain

Pain would sometimes be good for such a person

Which of the following is an attraction of hedonism

It explains why there are many different types of good life

Who is widely regarded as the first great hedonist in Western philosophy?


Which of the following is an important distinction for hedonists

Physical vs. attitudinal pleasure

According to hedonism, your life is good for you to the extent that

You experience pleasure and avoid pain

According to mill

Intellectual and artistic pleasures are better than physical pleasures

According to Epicurus the ideal state of tranquility comes largely from

Both A and B

The fact that we don't want our loved ones to get lobotomies

Is thought to raise s problem for hedonism

The fact that parents typically want their children to be happy

Doesn't prove that hedonism is either true or false

Some people enjoy their own physical pain in certain circumstances. Hedonists would say

That their physical pain is good for them in those circumstances

According to hedonism

All of the above

First great hedonist in western Philosophy


An example of physical pleasure would be

The sensation of a relaxing back massage

An example of an attitudinal pleasure would be

The enjoyment of listening to your favorite song

According to hedonism, the key ingredient to a good life is


According to hedonism, the key ingredient to a good life is


If something is intrinsically valuable, then it must

Be valuable for its own sake

According to hedonism, the key ingredient to a good life is


If something is intrinsically valuable, then it must

Be valuable for its own sake

Getting a vaccine that prevents illness is an example of something that is

Instrumentally valuable

According to hedonism, the key ingredient to a good life is


If something is intrinsically valuable, then it must

Be valuable for its own sake

Getting a vaccine that prevents illness is an example of something that is

Instrumentally valuable

What is an ideal observer

An improved version of oneself who is fully informed and perfectly rational

According to hedonism, the key ingredient to a good life is


If something is intrinsically valuable, then it must

Be valuable for its own sake

Getting a vaccine that prevents illness is an example of something that is

Instrumentally valuable

What is an ideal observer

An improved version of oneself who is fully informed and perfectly rational

If I say "the death penalty is immoral" what does this mean according to ethical subjectivism

I disapprove of the death penalty

According to hedonism, the key ingredient to a good life is


If something is intrinsically valuable, then it must

Be valuable for its own sake

Getting a vaccine that prevents illness is an example of something that is

Instrumentally valuable

What is an ideal observer

An improved version of oneself who is fully informed and perfectly rational

If I say "the death penalty is immoral" what does this mean according to ethical subjectivism

I disapprove of the death penalty

If cultural relativism is true, what happens when the moral code of a society changes?

Such changes never indicate moral progress

According to hedonism, the key ingredient to a good life is


If something is intrinsically valuable, then it must

Be valuable for its own sake

Getting a vaccine that prevents illness is an example of something that is

Instrumentally valuable

What is an ideal observer

An improved version of oneself who is fully informed and perfectly rational

If I say "the death penalty is immoral" what does this mean according to ethical subjectivism

I disapprove of the death penalty

If cultural relativism is true, what happens when the moral code of a society changes?

Such changes never indicate moral progress

According to ethical subjectivism, what is the relationship between a thing being good and someone approving of it

Things are good only because people approve of them

According to hedonism, the key ingredient to a good life is


If something is intrinsically valuable, then it must

Be valuable for its own sake

Getting a vaccine that prevents illness is an example of something that is

Instrumentally valuable

What is an ideal observer

An improved version of oneself who is fully informed and perfectly rational

If I say "the death penalty is immoral" what does this mean according to ethical subjectivism

I disapprove of the death penalty

If cultural relativism is true, what happens when the moral code of a society changes?

Such changes never indicate moral progress

According to ethical subjectivism, what is the relationship between a thing being good and someone approving of it

Things are good only because people approve of them

What does cultural revitalism imply about iconoclasts who oppose the conventional moral wisdom of a society

There are always morally mistaken

Which of the following would a cultural recitalist accept

Morality is determined by guiding ideals of a society

Which of the following would a cultural recitalist accept

Morality is determined by guiding ideals of a society

According to an ideal observer subjectivism, an action is morally right if

I would approve of it if I were fully informed and perfectly rational

Which of the following would a cultural recitalist accept

Morality is determined by guiding ideals of a society

According to an ideal observer subjectivism, an action is morally right if

I would approve of it if I were fully informed and perfectly rational

If cultural revitalism is true, then

Individuals can make moral progress but cultures cannot

Which of the following would a cultural recitalist accept

Morality is determined by guiding ideals of a society

According to an ideal observer subjectivism, an action is morally right if

I would approve of it if I were fully informed and perfectly rational

If cultural revitalism is true, then

Individuals can make moral progress but cultures cannot

According to ethical subjectivism,

Things are good simply because we like them

Which of the following would a cultural recitalist accept

Morality is determined by guiding ideals of a society

According to an ideal observer subjectivism, an action is morally right if

I would approve of it if I were fully informed and perfectly rational

If cultural revitalism is true, then

Individuals can make moral progress but cultures cannot

According to ethical subjectivism,

Things are good simply because we like them

If cultural revitalism is true, then the moral values of our culture are

No better or worse than the moral values of other cultures

If ethical subjectivism is true, then ones deepest moral commitments are

Always right

If ethical subjectivism is true, then ones deepest moral commitments are

Always right

According to ethical subjectivism, what is intrinsically valuable?


If ethical subjectivism is true, then ones deepest moral commitments are

Always right

According to ethical subjectivism, what is intrinsically valuable?


Someone is definitely a cultural revitalist if he or she believes that

The guiding ideals of a society determine what is right or wrong.

If ethical subjectivism is true, then ones deepest moral commitments are

Always right

According to ethical subjectivism, what is intrinsically valuable?


Someone is definitely a cultural revitalist if he or she believes that

The guiding ideals of a society determine what is right or wrong.

Moral skepticism is

The view that there are no objective moral standards

If ethical subjectivism is true, then ones deepest moral commitments are

Always right

According to ethical subjectivism, what is intrinsically valuable?


Someone is definitely a cultural revitalist if he or she believes that

The guiding ideals of a society determine what is right or wrong.

Moral skepticism is

The view that there are no objective moral standards

Moral nihilists believe that

There are no moral truths

Objective moral standards are

Those that apply to everyone regardless of what they believe

Objective moral standards are

Those that apply to everyone regardless of what they believe

What is the best description of the following argument?

Valid but not sound

If we discover that an argument is invalid what does this tell us about its conclusion

None of the above

According to the text how should moral philosophy begin

From a set of plausible ethical claims that is Subject to revision

What is an argument in philosophy

A set of claims, including a conclusion and reasons given in support of the conclusion