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30 Cards in this Set

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Even if what we say isunpopular, Mill argues that we should have this right

right to free speech

Utilitarianism was originallyfounded by this philosopher.

jeremy bentham

This is the only thingvaluable in-itself, according to Mill.


According to Mill, thedifference between the higher and lower pleasures is this type of difference.

Whatis a difference in kind (or qualitative difference)?

Mill’s version ofUtilitarianism rids Utilitarianism of this egotistical emphasis.

Whatis self-interest?

Critics argue thatUtilitarianism is nothing more than psychological what.


According to Mill, because wedo not have a duty to ourselves, this action is not necessarily immoral


Mill argues that these peoplewho seem to like pain suffer from a psychological problem


Mill’s version ofUtilitarianism is problematic since it is prone to this logical fallacy

fallacy ofcomposition?

Mill mentions this criterionwhen discussing an exception to liberty that overrides free speech

the clear and presentdanger criterion?

Morality is governed by thistype of reason, according to Kant.


Kant argues that you shouldalways act in accordance with this.

yourmoral duty?

Kant argues that if we alwaysfollow our duty, we will know that we have this.

agood will?

The Greek word for obligation is this


If something is apodeictic,then it is good in this way.


The kingdom of ends is the result of thisformulation of the categorical imperative
the 3rdformulation (the autonomy formulation)?

According to Kant’s 3rdformulation of the categorical imperative, all rational human beings have this


Kant argues that morality isthis, which implies that when you are in Rome, you should not simply do as theRomans do.


If we universalize promise-breaking, then whathappens to the concept

Itbecomes meaningless (it dissolves)?

This is another word for freedom for Kant
The focus of Virtue Ethics isn’t on the act, itis on this
the character of theactor?

A person who knows how to playan instrument well displays this form of wisdom

practical wisdom?

Aristotle presents thisdoctrine to explain how a virtuous person is able to distinguish virtue fromvice

the doctrine of the mean?

The virtuous person isconsidered this because he/she sets the standard of right action

a moral exemplar?

When learning to be virtuous,we are engaged in on-the-job training, so we could be considered this

apprentices at virtue

This Greek word represents thetype of life the virtuous person leads, a life spent in contemplation


This Greek word represents theproper function that all things have


This Greek word can be looselytranslated as “happiness”


Virtue ethics can beunderstood as this because it is directed at a telos


This Greek word forms part of the title ofAristotle’s book on ethics, even though it refers to combat