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181 Cards in this Set

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In order to remain safe, you need to be able to "_____" a fire

A. See

B. Read

C. Analyze

D. Stop


A ______ change occurs when a substance remains chemically the same but changes in size, shape or appearance

A. Physical

B. Chemical


A ______ change occurs when a substance changes from one type of matter into another

A. Chemical

B. Physical


A chemical reaction involving the combination of an oxidizer, such as oxygen in the air with other materials

A. Combuster

B. Compound

C. Oxidation

D. Flame


The formation of rust on metal is an example of

what chemical reaction?


In the case of heat, _____ means increasing the temperature of a substance

A. Energy

B. Work

C. Oxidizing

D. Sparking


What are the two forms of energy?

Kinetic or Potential

________ energy represent the amount of _________ energy an object can release at some point in the future

A. Potential, Kinetic

B. Kinetic, Potential

Potential, Kinetic

Fuels have a certain amount of chemical ______ energy before they are ignited

A. Potential

B. Kinetic


In terms of fire behavior, the potential _________ energy of fuel is converted to ________ energy and released as heat

A. mechanical, thermal

B. electrical chemical

C. chemical, thermal

D. thermal, electrical

Chemical, Thermal

The measure of energy in the International System of Units


How many joules is the quantity of heat required to change the temperature of ONE GRAM of water by ONE degree CELSIUS

4.2 Joules

In the customary system, what is the unit of measure for heat?


How many BTU's are required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree?


How many joules are required to equal 1 BTU?

1055 J

Reactions that emit energy as they occur

A. Exothermic

B. Endothermic

A. Exothermic Reaction

Reactions that absorb energy as they occur

A. Exothermic

B. Endothermic

B. Endothermic Reaction

Transfer of sufficient heat in solid fuels causes _________

A. Pyrolysis

B. Vaporization


Transfer of sufficient heat causes _________ of liquid fuels

A. Pyrolysis

B. Vaporization


What are the 2 forms of ignition?

Piloted and Autoignition

Most common form of ignition that occurs when a mixture of fuel and oxygen encounter an external heat source with sufficient heat to start combustion

A. Piloted Ignition

B. Autoignition

Piloted Ignition

________ occurs without any external flame or spark to ignite the fuel gases or vapors

A. Piloted ignition

B. Autoignition


Pyrolysis is the conversion of a ______ fuel item into a _______ fuel that is capable of supporting combustion

A. Solid, Gas

B. Liquid, Vapor

C. Gas, Solid

D. Vapor, Liquid

Solid, Gas

___________ is the conversion of a liquid to a vapor using the heat from combustion


The minimum temperature to which a fuel in the air must be heated in order to start self sustained combustion

A. Piloted Ignition temperature

B. Autoignition temperature

Autoignition Temperature

The ____________ of a substance is always higher than its ___________________

A. Autoignition Temp, Piloted Ignition Temp

B. Piloted Ignition Temp, Autoignition Temp

Autoignition Temp, Piloted Ignition Temp

What are the two modes of combustion?

Flaming and NonFlaming

Which kind of combustion occurs more slowly at a lower temperature


What are the 3 elements necessary for fire to occur

Oxygen, Fuel and Heat

Aside from oxygen, fuel and heat, what is necessary for fire to occur

Chemical Chain Reaction

Materials that absorb heat but do not participate actively in the combustion reaction

Passive Agent

Most common passive agent in building construction

A. Steel

B. Plastic

C. Wood

D. Gypsum


This type of combustion occurs when burning is localized on or near the fuel's surface where it is contact with oxygen

A. Flaming Combustion

B. Nonflaming combustion

Nonflaming combustion

This type of combustion occurs when a gaseous fuel mixes with oxygen in the correct ratio and is heated to ignition temperature

A. Flaming

B. Nonflaming


Each element of the fire ________ must be in place for flaming combustion to occur

A. Tetrahedron

B. Triangle

Fire Tetrahedron

The products of combustion that have the most effect on firefighters

Heat and Smoke

What causes most fire deaths from exposure to this product of fire?


Exposure of as little as 0.2 percent of this toxic gas can result in unconsciousness within 30 minutes

Carbon Monoxide

The most common product of combustion encountered in structure fires?

A. Carbon Dioxide

B. Hydrogen Cyanide

C. Carbon Monoxide

D. Nitrogen Dioxide

Carbon Monoxide

This toxic and flammable substance is a significant byproduct of the combustion of polyurethane foam

A. Carbon Monoxide

B. Formaldehyde

C. Hydrogen Cyanide

D. Carbon Dioxide

Hydrogen Cyanide

This substance is a product of complete combustion and acts as a simple asphyxiant by displacing oxygen

A. Carbon Monoxide

B. Carbon Dioxide

C. Hydrogen Cyanide

D. Formaldehyde

Carbon Dioxide

______ is the kinetic energy transferred from a high temperature substance to a low temperature substance


_______ is the measurement of heat


What are the two scales used to measure temperature?

Fahrenheit and Celsius

The most common source of heat in combustion reactions

A. Chemical

B. Mechanical

C. Electrical

D. Nuclear


In order for self-heating to progress to _________ ignition, the material must be heated to its _______ ignition temperature

A. Piloted, Auto

B. Spontaneous, Auto

C. Auto, Spontaneous

D. Spontaneous, Piloted

Spontaneous, Auto

Mechanical energy is generated by _________ or ____________

Friction or Compression

The movement of two surfaces against each other creates heat of _________

A. Friction

B. Compression


Heat of ___________ is generated when a gas is compressed

A. Friction

B. Compression


True or False?

Objects at the same temperature can still transfer heat


Heat is transferred from a _________ object to a _________ object

A. Warmer, Cooler

B. Cooler, Warmer

Warmer, Cooler

For any given substance, the ______ the temperature differences between the bodies, the ________ the the transfer rate

A. Lesser, Greater

B. Greater, Lesser

C. Greater, Greater

D. Lesser, Lesser

Greater, Greater

Heat can be transferred from one body to another by three mechanisms. What are they?

Conduction, Convection, Radiation

What is considered to be the weakest part of the PPE system for a firefighter, which can melt from exposure to radiant energy?

A. Coat

B. Gloves


D. Boots


The transfer of heat through and between solids

A. Convection

B. Conduction

C. Radiation


The ____ closely packed the molecules of a substance are, the more readily it will conduct heat

A. More

B. Less


True or False?

The best commercial insulators used in building construction are those made of fine particles or fibers with void spaces between them filled with gas such as air


The transfer of thermal energy by the circulation or movement of a fluid (Liquid or gas)

A. Convection

B. Radiation

C. Conduction


Products of combustion will move from areas of ______ pressure to areas of ______ pressure

A. Low, High

B. High, Low

High, Low

The transmission of energy as an electromagnetic wave without an intervening medium

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation


______ heat becomes the dominant mode of heat transfer when the fire grows in size and can have a significant effect on the ignition of objects located some distance from the fire

A. Conductive

B. Convection

C. Radiant


The effects of radiant heat _________ as distance between the fire and the exposure ___________

A. Decrease, Increase

B. Increase, Decrease

Decrease, Increase

As the temperature of the heat source increases, the radiant energy increase by a factor to the ______ power

A. Third

B. Fourth

C. Fifth

D. Sixth


Because energy is an electromagnetic wave, it travels in a _______ line at the speed of light

A. Wavy

B. Straight

C. Crooked


_______ is a common cause of exposure fires

A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation


The material that is oxidized or burned during combustion

A. Fuel
B. Oxygen

C. Heat


The fuel in a combustion reaction is known as the ________ agent

A. increasing

B. reducing


Inorganic fuels do not contain _______


The __________ of a fuel is the total amount of thermal energy released when a specific amount of that fuel is oxidized (burned)

A. heat release rate

B. heat of combustion

Heat of Combustion

The total amount of heat released per unit of time or in other words how much heat is given off as something burns

A. heat release rate

B. heat of combustion

Heat Release rate

The rate at which energy is being transferred over time

A. Strength

B. Power

C. Force


The standard unit for power is the _______

A. joule

B. Btu

C. Watt


_______ watt is one joule per second

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4


Typically the more available oxygen the ______ the Heat Release Rate

A. higher

B. lower


HRR _________ as compartments become ventilation controlled

A. increases

B. decreases


What are the three physical states of matter a fuel may be found in?

Gas, Solid or Liquid

For flaming combustion to occur, fuels must be in the ________ state

A. gaseous

B. liquid

C. solid


Gaseous fuels such as methane, hydrogen and acetylene, can be the most dangerous of all fuel types because___________?

They are already in the physical state required for ignition

The density of gases in relation to air

A. specific gravity

B. vapor density

Vapor Density

Gases with a vapor density of less than 1 will _________ while gases with a vapor density greater than 1 will _______

A. rise, sink

B. sink, rise

Rise, Sink

Heated gasses expand and become ________ dense; when cooled they contract and become ______ dense

A. more, less

B. less, more

Less, More

The density of liquids compared to the density of water is ___________

A. vapor density

B. specific gravity

Specific Gravity

Liquids with a specific gravity of less than 1 will ______ on the surface and liquids with a specific gravity greater than 1 will ________

A. float, sink

B. sink, float

Float, Sink

In order for a liquid to burn, it must be __________


What is atmospheric pressure at sea level?

14.7 psi

In order for vaporization to occur, the escaping vapors must be at a ________ pressure than atmospheric pressure

A. higher

B. lower


_________ indicates how easily a substance will evaporate

A. specific gravity

B. vapor pressure

C. vapor density

Vapor Pressure

As a liquid is heated, vapor pressure ________ along with the rate of evaporation

A. increases

B. decreases


The minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapors to ignite, but not sustain combustion

A. flash point

B. fire point

Flash Point

The temperature at which sufficient vapors are being generated to sustain a combustion reaction

A. flash point

B. fire point

Fire Point

Liquid fuels that vaporize sufficiently to burn at temperatures under ______ degrees present a significant flammability hazard

A. 90

B. 100

C. 150

D. 212


The extent to which a substance will mix with water

A. Solubility

B. Miscible

C. Polar Solvent


Materials that are capable of being mixed in all proportions

A. Polar Solvents

B. Miscible

C. Solubility


Liquids such as ________ fuels are lighter than water and will not mix with water

A. Carbon

B. Hydrocarbon

C. Polar Solvent


________ will mix readily with water

A. Polar Solvents

B. Solubles

C. Concentrated

Polar Solvents

Which is not a hydrocarbon fuel

A. gasoline

B. diesel

C. ethanol

D. fuel oil


Liquids that are _____ dense than water are more difficult to extinguish using water

A. more

b. less


True or False?

Adding water to liquid fuel will extinguish the burning liquid rather than disperse it?


Adding water will disperse it rather than extinguish it

What is the flash point of gasoline?

-45 degrees

Combustible liquids have a flash point at or above _________ degrees and below _________ degrees

A. 90, 200

B. 100, 200

C. 200, 300

D. 150, 250


When solids are heated, fuel gases and vapors are released by ________

A. pyrolysis

B. vaporization


Pyrolysis of wood begins at temperatures below ______ degrees

A. 300

B. 400

C. 500

D. 100


What is the primary consideration for how easily a solid fuel ignites?

Surface to Mass ratio

As the surface area ________, the the fuel is easier to ignite

A. increases

B. decreases


At what stage in the pyrolysis of wood is the wood freely burning and the material is being converted into flammable gases?

A. Stage 1

B. Stage 2

C. Stage 3

D. Stage 4

Stage 4

_________ are not combustible, but they will support or enhance combustion


What degrees is normal ambient temperatures considered?


Materials can ignite and burn in a little concentration as _____ percent of oxygen


Below 19.5% oxygen in the atmosphere is considered oxygen _________


Below 14% oxygen in the atmosphere is considered oxygen _________


Oxygen concentrations exceeding 23.5 is considered oxygen _________


When placed in an oxygen rich atmosphere of approximately ______ percent oxygen, Nomex ignite and burns vigorously


The minimum concentration of fuel vapor and air that supports combustion

Lower flammable limit

The concentration above which combustion cannot take place

Upper flammable Limit

Concentrations below LFL are considered to ______ to burn and concentrations above UFL are considered to ______ burn

Lean, Rich

Molecular fragments that are highly reactive

A. Free Radicals

B. Polar Solvents

C. Matter

D. Oxidizers

Free radicals

What substance has the greatest difference in flammable range?

A. Methane

B. Methanol

C. Carbon Monoxide

D. Ethanol

Carbon Monoxide

The extinguishment of a fire by chemical chain reaction

A. oxygen depriving

B. chemical flame inhibition

C. fuel removal

D. foam blanket

Chemical flame inhibition

What are the 4 stages of fire?



Fully Developed


Liquid that has spilled onto a flat area will release ______ vapors than liquid contained in a way that reduces surface area

A. More

B. Less


The increase of vapor due to a spill will allow more fuel to ignite, resulting in greater heat over a _______ period of time

A. longer

B. shorter


The ________ of a structure are often the most readily available fuel source, significantly influencing fire development in a compartment fire

A. Walls

B. Ceilings

C. Contents

D. Roofs


When contents release a large amount of heat rapidly, both the intensity of the fire and speed of development will be __________

A. increased

B. decreased


A compartmentalized floor plan _______ the amount of space and fuel a fire may access

A. enhances

B. limits


All factors being equal, a fire in a large compartment will develop __________ than one in a small compartment

A. faster

B. slower


If smoke is visible outside, ______ is occuring


When a fire runs out of available fuel, it is said to be _______ controlled


When the available air supply begins to limit fire development in a compartment fire, it is said to be ________ controlled


True or False?

Fires have a tendency to grow in the direction of ventilation openings


When a fire becomes ventilation controlled, the fire's heat release rate will _______

A. increase

B. decrease


This thermal property contains heat within the compartment

A. insulation

B. heat reflectivity

C. retention


This thermal property increases fire spread through the transfer of radiant heat from wall surfaces to adjacent fuel sources

A. insulation

B. retention

C. heat reflectivity

Heat Reflectivity

This thermal property maintains temperature by absorbing and releasing large amounts of heat slowly

A. retention

B. insulation

C. heat reflectivity


Term for the conditions such as high humidity and cold temperatures that can slow the natural movement smoke

Ambient Conditions

If a window fails or a door is opened on the windward side of a structure, fire intensity and spread can increase significantly, creating a "________" effect


_____ temperatures can cause smoke to appear white and give a false impression of interior conditions based upon smoke color

A. Hot

B. Cold


Ambient temperatures and humidity are _____ significant inside a compartment

A. more

B. less


The total quantity of combustible contents inside a building, space or fire area

Fuel Load

This stage starts with ignition when the three elements of the fire triangle come together and combustion begins

Incipient Stage

The column of hot gases, flames and smoke rising above a fire and mixes with cooler air in the room


As the plume reaches the ceiling, hot gases spread horizontally in a term called __________ or also known as Ceiling Jet


Fires in fuel packages in corners of room can only entrain air from how many sides?


The tendency of gases to form into layers according to temperature

Thermal Layering

Generally, the hottest gasses tend to be in the _________ layer, while the cooler gases tend to form the _______ layers

A. upper, lower

B. lower, upper

Upper, lower

The term for the interface of the hot and cooler gas layers at the opening

A. Positive Plane

B. Middle Plane

C. Neutral Plane

D. Negative Plane

Neutral Plane

The neutral plane only exists at openings where hot gases are ________ and cooler air is __________ the compartment

A. entering, exiting

B. exiting, entering

Exiting, entering

Whenever possible, maintain or _________ the level of the hot gas layer above the floor

A. raise

B. lower


As a fire grows in intensity,the neutral plane __________ because of the influx of hot gases

A. ascends

B. descends


The rapid transition from __________ stage to ___________ stage is known as flashover

A. incipient, growth

B. growth, fully developed

C. fully developed, decay

Growth, full developed

True or False?

It is safe to assume a flashover may occur at any time


Most fires that develop beyond the incipient stage become ________ controlled


All combustible materials burn during ______ stage

Fully Developed

In this stage, the burning fuels in the compartment are releasing the max amount of heat possible for the available fuel and oxygen

Fully Developed

In what stage is the fire ventilation controlled because the heat release rate is dependent on the compartment openings

Fully Developed

If there are limited or no compartment openings, it is unlikely a fire will reach __________ stage due to limited ventilation

Fully Developed

As the fire consumes available fuel in the compartment and heat release rate begins to decline, it enters what stage?


In the decay stage, temperature can decrease but __________ can continue

A. vaporization

B. pyrolysis


When this occurs, the combustible materials in the compartment and the gases produced by pyrolysis ignite simultaneously


Flashover typically occurs in the _________ stage of the fire but may also occur in the _________ stage

A. incipient, growth

B. growth, fully developed

C. fully developed, decay

Growth, fully developed

When ________ occurs, burning gases push out of openings in the compartment at a substantial velocity


True of False?

Flashover can only occur in an enclosed spaces


What are the two factors that determine whether a fire within a compartment will progress to flashover? Sufficient ______ and _________

Fuel and Oxygen

At what temperature does flashover typically occur?

1,100 degrees Fahrenheit ceiling temp

At floor level, heat flux of approximately ___ kW/m2 is typical of flashover conditions

A. 20

B. 30

C. 35

D. 25


A condition where the unburned fire gases have accumulated at the top of a compartment ignite and flames propagate through the hot gas layer or across the ceiling

Roll Over

Rollover may occur during _______ stage as the hot gas layer forms at the ceiling


_________ will generally precede _____________

A. flashover, rollover

B. rollover, flashover

Rollover, flashover

True or False?

Rollover will always result in a flashover


The explosive burning of heated gases that occurs when oxygen in introduced into a compartment that has a high concentration of flammable gases and depleted supply of oxygen


__________ occurs in the decay stage

A. Rollover

B. Flashover

C. Backdraft


Anytime a compartment contains hot combustion products, potential for ________ must be considered before creating any openings into the compartment


If the hot, flammable products of combustion mix and air mix __________, a backdraft is unlikely to occur

A. rapidly

B. slowly


The ______ confined, the fuel/air mixture is, the ________ violent the backdraft will be

A. more, less

B. less, more

C. more, more

D. less, less

More, More

Cooling can extinguish solid fuels and liquid fuels with ______ flash points

A. high

B. low


When water is converted to steam, it expands approximately _________ times


True or False?

The simplest method of fuel removal is to allow a fire to burn until all fuel is consumed


________ can be separated from some fuels by blanketing them with foam


This method of extinguishment is effective on gas and liquid fuels because they must flame to burn

A. Temp reduction

B. Fuel removal

C. Oxygen exclusion

D. chemical flame inhibition

Chemical Flame Inhibition

________ ventilation is often the result of occupant action or fire effects on the building


The planned, systematic and coordinated introduction of air and removal of hot gases and smoke from a building

Tactical ventilation

True or False?

Coordinated tactical ventilation will NOT increase the combustion rate in a ventilation controlled fires


Even coordinated tactical ventilation increases combustion rate in ventilation controlled fires