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48 Cards in this Set

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According to Piaget, what is equilibration?
a state achieved through assimilation and accomodation. Together these processes are referred to as "equilibration."

Equilibration is motivated by a drive for balance or order
Whorf’s linguistic relativity hypothesis
language determines the nature of thought (According to Whorf’s hypothesis (also known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis), the structure and lexicon of language influences how the individual perceives, interprets, and reacts to the world)
signs of HIV infection in childhood
immunological abnormalities and delayed physical and cognitive development.
symptoms associated with prenatal malnutrition
hyperactivity,‭ ‬irritability,‭ ‬and irregular sleep and feeding habits
most common symptoms of congenital CMV
mental retardation and hearing and visual impairments.
Which aspects of memory show the greatest age related decline? And which show relatively no decline?
Recent long-term (secondary) memory is most affected by increasing age, followed by working memory. Sensory Memory and remote long term memory show hardly any decline.
Name three birth defects due to chromosomal abnormality (variation in number of chromosomes)
down syndrome, klinefelter syndrome (only affects males and is caused by an extra X chromosome), and turner syndrome
What is the Information processing theory of cognitive development?
Cognitive development is a function of maturation and experience (process of storing information)
What are the 4 stages of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
1. sensorimotor
deferred imitation
object permanence

2. Preoperational (incomplete understanding of cause & effect)

3. Concrete operational Conservation
transitivity (the ability to mentally sort objects)
Hierarchical classification (the ability to sort object into classes and subclasses based on similarities and differences among groups)

4. Formal Operation (abstract/hypothetical thinking)
Erikson's 8 stages of social development
Trust vs Mistrust
Autonomy vs shame
initiative vs guilt
industry vs inferiority
indentity vs role confusion
intimacy vs isolation
generativity vs stagnation
ego integrity vs despair
What are the 4 different levels of identity crisis (Marcia)?
Identity diffusion (no crisis, haven't explored alternatives or committed)
Identity foreclosure (adapted identity imposed by others)
Identity moratorium (crisis and explore alternatives)
Identity achievement (resolved crisis and committed)
What are some ways to reduce aggression?
modeling,m reinforcing alternative prosicial behaviors, and teaching empathy
In what order do the following developmental milestones occur?
- pull him/herself to standing by holding onto the furniture
- show seperation anxiety
- pretend that a wood cylinder is a cup
- say her first word
- develop stranger anxiety
1. Seperation anxiety (6-8mo)
2. stranger anxiety (8-10mo)
3. pull selfs to standing (9-10mo)
4. symbolic play (11-12mo)
5. say first words (12mo)
Depth perception in infants develops in what sequece?
According to Piaget, centration is:
limitation of preoperational thought that leads a child to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others, often leading to illogical conclusions
What is the ability to understand that changing an object's appearance doesn't change the object's physical qualities? And when does this start to develop?
Conservation - starts to develop during the concrete operations stage (7-12 years old)
Cognitive-behavioral approach to aggression in older children - in younger children
older - focus on helping them accurately interpret external cues
Younger - identify negative consequences of using aggression and alternatives
What are the top three reasons for infant deaths?
#1 congenital deformities
2. low birthweight
3. sudden death syndrome
Signs of the personality characteristic of social inhibition are usually present at:
2-4 months of age!
According to Rutter (1985), what are predictors of child psychopathology?
low SES, severe marital discord, large family size, parental criminality, placement of the children outside the home
The following parenting styles express ____ control/demandingness and ___ warmth/responsiveness :

1. Authoritative
2. Permissive
3. Authoritarian
4. Rejecting/Neglecting
1. high control & high warmth
2. low control & high warmth
3. high control & low warmth
4. low control & low warmth
According to Erikson, adolescents who are unsuccessful in resolving the identity vs indentity confusion stage experience?
the extreme of "fanaticism" (person becomes overzealous in identification to a paticulr role to the point they are intolerant of otehrs
or "repudiation." (compensates for lack of identity by fusing with a group that eagerly provides details of identity (i.e. cults)
What does the research findings on stepparenting (male vs female children)?

Stepmothers vs stepfathers in regards to contact
Most research has found that girls have more difficulty adjusting to their mother's remarriage than do boys.

Stepmothers typically have more frequent contact with their stepchildren than do stepfathers, although these interactions are often abrasive. Stepparents have been found to rely heavily on authoritarian (rather than authoritative) parenting
Studies investigating the effects of maternal employment and child academic achievement suggest that:
maternal employment has beneficial effects on the cognitive development and academic achievement of children. There are some exceptions, however, and one of these is the degree to which the mother feels conflicted about work and family. Mothers who would rather be employed but who stay at home experience the most conflict, and this somehow affects the academic performance of their children
An infant's rapid brain development during the first year of life is due primarily to:
increased size of existing neurons, increased dendritic branching, and the formation of glial cells (increasing myelination of axons)
A 7 year old is irritable, aggressive, dependent, and low in achievement orientation and self-esteem. Based on this information, you would guess his parents are:
Authoritarian (high degree of demandingness and low responsivity)
Divorce has the strongest negative impact on children’s
According to Kohlberg, the relationship between judgment and action at higher stages:
the range of possible moral actions narrows; and the individual assumes greater responsibility for relating his/her judgments to actions
During the second stage of Kohlberg's pre-conventional level of moral development (instrumental hedonism stage) children obey rules because:
they want to satisfy their own needs (example: "be good to your father and he will be good to you")
circular reactions in Piaget's sensorimotor stage:
Reflexes - "building blocks"
Primary circular (1-4 mo) - simple motor habits
Secondary circular (4-8mo) - actions involving other people or objects
Tertiary circular reactions (12-18mo) - varying an original action on an object to see what happens
Habituation-dishabituation research has demonstrated that, at about ___ months of age, infants begin to exhibit recognition memory for a visual stimulus for up to 24 hours following presentation
Perry and Busey (1984) focus on family factors that contribute to aggression in children. In particular, they emphasize the role of
a. family discord and chaos
b. parental socioeconomical status
c. parental rejection and use of power assertive discipline
d. early parent-child attachment
D. G. Perry and K. Bussey (Social Development, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1984) focus on family interaction factors in the development of aggressive behavior. They propose that aggression is related to parental rejection and lack of warmth and use of harsh forms of discipline
Kohlberg's theory of moral development focuses on moral reasoning. With regard to the linkage between moral reasoning and moral action, Kohlberg would most likely agree with which of the following?
a. There is a direct, one-to-one link between moral reasoning and behavior
b. The link between moral reasoning and behavior is mediated by the individual's previous experience with the situation
c. The link between moral reasoning and behavior is mediated by the individual's IQ.
d. There isn't a one-to-one correspondence between moral reasoning and behavior, although, the higher the stage of moral reasoning, the stronger the link is likely to be
d - Kohlberg believed there is a link between moral reasoning and moral action but felt that the correspondence was greatest at the higher stages of moral reasoning
Research on infants who were raised by muiltiple caregivers until AT LEAST 2 years found that in regards to attachment:
maternal deprivation in the first few years of life does not necessarily prevent children from developing strong attachments to their adopted parents, even when the adoption occurs as late as 4-6 years of age.
According to Vygotsky, what has the greatest impact on the development of language?
social relationships and culture
What are some indicators of perceptual abilities in a 3-4 month old infant?
sucking (1-4mo), reaching (by 12 wks), and heart rate (any age)
First words typically occur anywhere from __ to __ months of age. At ___ months children begin to put several words together to represent a complete thought
10-16 months

18 months
immediate recall for specific events usually occurs by __ months of age while Delayed recall of specific events is usually first evident when children are ___ months of age
11 months

13 months
Code switching (also known as language switching) occurs when a bilingual speaker changes languages during the course of a conversation. It seems to serve several purposes, one is:
including allowing the speaker to better express his/her feelings toward the listener
Research in the 1960s and 1970s found that, in school settings, teachers tend to pay more attention to boys than to girls. More recent research has suggested that this finding was due to:
According to analyses of results of SOME of the recent research, the finding is due to the fact that boys display a higher proportion of learning and behavior difficulties, rather than any gender bias on the part of teachers.
In her longitudinal study of high-risk infants,‭ ‬Werner‭ (‬1993‭) ‬found that positive outcomes for these infants were most associated with:
Werner concludes that resilience is most associated with (1) fewer stressors following birth, (2) stable support from a parent or other caregiver, and (3) an easy temperament.
At which age are infant cries distinguishable? What 3 cries come first?
In a newborn!

cries for hunger, anger, and pain
Studies on the effectiveness of training for improving the cognitive skills of older people who have already experienced normal age-related declines have found that training
can remediate verbal and nonverbal skills (e.g., inductive reasoning, spatial orientation) in elderly adults but, for about 40% of participants, raise these skills to pre-decline levels.
When a pregnant woman drinks moderate amounts of alcohol during pregnancy, the child may exhibit "fetal alcohol effects."

What are fetal alcohol effects vs fetal alcohol syndrome?
1. Researchers seem to agree that fetal alcohol effects are less severe than the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome, but are also largely irreversible.
(fetal alcohol syndrome = learning disabilities,‭ ‬facial deformities,‭ ‬and hyperactivity)
A study examining pain perception in newborns that were not given anesthesia during circumcision found:
They showed an adverse reaction followed by an increased sensitivity to pain in subsequent months.
Mirror self-recognition in children occurs between 1-1/2 and 2 years and requires:
a certain level of cognitive development including “a visual feature representation”
In family therapy, restraining means:
telling the client not to change, a paradoxical technique
Children become aware gender and physical differences by age