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18 Cards in this Set

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What are exocrine glands?
- Retained a connection to the surface (direct or via a duct)
- Secrete onto a surface.
What are endocrine ducts?
- Lost their surface connection and instead secrete into the surrounding connective tissue or blood vessels
- Secrete hormones
How can exocrine glands be classified?
- Serous (watery protein secretion)
- Mucous (viscous secretion of glycoprotein and water)
- Seromucous (a mix of serous and mucous)
- Sebaceous (lipid secretion)
- Other
How can exocrine gland structure be classified?
- Unicellular
- Multicellular
What are unicellular glands?
Mucous-secreting goblet cells
Found in pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium in respiratory tract
How can multicellular glands be classified?
By structure of duct: As simple (with a single duct, sometimes two ducts or ductless) or as compound (with a branching duct system.
By structure of secretory portions: acinar (alveolar or flask/grape-shaped) or tubular or tubuloalveolar
What is parenchyma?
The epithelial components of glands. Stroma is the supporting connective tissue around the gland.
Describe the duct draining system in large glands.
Remember: many cells clustered forms a lobule, several lobules form lobes.

Secretory cells arranged in acini, surrounded by myoepithelial cells. Ducts from acini are called interlobular ducts --> form with others to form interlobar ducts --> join to form intralocar ducts --> drain into lobar ducts --> main duct of gland.

Start simple squamous & end stratified cuboidal to columnar epithelium.
What are the methods of secretion in exocrine glands?
- Merocrine
- Holocrine
- Apocrine
What is merocrine secretion?
- Exocytosis
- No alteration or damage to cells
- Sweat glands, salivary glands & exocrine pancreas
What is holocrine secretion?
- Cells rupture or diet with secretory product within the cytoplasm & released as part of secretion.
- Sebaceous gland of the skin
What is apocrine secretion?
- Cytoplasm pinching off and becoming secretory product
- Mammory glands
- NOT apocrine sweat glands
What is the appearance of a mucous secreting cell?
- Flat, peripherally located nucleus
- Pale staining granules in cytoplasm
What is the appearance of a serous secreting cell?
- Round, centrally placed nucleus
- Intensely pink cytoplasm
What are the three major salivary glands?
- Parotid (serous)
- Submandibular (mainly serous)
- Sublingual (mainly mucous)
What are sebaceous glands?
- Simple branched acinar
- Ducts frequently empty onto shaft of hair
- Holocrine secretion
What type of gland is the panaceas?
Mixed - has exocrine and endocrine secreting cells in different compartments within the gland.
What is an acinus?
A group of exocrine cells secreting into a common duct.