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22 Cards in this Set

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Hand and wrist intro

Vulnerable b/c - little muscle or fat padding to protect underlying bony structures.

Easy to assess, most have local pt tenderness, swelling, reduced function.

19 intrinsic, 20 extrinsic muscles

Espressive, protective, motor & sensory roles.

Joints in functional groups

Anatomy of the hand/wrist

Proximal row: Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform

Distal row: trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate.

Phalanges, metacarpals, carpals.

Anatomy articulations of the hand/wrist

Radiocarpal joint, distal radioulnar joint

Neurovascular anatomy of hand/wrist

Most flex are supplied by median nerve

Most ext supplied by radial nerve

Blood supplied by radial and ulnar arteries. Two arterial arches superficial and deep.

Injury prevention

Protective equipment - pads/gloves

Physical conditioning - strenght and flexibility, exercises for wrist and elbow.

Proper skill technique - falling.

Common injuries

Acute - contusion, sprain, strain, fracture, dislocation.

Chronic - wrist ganglion.

Wrist sprain

E: Most common wrist injury - falling on hyperextended wrist, violent flex/torsion, FOOSH. Multiple incidents may disrupt blood supply.

S&S: Pain, swelling, difficulty w/mvmt

M: Refer for xray, RICE, splint, analgesics, tape.

Note - if difficulty moving thumb, scaphoid fracture!

Phalangeal sprain

E: Direct blow to finger tip, or valgus/varus stress. Damage joint capsule, ligaments.

S&S: Pain, swelling, pt tenderness, instability, loss of ROM

M: RICE, splint, refer if suspect fracture.

Thumb sprrain

E: Thumb MCP forced into abduction and hyperextension

S&S: pain, swelling, instability, loss of function, cannot pinch or grip.

M: RICE, NSAIDS, splint/tape, refer if suspect fracture.

Strains - Mallet finger

E: Direct blow to finger tip (axial) w/ forced hyperflexion of DIP avulsing extensor tendon.

S&S: Pain & swelling soon after at DIP, pt tenderness, instability, loss of ROM, cannot extend.

M: RICE, splint, refer if suspect #.

Strains Boutonniere deformity

E: Rupture of extensor tendon at middle phalanx

S&S: Extensor slides below axis of PIP causing DIP to extend and PIP to flex.

Oain swelling pt tenderness instability deformity loss of ROM, cannot extend

M: RICE, splint, refer. Surgery.

Strains - jersey finger

E: Rupture of flexor digitorum profundus tendon from distal phalanx. MOI is rapid ext from active flexion.

S&S: loss of ROM, cannot flex.

M: RICE, splint, refer. Flexor being torn.

Strains - trigger finger

E: Tensynovitis of extensor tendonds of wrist fingers, thumb, abductor pollicis.

Formed nodule or thickened sheath cannot glide uninterrupted.

S&S: Locking, painful popping sensation that is palpable and audible.

M: RICE, nsaids, immobilization.

Strains - Dequervain's tenosynovitis

E: Stenosing tenosynovitis in thumb extensor and abductor.

S&S: Pt tenderness over tendons, aching pain over radial stylus, with increased thumb and wrist motion. Pain with thumb abduction.

M: RICE, nsaids, immobilization.

Bursal sac surrounding tendon is inflamed.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

E: Compression of median nerve in tunnel due to inflammation. Compounded by overuse, anatomic anomalies, direct trauma.

S&S: Sensory and motor deficits in first three digits, thumb weakness, awakening pain.

M: RICE, nsaids, may require further medical intervention. May come from somewhere else.

Fractures - distal ulna/radius

E: FOOSH, axial loading forcing radius and ulna into hyperextension.

Types: Colles (up) & smith's (down) both occur in distal radius.

S&S: fork deformity, conserns for neurovascular dammage. Fracture without deformity may be confused w/ severe sprain.

M: Immobilize and refer to physician.

In child injury may cause lower epiphyseal separation (disrupt growth plate and seal it)

Fractures - scaphhoid

E: FOOSH, MVA, concern is poor healing.

S&S: Pain, swelling, pt tenderness in snuff box, increased pain with wrist ext and radial deviation.

M: RICE, splint, refer.

Note - ensure blood flow!

Fractures - metacarpals

E: Direct axial or compressive force. Boxers - 4th or 5th, Bennets - 1st MC or CMC

S&S: Pain, swelling, inability to grip, Pt tenderness & crepitus.

M: RICE, splint, refer.

Dislocation - finger

E: damage to collateral ligs and plate

MCP - rarw twist or shear

PIP - Hyperextension and axial load

DIP - usually dorsal

S&S: Pain, swelling over joint, pt tenderness, obv deformity.

M: RICE, splint, refer. Buddy taping post splint.

Subungal Hematoma

E: Direct trauma to nail, compressive force

S&S Pain, swelling bleeding

M: Ice via compression or ice bath

Refer if suspect #

May release pressure by draining. But manage wound after.

Wrist ganglion

E: Synovial cyst (herniation of joint capsule) may appear following wrist strain or repetitive injury.

S&S: Generally appear on back of wrist, palpable, soft, rubbery or hard mass. May be painful.

M: May be self-limiting, aspiration or surgical removal.

Rehab for hand and wrist

Restore rom/flexibility.

restore proprioception and balance NMC

Muscular strength, endurance, power, cv fitness.

Protect in RTP.