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43 Cards in this Set

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About how much of the world's commercial energy comes from nonrenewable fossil fuels?
three quarters
What makes up the rest of the world's commercial energy?
nonrenewable nuclear fuel and renewable sources
What is Net energy?
the amount of high quality energy available from a resource minus the amount of energy needed to make it available.
What percent of the commercial energy is used?
What resources are used for energy?
carbon-containing fossil fuels, nuclear power, renewable resources
name some renewable resources
biomass, hydropower, geothermal, wind, and solar energy.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuels?
Oil, natural gas, and coal are abundant and inexpensive but using them causes air and water pollution, degrades land and releases green house gases
What is crude oil?
black, gooey liquid. Comes from the ground.
What are petrochemicals?
used as raw materials in industrial organic chemicals, cleaning fluids, pesticides, plastics, etc.
What are proven oil reserves?
identified deposits from which crude oil can be extracted profitably at current prices with current technology.
What is tar sand?
mixture of clay, sand, water and a combustible organic material called bitumen
What is bitumen?
a thick sticky tar like heavy oil with a high sulfur content.
What is natural gas?
a mixture of gases of which 50%-90% is methane. This versatile fuel can be burned to heat space and water to produce electricity and to propel vehicles.
What is liquefied petroleum gas?
stored in pressurized tanks. Mostly used in rural areas.
What is conventional natural gas?
lies above most reservoirs of crude oil. Found in deep sea and remote land areas. this adds climate-changing CO2 to the atmosphere
What is coal?
The rock that burns. Its burned in power plants to generate about 40% of the world's electricity.
What is synthetic natural gas?
gaseous fuel containing mostly methane produced from solid coal.
What is coal gasification?
It removes sulfur and most other impurities from coal.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy?
The nuclear power fuel cycle has a low environmental impact and low accident risk. However, its limited due to high costs, low net energy yield, radioactive wastes.
What is the nuclear fuel cycle?
it is the mining of uranium, processing and enriching the uranium to make fuel, using it in the reactor, and safely storing the resulting highly radioactive wastes.
What is energy efficiency?
The measure of how much work we can get from each unit of energy we use.
What are 4 widely used devices that waste large amounts of energy?
incandescent light bulbs, internal combustion engines, nuclear power plants, and coal-fired power plants.
How much energy is wasted off incandescent lightbulbs?
How can we save energy in industies?
replace energy wasting electric motors, recycle, get rid of incandescent lightbulbs
How can we save energy in transportation?
superefficient and ultralight cars, shifting from diesel powered to electrified rail systems, building accessible mass transit systems, encourage bicycle use.
How can we save money with buildings and homes?
insulate the building and plug leaks, use energy efficient windows, heat water more efficiently, use energy efficient appliances, use energy efficient lighting
In the US, how does our crude oil production compare with our crude oil consumption?
The US produces 9% of world's crude oil, but uses 25% of it.
What are proven oil reserves?
Identified deposits from which crude oil can be extracted profitably at current prices with current technologies.
What does our current knowledge about proven oil reserves tell us about the sustainability of our current oil use?
80% will be depleted therefore we must look for more oil, use & waste less oil or use other sources
What is "clean coal"? Is it really clean?
It is a campaign to burn other types of coal that are "cleaner" than others. However, it is not clean at all. There is no such thing as clean coal; it still emits fossil fuels.
About how much of all commercial energy used in the US is wasted unnecessarily?
43% is wasted
About how much of the energy used by an incandescent light bulb is used to produce light?
What explanation does the book give for why we still waste so much energy?
Fossil fuels, nuclear power, etc is cheaper and a few large and long lasting tax breaks, rebates, low interest and long term loans and other incentives
What does a passive solar heating system do?
absorbs and stores heat from the sun directly within a well-insulated structure without the need for pumps or fans to distribute the heat.
What does an active solar heating system do?
uses energy from the sun by pumping a heat-absorbing fluid through special collectors usually mounted on a roof or on special racks to face the sun.
What do solar thermal systems?
concentrate and transform energy from the sun into high temp. thermal energy, which can then be used to heat water and produce steam to generate electricity.
What do solar cells do?
Produce electricity
What is hydropower?
uses the kinetic energy of flowing and falling water to produce electricity.
What is biomass?
Consists of plant materials and animal wastes that can be burned directly as a solid fuel or converted into gaseous or liquid biofuels.
What can be used in place of petroleum-based diesel fuel and gasoline?
biodiesel and ethanol
What is geothermal energy?
heat stored in soil, underground rocks, and fluids in the earth's mantle.
How can governments encourage or discourage the use of particular energy policies?
keep prices of selected energy resources artificially low to encourage use of resources, keep prices of selected energy resources artificially high to discourage use, and emphasize consumer education.
How can we make a transition to a more sustainable energy future?
We can make a transition to a more sustainable energy future by greatly improving energy efficiency, using a mix of renewable energy resources, and including the environmental costs of energy resources in their market prices.