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104 Cards in this Set

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Alternative energies availability distribution for :
wind: coast of oceans and great lakes, some mountainous regions

solar: soutwest / desert

biomass: Midwest

hydro-power: along riverways

Geothermal: geologically active western states
energy use changes from 2005-2008
1% increase in renewable, nuclear and natural gas

3% decrease in petroleum

no change in coal.
coal use pre- WWI? (%)

current coal use?
75% of energy use

current- 25% (mainly for electricity)
What energy source began to replace coal after WWI?
shift to NATURAL GAS following automobile mass production
Present use (%) of natural gas?
25% of energy "pie"
Present use of crude oil %?
20% of "pie"
Organization of

*they have withheld oil and raised prices since the 70's resulting in a sharp rise in oil prices
*in response, Nixon enacted the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act to distribute supplies uniformly.
public confidence in oil supply?
overall, high. $3 oil sometimes causes a reaction & makes people question reliability.
*Slow and steady shift toward hybrid cars.
Renewable energies use (% of pie)?
1978 Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act
requires utilities companies to purchase excess power generated (by windmill, for example) at "avoided cost" rate. (what Utilities would have spent to generate it themselves)
What is hindering the US from adopting alternative energies?
minimal tax incentives, little government support, and higher production cost
*some states have taken the initiative where federal govt hasn't.
Popularity of wind energy?
there are wind farms in every state west of the Mississippi
What stop South Dakota from providing energy % in the double digits?
transmission capacity
What has prevented Nuclear Power use (since '76)?
public pressure
media coverage
economic cost
-permitting delays due to safety regulations.
Strongest growth in energy use is predicted in which countries?

How will this effect carbon emissions?
developing: India & China

carbon emissions up 72% above 1990 levels (?)
reasons for environmental policy paralysis?
resource boundaries conflict with political boundaries.
-maze of regulatory and legislative requirements for each type of fuel and use sector.
Sherman anti trust act:
year and purpose?
broke up the Standard Oil monopoly.
(first major govt intervention in energy policy)
significance of Tennessee Valley Authority?
part of New Deal
-employed Americans in hydro-power companies
*in addition, the govt took on consumer protection role ensuring energy to poor Americans
What added to American's sense energy security in the 80's?
Trans alaskan pipeline
When did National oil reach its maximum potential (peak oil)?
in the 70's
*at this point we were already importing 30% of our oil.
impacts of oil spills on commerce (70's)?
moratorium on offshore drilling
(Reduced domestic supplies even further)
Popularity of wind energy?
there are wind farms in every state west of the Mississippi
Energy Policy and Conservation Act:
year and purpose?
-taxed oil company profits
-created appliance and fuel efficiency standards!
What caused energy policy paralysis during Nixon President?
interest groups deeply involved in policy making
-each fuel source treated separately
Dept of Energy
year and president?
Carter (cabinet level dept)
trend with public knowledge on energy, and oil?
less concerned about conservation and environment when oil prices are high.
-haven't always believed that there is an oil shortage, just that there was a conspiracy & price fixing.
Reagan's National Energy plan:
year and objectives
-limit govt' intervention/regulations
-cut funds for alternative energy (research, subsidies).
-tax benefits for oil producers
-little support for conservation :(
highlights of G.H.W. Bush's presidency with energy policy?
- = parts oil production and conservation
- encouraged drilling in arctic national wildlife refuge, but congress rejected
Energy policy act:
year and purpose?
-promoted price competitive utilities
-tax breaks to oil and gas drillers, energy efficiency, renewable energy, nuclear power plants (which weren't built), energy research and a climate protection office.
President Clinton's approach toward promoting conservation and balancing budget?
-raised gases 4.3 cents
-extended offshore drilling moratorium
G.W bush energy initiatives?
Pushed for drilling in Arctic NWR. and the rocky mountain basins.
- attempted to roll back clean air act and long standing drilling permit regulations which were "strangling domestic energy production."
Domestic Hydrocarbon sources
-vast majority OIL SHALE
then coal,
then oil
shale gas resources,
natural gas
The Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act
Nixon enacted to distribute supplies uniformly after OPEC raised prices on oil.
Why do businesses and agriculture get deals on water?
encourage economic growth and keeps food prices low.
world pop increase and resulting water use increase in 20th century?
population 3x
water use 6x
peak water year?

*since then, limited conservation efforts,and some use reduction due to outsourcing
factor that influence water per capita?
population shifts
legal decisions
climatic conditions
federal policymakers for water sources? (2)
US Army Corps of Engineers

Dept of Interior: Bureau of Reclamation

*there is no designated agency for water, but BLM regulates water distribution in 17 dryest states.
federal policymakers for water quality? (only 1)
When did sierra club become active in water quality issues??
*lost tax exempt status for mobilizing members to oppose a hydroelectric plant in the grand canyon.
Bureau of reclamations (under dept of interior) shift in 1987?
from federally supported construction to resource management
water markets?
financial transactions that include transfers of water rights, sale and/or lease of water rights, sale and/or lease of land that contains a water source.
what are water markets dependent on?
reallocating water supplies rather than finding new water sources.
wetland banking
(wetland mitigation)
Wetland banking is a process of tracking wetland and upland buffer credits that are designated for replacement of future wetland losses. Wetland banking allows wetland acreage to be purchased from an account holder who has an account of functioning wetland credits.

*These wetland credits may result from a prior replacement project with excess credits earmarked for banking, or from a wetland creation/restoration project done solely for the purpose of establishing wetland credits in the State Wetland Bank.
What led to increased privatization of water markets?
A private company, betchel, bought water in Bolivia.
Clean water act regulates....
1- navigable waters
2- Isolated wetlands
3- Proximity to navigable waters
Who regualted wetlands?
EPA & army corps of engineers
Who are some wetland stakeholders?
property rights activists
environmental groups
Scientific finding on wetland ecosystem values led to what policy?
Manual used to define wetland?
"Federal MAnual for Identifying and delineating wetlands"
turn of century water legislation (circa 1900)
1886- dumping prohibited in NY harbor
1899- REFUSE ACT- prohibited dumping solid waste into commercial waterways
1912- Public Health Service gets involved
(pollutants include organisms, solids, nutrients,metals,toxics, wastewater)
1920 - what percent of surface water are polluted?
Water pollution Control Act: year and purpose?
gave federal govt' limited role in controlling water pollution

1972 FEDERAL water pollution control act had more teeth
Thaddeus Stevens
A Radical Republican who believed in harsh punishments for the South and a defending of the rights of Freedmen. Leader of the Radical Republicans in House where he led the campaing to impeach President Johnson.
What portion of US drinking water is ground water?
> half
Safe Drinking water act: year and purpose?
EPA regulated community water supplies for communities >10K people.
Monitoring and reporting required, and standards for Maximum contaminant levels (MCL's).
Name for drinking water standards?
Maximum contaminant levels
When did the government change from "routinely approving hydro-power projects" to requiring environmental assessments?
What is the main basis foir water policy?
What enforcement exists for clean drinking water?
nearly non- existent. :(
Water law in Eastern water-rich states?
Riparian Rights (common law)
Water law of dry western states? (Specified users & specified qulaified uses & quantities (beneficial uses
) )
Prior Appropriation Doctrine
Law that uses a combination of Riparian Rights and Prior Appropriation Doctrine?
Reasonable Use Doctrine

(a sprinkling of this used West of Mississippi River)
How much water do most Americans use per day?
100 gallons
(LA'ers use 145!)
What enforcement exists for clean drinking water?
nearly non- existent. :(
Water law in Eastern water-rich states?
Riparian Rights (common law)
Water law of dry western states? (Specified users & specified qulaified uses & quantities (beneficial uses
) )
Prior Appropriation Doctrine
Law that uses a combination of Riparian Rights and Prior Appropriation Doctrine?
Reasonable Use Doctrine

(a sprinkling of this used West of Mississippi River)
How much water do most Americans use per day?
100 gallons
(LA'ers use 145!)
expoected irrigation increase over next 20 years? (%)
$ major defects with the Great Lakes Basin bill according to attorney Jim Olson?
1- No Declaration of Public trust
2- Products do not equal Diversions, diversions ban doesn't apply and therfor doen't protect (commercializing largest fresh water body)
3- "significant" adverse impacts vs. Economic benefit
4- withdrawal limits" loose" 2- 10 million gallons/day depending on state
nuisance: what kind of law?
common law
Who can regulate greenhouse gases alone?
3 categories of endangerment: bad worse, worst
what is it called when a few individuals speak for a larger group?
Definition of Public Nuisance?
unreasonable interference with a right common to the general public
inconvenience, damage or interference must be public.(NOT PRIVATE)
3 factors that make it difficult to keep biodiversity on the public agenda?
1- lack of an easily identifiable opponent
2- lack of IMMEDIATE impact on human lives
3- lack of cohesion among wildlife groups
main causes of extinction?
40% deforestation
40% hunting and fishing
15% invasive species
5% pets & pollution
supreme court determined state ownership of wildlife in the ____century.
the romans declared that wildlife belonged to _____.
no one.
In medieval england, wildlife ownership was linked to....
property rights of king and noblemen.
Migratory Bird Treaty Act: year and purpose?
birds killed for hat feathers were now protected
Wild free roaming horse and burro act: year and reason passed?
Tales told by Wild Hose Annie caught public's attention
Marine mammal protection act: year and purpose?

"save the whales"
overgishing had caused population declines since the 60's.
Establishment of Fish and Wildlife Service: year, who was replaced?
1940, formerly regulated by Dept of Ag and Bureau of biological survey.

Issues divided into commercial and sport.
Year of "real" endangered species act? purpose?
federal agencies MUST consider species in the course of their activities. Must have prepared lists of vulnerable, threatened and vulnerable species.
Listing of endangered species is done by whom?"
Secretaries of INTERIOR and COMMERCE
Critical habitat
determined by USFWS
Areas of habitat that are crucial to the survival of a species and essential for its conservation that have been formally designated as such y rule published in the Federal Registrar.
Habitat recovery plans
activities that support the recovery of a species...sometimes required of a private landowner.
Public involved, and costs assessed, sometimes priorities controversial (people don't like to designate critical habitat).
convention on trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora.
Intended to protect species from illegal poaching and trading.
it'a an international convention. Cites has no enforcement power, but leaves decision whether to impose trade sanction up to sovereign nations.
Administered by UNEP and COP (conference of the parties)
If nations dpo not agree, they may make a "Reservation".
Major importer of endangered species goods?
imp: JAPAN
exp: Africa
2 Problems with shared properties?
1. controlled access can be costly or impossible
2. Each user may subtract from the welfare of others
Cap and trade would have reduced the average American family's energy bill by $____/month
2 policy approaches to climate change
GHG reductions in line with
insurance policy approach
international environmental law are dependent on:
-scientific consensus
- the relative power of each nation
-cost of control
international laws must include:
-global reporting system( with data collection)
-international monitoring organization
--means of controlling sanctions
- a dispute resolution mechanism
Global commons:
___% of US acid rain originates in Canada.
___% of Canadian Acid rain originates in the US.
20% from Canada
50% from US
Example of tragedy of the commons: severe pollution 2K miles long and 60 miles wide.
Free trade and joint corporate ownership zone
Mexico's Maquiladora zone
North American Free Trade Agreement
-envir. laws can be challenged as discriminatory
-stricter state laws can't be considered
-international standards must be used if avail.
standards should be "harmonized upwards"
-recommendations rather than requirements
-parties not obligated to comply with env. treaties
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Now World Trade Organization

-no env, provisions
-voluntary mexican compliance with MArine mammals act made US Tuna industry less competitive
cost of refitting Mexican and foreign boats with dolphin safe tuna nets?
25 million
(output is 450 million)
What created fast international respose to Ozone Depletion?
Du Pont phased out CFC's and a new 36 billion dollar market was created.
Clean Air act of 1990accelerated phase outs.
NOAA: year created and purpose?
to ensure full and wise use of the marine environment
Oceans act of 2000: purpose?
directs president to consult state and local govts on pressing issues facing ocean and coastal resources,