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41 Cards in this Set

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The study of disease rates in human populations w/ and w/o exposure to chemical under study


What studies the adverse responses in biological systems caused by physical or chemical agents ?


What are the two basic functions of toxicology?

1. Assess the likelihood of the occurrence of adverse effects

2. Study the nature & mechanisms of adverse effects

What is NOAEL?

No Observed Adverse Effect Level

The highest dose administered that does not produce a statistical significant increase in adverse effect

What is LOAEL?

Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level

The lowest dose tested which produces statistically significant increase in an adverse effect

What does LCA stand for?

Life Cycle Assessment

Why is LCA important in alternative energy decisions?

helps determine energy consumption and gas emission of each fuel

What are the 5 Phases of Life Cycle Assessment?

1. Raw Material Acquisitions-> trees, log

2. Material Manufacture -> paper mill breaks down to pulp

3. Produce Manufacture ->form and stamp bags

4. Product Use -> use in grocery store

5. Product Disposal -> recycle or throw in trash

Each phase of the life cycle assessment uses ___, __, and______.

Water, minerals and energy

LCA gives off ___, _______, and waste water.

Air emissions, solid waste

How is public health influence by climate change?

more asthma, more allergens, spread of vector born diseases, heat stress, coastal floods, water/food shortage,extinctions, violent weather

What is the current temp of earth and CO2 cap agreed by developed nations?

Currently 1 degree Celsius

Developed Countries suggest 2 degree Celsius as cap

What is the current CO2 concetration?

~400 ppm

What was the CO2 concentration in pre-industrial times?


What are the 3 greenhouse gases?

CO2( carbon dioxide), methane ( CH4), Nitrous Oxide ( N2O)

What are greenhouse gases influence on climate change?

greenhouse gases are transparent to incoming ( short wave) radiation from the sun, but block infrared ( long wave) radiation from leaving the earth's atmosphere.

" incoming solar radiation comes in through transmission window, outgoing energy is blocked"

Greenhouse effect

How does mercury go through the environment?

- mercury (hg) vapor ( from coal burning

-bioacumilates in organisms ( fish take in mercury but do not let it out)

-biomagnifies up the food chain- big fish eat little fish

Hg is a nuerotoxin

True or False" Trophspeheric ozone layer is bad


Why is stratospheric ozone good?

natural ozone layer protects us from UV rays ( skin Cancer)

What causes stratospheric ozone to thin?

CFC's (chlorofluorocarbons) aka Freon

When were CFC's banned?


___ is the skin cancer capital of the world, rising to 50% in 10 years.


" Greatest public health threat humanity ever faced"

Climate Change

What are the pros of nuclear energy?

no emissions

no greenhouse gas emission ( no climate change)

What are the cons of nuclear energy?

nuclear waste

nuclear meltdown of facility

increase in fatalities

How is water used in a nuclear plant?

Water is boiled and steamed

Steam turns a turbine which then turns a generator

cooling systems are required to cool the back to water

How much of US energy is fossil fuels?


When did global oil peak?


How many barrels of oil does US consume in a day?

20 million barrels/day

What are the pros of solar energy?

more solar energy than we need for electricity

-abundance of solar energy is almost unlimited

-huge price drop in solar energy

What are the cons of solar energy?

environmental issues can kill solar projects if water use is to high or endangered species

- requires lots of land usage

Solar energy works best if ___,______, and ______.

high solar source, high electricity cost, and state incentives

How is petroleum used?

For transportation ( nearly 100% is dependent on oil)

What are the 4 steps of Risk Assessment?

1. Hazard Identification - What adverse effect?

2. Dose-response evaluation- how much does it take for adverse effect?

3. Exposure Assessment- How much do ppl take in?

4. Risk Characterizations- estimate the magnitude of risk and uncertainty

Describe chemical absorption:

agent must cross cellular barriers

What are 3 examples of chemical absorption?

Dermal (skin)

GI tract ( ingestion)

inhalation ( lungs)

Describe distribution:

compound partitions to various body compartments

Examples of distribution:

-blood and plasma

-specific organs


-other tissues ( bones etc.)

describe elimination:

agent leaves the body

examples of elimination:

-lung (exhalation)

-kidney ( irine)

-liver ( feces)

others ( nails, hair, sweat)