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21 Cards in this Set

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Francis Bacon
-English politician and author
-Died while studying the effects of freezing on the preservation of meat
-Early propogandist for the experimental method
-Contribution to formalize the emperical method into the General Theory of Inductive Reasoning known as Empiricism
-Helped provide new justification for private/public support of scientifc theory
-showed the limitations of antitheoretical empiricism
Rene Descartes
-French mathematician, scientist, philosopher
-first major philosopher to attempt to defeat skepticism
-wrote Rules for the Direction of Mind, published in 1701
-Had confrontation with Chandoux; he believes certainty could only serve as basis for knowledge
-Writes The World in Holland; supports Copernicanism
-Cartesian Geometry is founded by him, connecting algebra and geometry
-publishes Discourse on Method, Meditations on First Philosophy, The Principles of Philosophy
-Supported Deductive Reasoning
Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
-"Father of Microbiology"
-learned to grind lenses and make simple microscopes
-made first microscope in 1653
-Microscopes produce clearer/brighter images than others
-Names microorganisms, animalcules
-First to observe protists, bacteria, spermatozoa, muscle fibers
-met William of Orange to discuss plan biology
-explained circulation and microbiology to Peter the Great
Baron de Montesquieu
-Most famous work, On The Spirit of Laws
-Born in Bordeaux, France
-had idea of dividing government, Separation of Powers
-influenced U.S. Constitution
-wrote Persian Letters
-Limiting power of government, Checks and Balances
-Believed in 3 part government
Leonhard Euler
-renowned mathematician
-became blind in both eyes from an infection and a cataract
-won Paris Acadmey Prize Problem 12 times
-introduced F(x)=y; e; Summations; modern trig notations (unit circle); i for imaginary numbers; Euler's formula; and pie
-wrote papers on functions and differential calculus, and other works in Calculus
John Locke
-Was influenced by John Calvin
-believed in life, liberty, property
-mind was a blank slate, Tabula Rasa
-advocated astronomy, geography, anatamoy
-Carolina Constitution served as model for American Constitution
-First Treatise stated divine right of kings was unjust
-father of liberalism
-published Two Treatises of Government anonymously
-influenced David Hume
Johannes Kepler
-Wrote the Secret of the Universe
-published Astronomiae Pars Optica
-discovers elliptical path of Mars, leads to 1st law of planetary motion
-Astronomia Nova contains 1st and 2nd laws of planetary motion; Harmonic Mundi, contains the 3rd law
-continued the work of Tycho Brahe
-proved the truth of the Copernican theory of a sun-centered universe
-first law:elliptical orbits
-second law: velocity varies over the course of its orbit
-third law:planets closer to the sun move faster than those further away
Tycho Brahe
-Born in Denmark
-Lost part of his nose in a duel
-Had his own island
-Owned a dwarf
-Had Europe's most advanced observatory
-catalogued over 1000 stars in his life
-His model of the universe had Earth at the Center; but other planets as satellites of the sun
-his observation of a supernova and comet helped dismantle notion that the heavens were unchanging
-first astonomer to account for atmospheric refraction
-discovered new star in Cassiopeia formation
-laid foundation for Kepler's laws of planetary motion
Nicholas Copernicus
-worked on his astonomical studies in his spare time
-wanted to explain/glorify God's work
-published On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres on his death bed for fear of charges of heresy
-Copernican Theory=Earth and other planets revolve around sun; Heliocentric model
-Influenced by Isaac Newton and John Locke
-imprisoned in the Bastille for 9 months
-his satire, Cadide, attacked supersitition, religion, and war
-defended freedom of religion, free speech, and right to fair trial
-believed in deism
-put faith in government called Enlightened monarchy
-"I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
Madame Geoffrin
-had most famous salon
-salon:social gathering place where intellectuals could debate
-created a salon schedule with specific topics and people invited for each day
-created the 1 o'clock meal, so conversation could be held longer
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-influenced by Voltaire
-believed legislative power belonged to people
-influenced early romantic movement
-believed civilization corrupted poeple
-contributed the theory of general will
-"man was born free, but he is everywhere in chains"
-contributed popular soveriegnty
-wrote Emile
-was influenced by Diderot
-attacked rationalism
Catherine the Great
-Legislative Commission enforced proposal, The Instruction
-her nation was a threat to Austria as distburance of power in E. Europe
-gave nobles complete control over their serfs
-rule was called enlightened absolutism
-sought to westernize nation
-an agreement with Prussia and Austria gave them land in Poland
-first husband, Peter
Issac Newton
-born in England
-developed the binomial theorem
-experimented with optics, light
-found white light could be broken by a prism
-built first reflecting telescope
-worked at royal mint
-wrote Principia
-was knighted and buried in Westminster Abbey
Madame Du Chatelet
-feminist of her day
-heavily influenced Voltaire; helped him hide in her husband's home
-translated many books
Maria Theresa
-Pragmatic Sanction allowed her to gain power over the Hapsburg lands
-only female ruler in the 650 years of the Habsburg dynasty
-lost Silesa in War of Austrian Succession to Frederick II
-issued robot patent
-ruled for 40 years
-lmiited power of papacy; revamped the tax system; reduced power of land lords over serfs
-improved role of women
Paul d'Holbach
-Philosopher and encyclopedist
-influenced Denis Diderot, Jean-Jacques Rousseau; Ben Franklin; Adam Smith
-Wrote Christianity revealed;System of Nature; Common Snse
-wrote books defending atheism
-wrote/translated encyclopedia
Frederick the Great
-Was a Calvinist
-wanted to modernize/unite Prussia
-focused on the arts
-was involved in the War of Austrian Succession and Seven Years' War
-won tremendous popularity
-recieved portion of Poland called West Prussia
-planted new crops; created modern bureaucracy
-palace at Sanssouci
William Harvey
-discovered blood circulation and modern theory of generation
-constant amount of blood circulated continuously from heart throughout the body and back to heart
-blood travelled through veins in one direction
-blood letting was counter effective
-contributed to start of the science of embryology
-used remains of executed criminals for research
Galileo Galilei
-disproved Aristotle's views with falling bodies
-experimental method: what did happen vs. what should happen
-telescope determined the lunar surface, craters, mountains, discovered 4 moons of jupiter
-supported Copernicus so Catholic Church sent inquisition after him
-Copernicus belief of heliocentri universe was heresy at time
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
-studied law, geology, chemistry
-liberal, supporting philosophes
-member of the Farmers General: private taxation for crown
-convicted of conspiracy against state
-"the republic has no need of scientists"
-death by guillotine
-father of modern chemistry
-oxygen into combustion
-law of conservation of mass
-Metric System
-Plaster of Paris