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649 Cards in this Set

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to make or become muddled or confused
deus ex machina
an agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an apparently insoluble dificulty
a leader or leading indicator
excessive or pretentious display.
a group of secret and often scheming advisers.
troublesomely urgent
characterized by a ready flow of speech
a divine inspiration
combative; quarrelsome
a break or pause in a line of verse; also, any break or pause
loss of impairment of the ability to act or to make decisions
pin money
money for incidental expenses; also, a trivial sum.
a thisck vaporous atmosphere, often noxious.
to scold or rebuke sharply
to revel; to carouse
to persuade or obtain by ingenuity or flattery.
a sign or omen
to scold sharply; also, to beat
a mental fabrication
to treat or regard as an object of great interest or importance
being everywhere
an inferior imitator
a flowing or coming togetherr
to postulate; also, to suggest
a large, powerful whirlpool; also, a violent, disordered, or turbulent state of affairs
a showy but useless or worthless object.
the state or quality of being lenient.
the spirit of the time
doing nothing or given to doing nothing; idle; lazy.
a secret; a mystery.
hardened in feelings or in wrongdoing; unyielding
a blank space; a missing part.
easily crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder.
to scrape or scratch with the hands or feet.
holding obstinately to a belief, purpose or design; also, stubbornly persistent
to present and urge reasons in opposition
approval or sanction
good-humored banter or teasing repartee
to make a humble and earnest petition
the state of being the firstborn; also, an exclusive right of inheritance that belongs to the eldest son.
emerging, coming into existence
to disapprove, condemn
knowingly, deliberate
noble, precious
to occur to so.
das Verschulden
blame, fault, guiltiness

büßte, gebüßt
to suffer, to make amends for
oppressive, forcibly
das Risiko
danger, hazard, risk
die Marsch
der Weg-die Wege
lane, path-lanes
die Pflicht
business, duty, obligation
die Vernunft
reason, rationality
etw. erblicken
to catch sight of sth., to behold so.
meddlesome, cheekily
die Tändelei
zu etw. berufen
called to sth.
der Kern

faulte an, angefault
to go bad
das Wesen
character, being, essence
ergriffen adj.
tear-filled, deeply moved, stirred, touched
etw. ergreifen

ergriff, ergriffen
to capture, catch, grasp sth.

irrte ab, abgeirrt
to stray
straightaway, dead straight
die Schrift
scripture, writ
hingegen konj.
etw. entsprechen
to be consistent with sth., to answer to sth.
by accident, by chance
every now and then, occasionl
der Fehltritt
blunder, error, lapse, misconduct, bad move
die Veranlagung
tendency, nature
der Schauder
honest, genuine

hegte, gehegt
to foster
der Vorsatz
intention, intent (law)
der Hang
inclination, disposition
etw. manifestieren
to demonstrate sth.
der Irrsinn
etw. bezeichnen
to constitute sth., to designate
der Zustand
state, condition
etw. ausrichten
to justify sth., to cater sth.
etw. vermögen

vermochte, vermocht
to e able to do sth.
diocese (di-uh-sis)
an ecclesiastical district under the jurisdiction of a bishop.
to make or become confused
capable of holding much; spacious or roomy
to vibrate violently
n. a cheerful lively song or tune
(n) personal belongings
adj. lavish, abundant
adj. painfully affecting the feelings
n. a condition of being unable or unwilling to speak, result of phys/psyc. disorder
n. hoplessness
n. warmth of feeling, sexual excitement
n. a fertile or green area in arid land
adj. very dry
v. to spit small scattered particles
n. the rapid vibration of one speech organ against another, tongue, teeth
n. a parrallelogram with unequal adjacent sides and angles that are not right angles.
adj. false, of illigitimate birth.
n. artistic or elegant handwriting
n. printed cotton fabric, adj. blotched or spotted markings
v. to beat rappidly, strongly, throb.
intr. v. to make show of clearing one's throat
n. the rapid vibration of one speech organ against another, tongue, teeth
n. a parrallelogram with unequal adjacent sides and angles that are not right angles.
adj. false, of illigitimate birth.
n. artistic or elegant handwriting
n. printed cotton fabric, adj. blotched or spotted markings
v. to beat rappidly, strongly, throb.
intr. v. to make show of clearing one's throat
v. to persuade or coax esp. with flattery and flase promisses
ad. arousing doubt, doubtful
adj. a part leftover
n. an increase, an addition
n. the act of shaping or forming in advance
adj. to win over from hostility, to makke friendly, appease
tr.v. to kill as a sacrifice, destroy
n. condition characterized by stupor, rigity.
adj. intoxicated, drun
n. inflamatory disorder
n. a salve for soothing or healing
ad. marked by blithe,
n. follower of system of gov. of oppresive dictorial control.
v. to come or be in conflict with; go or act against; deny or oppose
adj. having declined in physical or moral qualities.
vti. to classify with words, annalyze in terms of grammar
n. a slight falling in pitch of the voice in speaking or reading, as at the end of a declarative sentence.
adj. sticky, thick
n. overabundance
n. a self-contradictory statement that may be true
vt. to froth and hisss as bubbles of gas escape, to be exilerated
adj. produced or growing from within.
adj. developed from ouside the body
the hip
n.sprightliness of spirit or wit; lively intelligence
blushing, to become red-faced
a clever action or accomplishment.
a covering of scales or plates.
to pelt w. stones, to stone to death
being precocious-Manifesting or characterized by unusually early development or maturity, especially in mental aptitude.
to curse
an enlarged mass of lymphoid tissue in the upper pharynx, often obstructing breathing through the nasal passages.
stroppy adj.
bad-tempered or hostile; quick to take offense.
n. the acceptance of all things and events as inevitable; submission to fate: Her fatalism helped her to face death with stoic calm.
Proxies n.
a person authorzed to act for another, substitute
dendrites n.
a branched protoplasmic extension of a nerve cell that concucts impulses to adjacent cells
bollixed tr.v.
To throw into confusion; botch or bungle: managed to bollix up the whole project.
of or possesed through the mind rather than learned through experience
to permeate or spread through
exceeding what is required
heft n.
weight, heaviness, bulk.
n. a mental disorder wsymptoms such as anxiety and phobia
a severe mental disorder characterized by derangement of personality loss of reality
n.a person who has retired into seclusion for religious reasons
vt.to ahor to regard with fellings of disgust
n. a supporter of nihilism
adj.destructive, very harmful
n. a social outcaast
n. the act of noting or commenting upon.
adj. willful, subborn.
adj. purging, cleansing
adj.relief obtained by the uncovering of buried repressions.
n.mark of authenticity
adj.sprightly or self-confident
n. change of circumstances or fortune.
n. the belief that nothing has real existence, skeptisism, the rejection of customary beliefs
adj. joking, espinan inapropriate manner.
n.symbol, a symbol adopted and used as an identifying mark
n.vocabulary, a dictionary, stock of terms.
v.to induce someone to convert t one's own faith
adj.inexperienced, gullible.
n.habitual observance of the truth.
adj.word for word.
adj. using more words than are necessary
n.a soft food made by boiling oatmeal or another meal in water or milk
n. fervent devotion, fanaticism.
n. a word formed from initial letters of other words
n.a guess
adj.wise through reflection and experience.
vi.to rebound
n. a daydream
adj.prematurely ripe or developed.
n.a satirical or humorous imitations of a literature or musical work.
n.trenchant with
n. narrow-mindedness
adj. keen, incisive
vt. to cut or carve into a surphase.
adj. very holy.
adv. formal
adj.forming part of a whole
n. the transmission of genetic material that determines physical and mental characteristics from one generation to another.
n.the total processes in living organisms by which tissue is formed, energy produced, and waste products eliminated.
vi-to regurgitate food after it has been swallowed, to ponder deeply
vti.to think deeply
n. a period of immence duration
n. a riddle involving a pun, a puzzling question.
n. an overlay of fine wood or plastic, a superficial appearance
adj. emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependency of the parts.
n. a member of a collective
n. extreme community, frugality, meaness
n. a deviation from the normal.
adj.not able to be removed or erased
to rummage
etw.Akk. nach und nach stutzen
to whittle sth. away
von etw. abstechen
to contrast from sth.
befangen adj.
etw.mit etw.Dat. ansetzen
to set sth. at sth.
etw. ansetzen
to put sth. up, to offer uo
assumed, adopted, accepted
to join
der Hochverrat
high treason
die Kreditgewährung
credit grant
jmdn/sich erhängen
to hang oneself/so.
die Tantieman
to suffice
der Theaterzettel
theater bill
riotous, debauched
vergriffen adj
not in stock, out of print
to assault
sichAkk. in etw.Dat. vergreifen
to make a mistake in sth.
der Faden - Pl. die Fäden
die Stulle
die Gattung
genre, class, species
kurz und bündig
bündig adj.
shortly, succinct
taunt, firm, tightly
der Klausel
article[law], provision
to reserve
eine Frist vorbehalten
to reserve a period
sich das Recht vorbehalten
to reserve one's right
sich das Recht vorbehalten, etw.Akk. zu tun
to reserve the right to do something
Änderung vorbehalten
subject to change/modification/alteration
Marktschwankungen vorbehalten
subject to market fluctuation
alle Rechte vorbehalten
to reserve all rights
sich erweiternd
die Nebenstimmung
collateral clause [law], rider
nur mäßig gut
so so
moderate, temperate, modest
der Krieger
blame-worthy, reprehensible
inexcusable, unforgivable
an jmdm. vorübergehen
to go past so.
der Vertreter
die Flosse
mitt, flipper
to evaporate
die Leichtsinn
flippancy, carelessness
die Unbekümmertheit
mindlessness, unconcern
to activate/jolt/initiate sth.
an etw. anstoβen
to adjoin sth., to crash into sth.
die Flause
das Ausmaβ
magnitude, extent, degree
der Umfang
breadth, complexity, comprehension
das Geschwätz
idle talk, gossip
die Ausflucht
excuse, evasion
die Flunkerei
fib, blarney
etw. überqueren
to go across sth.
die Straße überqueren
to cross a road
unachtsam eine Straße überqueren
to jay walk
der Tanga-Slip
etw. beitreten
to accede to sth., enter into sth.[pol]
sich anschlieβen
to affiliate
das Takelwerk
rigging, tracking [naut.]
to board-ship
die Sehschärfe
visual acuity
existent, present, in stock
das Riemen
lace, strap, thong
das Überschreiten
to go beyond, overstep, cross
etw.Akk. anschließen
to hook sth. up, plug sth. in, install sth.
to seize, capture [naut.]
to be available/existant/on hand
princely, baronial
voluptuous, copious, luxurious-boden, pflanzen
die Ausstellung
display, exhibit
die Vogelschau
birds eye view
der Zeitvertrieb
pass time, amusement, avocation
technische Spielerei
die Spielerei
der Gegenstand
subject-matter, topic
to dilly-dally/loiter/dawdle/hang behind
etw. verrichten
to carry sth. out kkle
der Kleinkram
odds and ends
to frolic, romp
die Grabung
lavish, extravagent
der Anreiz
incentive, stimulous
der Ansporn
incentive, stimulus
die Lockung
enticement, allurement
der Gegenstand
subject-matter, topic
to dilly-dally/loiter/dawdle/hang behind
etw. verrichten
to carry sth. out kkle
der Kleinkram
odds and ends
to frolic, romp
die Grabung
lavish, extravagent
der Anreiz
incentive, stimulous
der Ansporn
incentive, stimulus
die Lockung
enticement, allurement
nascent adj.
beginning to exist or develop: the nascent republic.
pandiculation n.
an instinctive stretching, as on awakening or while yawning
obscure adj.
not clearly expressed; hard to understand
narcolepsy n.
a disorder characterized by uncontrollable bouts of sleepiness during the daytime, occasional loss of muscle power and paralysis, and hallucinations during sleep
laissez-faire adj.
the principle that business, industry, trade, etc. should operate with a minimum of regulation and interference by government;maintaining the principle of letting people do as they please
kinetic adj.
of or having to do with motion; caused by motion
jettison vb.
1. to throw goods overboard to lighten a ship or aircraft in distress
2. the act of throwing goods overboard when a craft is in distress; also, the goods thrown overboard
3. (figurative) to throw away; discard
iconoclast n.
a person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions as foolish or wrong
hapless adj.
unfortunate, unlucky
gargantuan adj.
enormous; gigantic; huge
fastidious adj.
hard to please; extremely refined or critical
eclectic adj.
1. selecting and using what seems best from various sources or systems; made up of selections from various sources
2. broad in acceptance of ideas or approval from other sources
daunt vb.
1. to frighten; overcome with fear
2. to discourage; lesson the courage of
candor n.
1. honesty in giving one's view or opinion; frankness and sincerity
2. fairness; impartiality
beleaguar n.
1. to surround with troops; besiege
2. to surround or beset
abstinent adj.
abstaining, especially from self-indulgence
zealous adj.
full of zeal; actively enthusiastic
yegg n.
a burglar who robs safes; safecracker
xanthous adj.
yellow, yellowish
wanderlust n.
a strong desire to wander or travel
mysterious, perplexing
natural or habitual inclination or tendency, predisposition, propensity
the state or quality of being fortuitous; fortuitous character; an accidental occurrence;an instance of great luck or good fortune.
state of being the first born
unobstructed, view in all directions
lilt (n)
a cheerful lively song or tune
paraphernalia (n)
personal belongings.
copious (adj)
lavish, abundant
poignant (adj)
painfully affecting the feelings.
mutism (n)
a condition of being unable or unwilling to speak, result of phys./psyc. disorder.
despondant (n)
ardor (n)
warmth of feeling, sexual excitement
oasis (n)
a fertile or green area in arid land.
arid (adj)
very dry
spattering (v)
to spit small scattered particles
trilling (n)
the rapid vibration of one speech organ against another. tongue, teeth.
Rhomboid (n)
a parrallelogram with unequal adjacent sides and angles that are not right angles.
false, of illegitimate birth.
calligraphy (n)
artistic or elegant handwriting
calico (n)
printed cotton fabric blotched or spotted markings.
palpitations (v)
to beat rapidly, strongly, throb.
harrumphs (intr.v.)
to make a show of clearing ones throat.
blithe adj.
joyous, merry, or gay in disposition;
recapitulation (n)
a brief review or summary, as of a speech
cerebration (n)
Action of the brain, whether conscious or unconscious
purloined (v.tr.)
to steal, often in a violation of trust
cur (n.)
a mongrel dog, esp. a worthless or unfriendly one., a mean, cowardly person.
prostatic (adj.)
pertaining to the prostrate gland.
torpid (adj.)
inactive or sluggish.
cajoling (v.)
to persuade or coax esp. with flattery and false promises.
dubious (adj.)
arousing doubt, doubtful
residual (adj.)
a part leftover
incrementally (n.)
something added or ained; addition; increase.
preformation (n)
the act of shaping or forming in advance.
conciliatory (adj.)
to win over from hostility, to make friendly, appease.
immolated (tr.v.)
to kill as a sacrifice, destroy.
catatonics (n.)
condition characterized by stupor, rigidity.
blotto (adj.)
intoxicated, drunk.
dysentery (n.)
inflamatory disorder.
unguents (n)
a salve for soothing or healing.
insouciant (adj.)
free from concern, worry, or anxiety; carefree; nonchalant.
fascist (n)
follower of a system of gov. of oppressive dictatorial control.
dictatorial (adj.)
of or pertaining to a dictator or dictatorship.
degenerated (adj.)
having declined in physical or moral qualities.
parsing (vti)
to classify with words, annalyze in terms of grammar
cadence (n)
a falling of the voice, rhythm, inn
viscosity (adj.)
sticky, thick
plethora (n)
paradox (n)
a self-contradictory statement that maybe true
effervescence (vt)
to froth and hiss as bubbles of gas escape, to be exhilarated.
endogenous (adj.)
produced or growing from within.
exogenous (adj.)
developed from outside of the body.
turbid (adj.)
not clear or transparent because of stirred-up sediment or the like; clouded; opaque; obscured: The turbid waters near the waterfall; confused;muddled; disturbed
inimical (adj.)
adverse in tendency or effect; unfavorable; harmful: a climate inimical to health.
viscount (n)
a nobleman next below an earl or count and next above a baron.
lithophane (n)
a transparency made of thin porcelain or bone china having an intaglio design.
attitudinarian (n)
a person who assume attitudes or poses for effect.
epithets (n.)
a term used to characterize a person or thing, such as rosy-fingered; a a term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as the great emancipator for Abraham lincoln.
carpus (n)
the group of eight bones lying btw. the forearm and the metacarpals and forming the wrist in humans.
proxies (n)
a person authorized to act for another, substitute
intaglio (n)
incised carving, as opposed to carving in relief. ornamentation with a figure or design sunk below the surface.
farinaceous (adj.)
consisting or made of flour or meal, as food; mealy in appearance or nature
dendrites (n)
a branched protoplasmic extention of a nerve cell that conducts impulses to adjacent cells.
bollix (v.)
to do (something) badly; intererence bollixed up the whole deal.
innate (adj.)
of or possesed through the mind rather than learned through experience.
pervasive (n)
to permeate or spread through
transient (adj)
superfluous (adj)
exceeding what is required
heft (n)
weight, heaviness, bulk
neurosis (n)
a mental disorder w/symptoms such as anxiety and phobia.
psychosis (n)
a severe mental disorder characterized by derangment of personality with loss of reality.
anchorite (n)
a person who has retired into seclusion for religious reasons.
abominated (vt)
to abhor, to regard with feelings of disgust.
nihilism (n)
total rejection of established laws and institutions; an extreme form of skepticism: the denial of all real existence or the possibility of an objective basis for truth.
pernicious (adj)
destructive, very harmful.
pariah (n)
a social outcast.
annotations (n)
the act of noting or commenting upon.
wayward (adj)
willful, stubborn.
purgative (adj)
purging, cleansing.
cathartic (adj)
relief obtained by the uncoving of buried repressions
cachet (n)
mark of authenticity
jauntily (adj)
sprightly or self-confident
vicissitudes (n)
change of circumstances or fortune.
facetious (adj)
joking, esp. in an inappropriate manner.
emblematic (n)
symbol, a symbol adopted and used as an identifying mark.
lexicon (n)
vocabulary, a dictionary, stock of terms.
proselytized (v)
to induce somone to convert to one's own faith.
verdant (adj)
inexperienced, gullible.
veracity (n)
habitual observance of the truth.
verbatim (adj)
word for word.
verbose (adj)
using more words than are necessary.
porridgy (n)
a soft food made by boilin oatmeal or another meal in water or milk.
atavistic (adj)
of, pertaining to, or characterized by atavism; reverting to or suggesting the characteristics of a remote ancestor or primitive type.
nectared (adj.)
imbued with nectar; mingled with nectar; abounding with nectar.
dissimulated (v)
(used w. an object)to disguise or conceal under a false appearance; dissemble: to dissimulate one's true feelings about a rival; (used w/out an object) to conceal one's true motives, thoughts, etc., by some pretense; speak or act hypocritically.
rigmarole (n)
an elaborate or complicated procedure: to go through the rigmarole of a formal dinner.; confused, incoherent, foolish, or meaningless talk.
livid (adj)
having a discolored, bluish appearance caused by a bruise, congestion of blood vessels, strangulation, etc., as the face, flesh, hands, or nails.; enraged; furiously angry; feeling or appearing strangulated because of strong emotion.
graft (n)
(horticulture.)a bud, shoot, or scion of a plant inserted in a groove, slit, or the like in a stem or stick of another plant in which it continue to grow.
surgery: a portion of living tissue surgically transplanted from one part of an individual to another, or from one individual to another, for its adhesion and growth.
waif (n)
a person, esp. a child, who has no home or friends.
myopic (adj)
unable or unwilling to act prudently; shortsighted., lacking tolerance or understanding; narrow-minded.
petulant (adj)
moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, esp. over some trifling annoyance: a petulant toss of the head.
acronym (n)
a word formed from initial letters of other words.
conjecture (n)
a guess
zeal (n)
fervent devotion, fanaticism.
implicit (adj)
sage (adj)
wise through reflection and experience.
reverberated (vi)
to rebound
reverie (n)
a daydream
precocious (adj)
prematurely ripe or developed
parody (n)
a satirical or humorous imitation
satirical (n)
trenchant wit.
mnemonics (n)
the process or technique of improving or developing the memory
debauched (adj)
displaying the effect of excessive indulgence in sensual pleasure: a flabby debauched face; corrupted; debased: debauched morals.
neuraligia (n)
sharp, severe paroxysmal pain extending along a nerve or group of nerves.
pauper (n)
a person without any means of support, esp. a destitute who depends on aid from public welfare funds or charity., a very poor person
decrepit adj.
weakened by old age; feeble; infirm:a decrepit man who can hardly walk; worn out by long use; dilapidated: a decrepit stove.
parachialism (n)
trenchant (adj)
keen incisive
incisive (vt)
to cut or carve into a surphase.
sacrosant (adj)
inavoidable, very holy.
Hitherto (adv.)
constituent (adj)
forming part of a whole
hereditary (n)
the transmission of genetic material that determines physical and mental characteristics from one generation to another.
metabolism (n)
the total processes in living organisms by which tissue is formed, energy produced, and waste products eliminated.
ruminating (vi)
to regurgitate food after it has been swallowed, to ponder deeply.
ponder (vt)
to think deeply.
aeons (n)
a period of immense duration
conundrum (n)
a riddle involving a pun, a puzzling question
veneer (n)
an overlay of fine wood or plastic, a superficial appearance
aurochs (n)
a large, black European wild ox, Bos primigenius: extinct since 1627.
connubial (adj)
of marriage or wedlock; matrimonial
albeit (conj.)
although; even if: a peaceful, albeit brief retirement.
demure (adj)
characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved; affectedly or coyly decorous, sober or sedate.
favid (n)
an allergic reaction in the skin observed in favus
favus (n)
a skin disease, esp. of the scalp, characterized by dry yellow encrustations that have an unpleasant odor, usually caused by the fungus Trichophyton schoenleinii; a hexagonal paving tile o stone.
decorous (adj)
characterized by dinified propriety in conduct, manners, appearance, character, etc.
hermetic (adj)
made airtight by fusion or sealing; not affected by outward influence or power; isolated.
hairy; shaggy; of, pertaining to, or characteristic of hair.
concord (n)
agreement btw. persons, groups, nations, etc.; concurrence in attitudes, feelings, etc.; unanimity; accord.
deferred (adj)
postponed or delayed, suspended or withheld for or until a certain time or event
tombal (adj)
entombed, buried,
of or pertaining to a prophet, of the nature of or containing prophecy
Holistic (adj)
emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of the parts.
communitarian (n)
a member of a collective
parisominous (n)
extreme community, frugality, meanness.
abberation (n)
a deviation from the normal.
indelible (adj)
not able to be removed or erased.
idiosyncrasy (n)
a type of behavior or characteristic pecuilar to a person or group
parochial (adj)
of or relating to a parish, narrow, provincial in outlook.
stingent (adj)
imposing rigorous standards or performance.
venerable (adj)
commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position.
anomalous (adj)
obfuscates (vt)
to be wild or confused.
intrinsic (adj)
belonging to the real nature of a person or thing.
protoplasmic (n)
complex, semifluid, translucent substance that constitutes the living matter of a plant and animal cells and manifest the essential life functions of a cell.
dexterous, deft.
insurgent (adj)
rising in revolt against established authority.
even though, although, notwithstanding
circumspect (adj)
heedful of circumstances
vernacular (n)
the standard native languages of a country.
brakish (adj)
tarn (n)
a small mountain lake .
gregarious (adj)
seeking and enjoyin the company of others.
maleficent (adj)
harmful or evil in intent or effect.
agnostic (n)
one that believes it is impossible to know whether there is a god.
dexterous (adj)
skillful in the use of the hands.
cant (n)
insincere, esp. conventional expressions of enthusiasm for high ideals, goodness, or piety.
capricious (adj)
characterized by or subject to whim.impulsive.
litany (n)
a repetivtive or incantatory recital.
incantation (n)
repetitious wordiness used to conceal a lack of content; obfuscation: Her prose too often resorts to incantation.
obfuscate (v)
to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy.
verdant (adj)
lacking experience or sophistication naive
apex (n)
the highest point
hubris (n)
overbearing pride or presumption arrogance
harborous (n)
vega (n)
the brightest star in the constellation Lyra
synchronicity (n)
The state or fact of being synchronous or simultaneous; synchronism.
parastalsis (n)
contractions of the alimentary canal.
amaranth (n)
an imaginary flower that never fades.
Quinoa (n)
plant native toandes and cultivated for seeds.
hedonistic (adv)
pursuit of or devotion to pleasure.
antiquity (n)
the far distant past.
veritable (adj)
composite (adj)
made up of distinct parts or elements
primordial (adj)
arbitrary (adj)
not ruled by rules
despotic (n)
ruler possessing absolute power
metallurgy (n)
the science of separating metals from their ores and preparing them.
eminent (n)
high rank or position.
harangued (n)
a tirade, a lengthy forceful speech.
tirade (n)
a long angry speech of censure or criticism
salient (adj)
projecting outward.
having no precedant.
megalithic (n)
a huge stone esp. of a prehistoric molecule.
pions (n)
A semistable meson produced either in a neutral form with a mass 264 times that of an electron and a mean lifetime of 8.4 × 10-17 seconds or in a positively or negatively charged form with a mass 273 times that of an electron and a mean lifetime of 2.6 × 10-8 seconds. Also called pi meson.
meson (n)
Physics. any hadron, or strongly interacting particle, other than a baryon. Mesons are bosons, having spins of 0, 1, 2, …, and, unlike baryons, do not obey a conservation law.
boson (n)
any particle that obeys Bose-Einstein statistics: bosons have integral spins: 0, 1, 2, …
any elementary particle that is subject to the strong interaction. Hadrons are subdivided into baryons and mesons.
baryon (n)
a proton, neutron, or any elementary particle that decays into a set of particles that includes a proton.
Bose-Einstein statistics (n)
quantum statistics for particles not obeying the exclusion principle, based on the assumption that in a given physical system consisting of indistinguishable particles and regions, all distinguishable arrangements of the particles have equal probability.
exclusion principle (n)
the principle that in any system described by quantum mechanics no two identical particles having spin equal to half an odd integer can be in the same quantum state: first postulated for the electrons in atoms.
Logarithms (n)
the exponent of the power to which a fixed number (the base) is to be raised to produce a given number used to avoid multiplying and dividing when solving mathematics problems.
parity (n)
algorithm (n)
a step by step problem solving procedure.
incantatory (n)
ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect.
dilate v.
3. to spread out; expand.
4. to speak or write at length; expatiate (often fol. by on or upon).
eyrie n.
The nest of a bird, such as an eagle, built on a cliff or other high place.
A house or stronghold perched on a height.
minerva n.
the ancient Roman goddess of wisdom and the arts, identified with the Greek goddess Athena.
2. a woman of great wisdom.
3. a female given name.
avail oneself idiom
avail oneself of, to use to one's advantage: They availed themselves of the opportunity to hear a free concert.
filigree n.
delicate ornamental work of fine silver, gold, or other metal wires, esp. lacy jewelers' work of scrolls and arabesques.
2. anything very delicate or fanciful: a filigree of frost.
ebulition n.
The state or process of boiling.
A sudden, violent outpouring, as of emotion: "did not . . . give way to any ebullitions of private grief"
proffered tr. v
To offer for acceptance; tender.
demure adj
characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.
audacious adj
extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless: an audacious explorer.
scintilating adv.
witty; brilliantly clever: a scintillating conversationalist; a play full of scintillating dialogue.
minutiae n.
precise details; small or trifling matters: the minutiae of his craft.
Charnel n.
repository for dead bodies
exultation n.
the act of exulting; lively or triumphant joy, as over success or victory.
dogmatic adj.
asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated.
dogmatism n.
dogmatic character; unfounded positiveness in matters of opinion; arrogant assertion of opinions as truths.
facile adj.
moving, acting, working, proceeding, etc., with ease, sometimes with superficiality: facile fingers; a facile mind.
affectation n.
an effort to appear to have a quality not really or fully possessed; the pretense of actual possession: an affectation of interest in art; affectation of great wealth.
pedant n.
1. a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning.
2. a person who overemphasizes rules or minor details.
3. a person who adheres rigidly to book knowledge without regard to common sense.
pedantry adj.
the character, qualities, practices, etc., of a pedant, esp. undue display of learning.
abstuse adj.
hard to understand; recondite; esoteric: abstruse theories.
2. Obsolete. secret; hidden.
defference n.
1. respectful submission or yielding to the judgment, opinion, will, etc., of another.
2. respectful or courteous regard: in deference to his wishes.
physiognomy n.
1. the face or countenance, esp. when considered as an index to the character: a fierce physiognomy.
2. Also called anthroposcopy. the art of determining character or personal characteristics from the form or features of the body, esp. of the face.
3. the outward appearance of anything, taken as offering some insight into its character: the physiognomy of a nation.
indefatigable adj.
incapable of being tired out; not yielding to fatigue; untiring.
panegyric adj.
1. a lofty oration or writing in praise of a person or thing; eulogy.
2. formal or elaborate praise.
palpable adj.
1. readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived, etc.; obvious; evident: a palpable lie; palpable absurdity.
2. capable of being touched or felt; tangible.
mien n.
air, bearing, or demeanor, as showing character, feeling, etc.: a man of noble mien.
affable adj.
1. pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly; cordial; warmly polite: an affable and courteous gentleman.
2. showing warmth and friendliness; benign; pleasant: an affable smile.
derange v.
1. to throw into disorder; disarrange.
2. to disturb the condition, action, or function of.
3. to make insane.
exculpate tr.v.
To clear of guilt or blame.
multifarious adj.
1. having many different parts, elements, forms, etc.
2. numerous and varied; greatly diverse or manifold: multifarious activities.
caprice n.
1. An impulsive change of mind.
2. An inclination to change one's mind impulsively.
3. A sudden, unpredictable action, change, or series of actions or changes: A hailstorm in July is a caprice of nature.
appertaining intr.v.
To belong as a proper function or part; pertain: problems appertaining to social reform.
immutable adj.
not mutable; unchangeable; changeless.
hitherto adverb.
1. up to this time; until now: a fact hitherto unknown.
entreaty n.
earnest request or petition; supplication.
menace n.
something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury, etc.; a threat: Air pollution is a menace to health.
prognosticate v.
to forecast or predict (something future) from present indications or signs; prophesy.
benignity n.
1. the quality of being benign; kindness.
2. Archaic. a good deed or favor; an instance of kindness: benignities born of selfless devotion.
repose v.
to pose again
chaise n.
a light, open carriage, usually with a hood, esp. a one-horse, two-wheeled carriage for two persons; shay.
whither adv.
1. to what place? where?
2. to what end, point, action, or the like? to what?
repugnance n.
2. strong distaste, aversion, or objection; antipathy.
3. contradictoriness or inconsistency.
imbibe v.
1. to consume (liquids) by drinking; drink: He imbibed great quantities of iced tea.
2. to absorb or soak up, as water, light, or heat: Plants imbibe moisture from the soil.
3. to take or receive into the mind, as knowledge, ideas, or the like: to imbibe a sermon; to imbibe beautiful scenery.
reprobate n.
1. a depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person: a drunken reprobate.
2. a person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation.
pertinacious adj.
1. holding tenaciously to a purpose, course of action, or opinion; resolute.
2. stubborn or obstinate.
3. extremely or objectionably persistent: a pertinacious salesman from whom I could not escape.
convalescence n.
the gradual recovery of health and strength after illness.
fetter n.
1. a chain or shackle placed on the feet.
2. Usually, fetters. anything that confines or restrains: Boredom puts fetters upon the imagination.
rapacious adj.
1. given to seizing for plunder or the satisfaction of greed.
2. inordinately greedy; predatory; extortionate: a rapacious disposition.
3. (of animals) subsisting by the capture of living prey; predacious.
ignominy n.
1. disgrace; dishonor; public contempt.
2. shameful or dishonorable quality or conduct or an instance of this.
recondite adj.
1. dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter: a recondite treatise.
2. beyond ordinary knowledge or understanding; esoteric: recondite principles.
3. little known; obscure: a recondite fact.
esoteric adj.
1. understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite: poetry full of esoteric allusions.
2. belonging to the select few.
3. private; secret; confidential.
4. (of a philosophical doctrine or the like) intended to be revealed only to the initiates of a group: the esoteric doctrines of Pythagoras.
vacillating adj.
1. not resolute; wavering; indecisive; hesitating: an ineffectual, vacillating person.
2. oscillating; swaying; fluctuating: a vacillating indicator.
lassitude n.
1. weariness of body or mind from strain, oppressive climate, etc.; lack of energy; listlessness; languor.
2. a condition of indolent indifference: the pleasant lassitude of the warm summer afternoon.
diffident adj.
1. lacking confidence in one's own ability, worth, or fitness; timid; shy.
2. restrained or reserved in manner, conduct, etc.
3. Archaic. distrustful.
perambulate v.
–verb (used with object)
1. to walk through, about, or over; travel through; traverse.
2. to traverse in order to examine or inspect.
–verb (used without object)
3. to walk or travel about; stroll.
protract tr.v.
1. To draw out or lengthen in time; prolong: disputants who needlessly protracted the negotiations.
2. Mathematics To draw to scale by means of a scale and protractor; plot.
3. Anatomy To extend or protrude (a body part).
dilatory adj.
tending to delay or procrastinate; slow; tardy.
2. intended to cause delay, gain time, or defer decision: a dilatory strategy.
salubrious adj.
favorable to or promoting health; healthful: salubrious air.
endue v.
1. to invest or endow with some gift, quality, or faculty.
2. to put on; assume: Hamlet endued the character of a madman.
3. to clothe.
delineate v.
1. to trace the outline of; sketch or trace in outline; represent pictorially: He delineated the state of Texas on the map with a red pencil.
2. to portray in words; describe or outline with precision: In her speech she delineated the city plan with great care.
prognosticate v.
1. to forecast or predict (something future) from present indications or signs; prophesy.
2. to foretoken; presage: birds prognosticating spring
predilection n.
a tendency to think favorably of something in particular; partiality; preference: a predilection for Bach.
filial adj.
1. of, pertaining to, or befitting a son or daughter: filial obedience.
2. noting or having the relation of a child to a parent.
3. Genetics. pertaining to the sequence of generations following the parental generation, each generation being designated by an F followed by a subscript number indicating its place in the sequence.
repine v.
to be fretfully discontented; fret; complain.
aver v.
1. to assert or affirm with confidence; declare in a positive or peremptory manner.
2. Law. to allege as a fact.
countenance n.
1. appearance, esp. the look or expression of the face: a sad countenance.
2. the face; visage.
3. calm facial expression; composure.
4. approval or favor; encouragement; moral support.
5. Obsolete. bearing; behavior.
flurried adj.
marked by confusion or agitation.
chimerical adj.
1. unreal; imaginary; visionary: a chimerical terrestrial paradise.
2. wildly fanciful; highly unrealistic: a chimerical plan.
tyro n.
a beginner in learning anything; novice.
placable adj.
capable of being placated, pacified, or appeased; forgiving.
misanthrope n.
a hater of humankind.
precocity n.
the state of being or tendency to be precocious.
fidelity n.
1. strict observance of promises, duties, etc.: a servant's fidelity.
2. loyalty: fidelity to one's country.
3. conjugal faithfulness.
4. adherence to fact or detail.
5. accuracy; exactness: The speech was transcribed with great fidelity.
6. Audio, Video. the degree of accuracy with which sound or images are recorded or reproduced.
dun v.
to make repeated and insistent demands upon, esp. for the payment of a debt.
inclement n.
1. (of the weather, the elements, etc.) severe, rough, or harsh; stormy.
2. not kind or merciful.
meek adj.
1. humbly patient or docile, as under provocation from others.
2. overly submissive or compliant; spiritless; tame.
3. Obsolete. gentle; kind.
surreptitious adj
1. obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized; clandestine: a surreptitious glance.
2. acting in a stealthy way.
3. obtained by subreption; subreptitious.
garret n.
an attic, usually a small, wretched one.
preceptor n.
1. A teacher; an instructor.
2. An expert or specialist, such as a physician, who gives practical experience and training to a student, especially of medicine or nursing.
3. The head of a preceptory.
dissemble v.
1. to give a false or misleading appearance to; conceal the truth or real nature of: to dissemble one's incompetence in business.
2. to put on the appearance of; feign: to dissemble innocence.
3. Obsolete. to let pass unnoticed; ignore.
nabob n.
A person of wealth and prominence.
laudable adj.
deserving praise; praiseworthy; commendable: Reorganizing the files was a laudable idea.
wag v.
1. to move from side to side, forward and backward, or up and down, esp. rapidly and repeatedly: a dog wagging its tail.
2. to move (the tongue), as in idle or indiscreet chatter.
3. to shake (a finger) at someone, as in reproach.
4. to move or nod (the head).
palanquin n.
(formerly in India and other Eastern countries) a passenger conveyance, usually for one person, consisting of a covered or boxlike litter carried by means of poles resting on the shoulders of several men.
assiduity n.
constant or close application or effort; diligence; industry.
bon vivant n.
a person who lives luxuriously and enjoys good food and drink.
gazette n.
1. a newspaper (now used chiefly in the names of newspapers): The Phoenix Gazette.
2. Chiefly British. an official government journal containing lists of government appointments and promotions, bankruptcies, etc.
caliban n.
the ugly, beastlike slave of Prospero in Shakespeare's The Tempest.
pinafore n.
A sleeveless garment similar to an apron, worn especially by small girls as a dress or an overdress.
hobbledehoy n.
an awkward, ungainly youth
facetious adj.
1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark.
2. amusing; humorous.
3. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a facetious person.
Bacchanalia n.
1. (sometimes used with a plural verb) a festival in honor of Bacchus. Compare Dionysia.
2. (lowercase) a drunken feast; orgy.
askance adv.
1. with suspicion, mistrust, or disapproval: He looked askance at my offer.
2. with a side glance; sidewise; obliquely.
compunction n.
1. a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety of the conscience caused by regret for doing wrong or causing pain; contrition; remorse.
2. any uneasiness or hesitation about the rightness of an action.
droll adj.
amusing in an odd way; whimsically humorous; waggish.
tincture n.
1. Pharmacology. a solution of alcohol or of alcohol and water, containing animal, vegetable, or chemical drugs.
2. a slight infusion, as of some element or quality: A tincture of education had softened his rude manners.
3. a trace; a smack or smattering; tinge: a tincture of irony.
4. Heraldry. any of the colors, metals, or furs used for the fields, charges, etc., of an escutcheon or achievement of arms.
5. a dye or pigment.
recontre n.
an encounter, esp. hostile
peremptory adj.
1. leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal; imperative: a peremptory command.
2. imperious or dictatorial.
3. positive or assertive in speech, tone, manner, etc.
percolation n.
1. the act or state of percolating or of being percolated.
2. Pharmacology. the extraction of the soluble principles of a crude drug by the passage of a suitable liquid through it.
3. Geology. the slow movement of water through the pores in soil or permeable rock.
preceptory n.
a subordinate house or community of the Knights Templars; commandery.
subreption n.
1. Canon Law. a concealment of the pertinent facts in a petition, as for dispensation or favor, that in certain cases nullifies the grant. Compare obreption (def. 1).
2. Scots Law. the act of obtaining something, as an escheat, by concealing pertinent facts. Compare obreption (def. 2).
3. a fallacious representation or an inference from it.
precocious adj.
1. unusually advanced or mature in development, esp. mental development: a precocious child.
2. prematurely developed, as the mind, faculties, etc.
3. of or pertaining to premature development.
execrate v.
1. to detest utterly; abhor; abominate.
2. to curse; imprecate evil upon; damn; denounce: He execrated all who opposed him.
adduce v.
to bring forward in argument or as evidence; cite as pertinent or conclusive: to adduce reasons in support of a constitutional amendment.
timorous adj.
1. full of fear; fearful: The noise made them timorous.
2. subject to fear; timid.
3. characterized by or indicating fear: a timorous whisper.
baubal n.
1. a showy, usually cheap, ornament; trinket; gewgaw.
2. a jester's scepter.
approbation n.
1. approval; commendation.
2. official approval or sanction.
3. Obsolete. conclusive proof.
obdurate adj.
1. unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn; unyielding.
2. stubbornly resistant to moral influence; persistently impenitent: an obdurate sinner.
peridition n.
1. a state of final spiritual ruin; loss of the soul; damnation.
2. the future state of the wicked.
armorial adj.
1. of or pertaining to heraldry or heraldic bearings.
2. bearing a coat or coats of arms: a set of armorial china.
perforce adv.
of necessity; necessarily; by force of circumstance: The story must perforce be true.