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100 Cards in this Set

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Why do Prince Prospero and his guests lock themselves in a castle?

to hide from the red death

In the "Masque of the Red Death," whom does Prince Prospero invite to his abbey?

his friends and servants

What do the red windows in the last chamber symbolize?


Prince Prospero's guests seem happy and care free, but they stop celebrating and get very quiet every time the clock chimes. What does this tell you about how they are feeling?

scared of reality

Which of the following is a symbol that suggests that the revelers will not live long?

the clock

What does the uninvited guest symbolize?

the red death

How does Prince Prospero die?

red death

The tripods' flames go out when the last of the revelers dies. Based on this detail, what might the tripods' flames symbolize?(.2)


What message is Poe trying to convey in "The Masque of the Red Death"?

you cant escape death no matter how rich or powerful

Why does Prince Prospero decide to have a masquerade?

its enternaining

How do Prince Prospero's guests react to the black room?

they were afraid of it

The location of the black chamber was at the western end of the suite.


Prince Prospero objects to the masked stranger because?

he wore red

Why is "the masque of the red death" an allegory?

it all symbolizes something

What statement from the story is a biblical allusion?

he comes like a thief in the night

As used is literature, a symbol is:

something that means or stands for something

The ebony clock is symbolic of:


Prince Prospero thought it was possible to escape________(.3)


Initially, the characters in the story find refuge from the red death in:

the abbey

Allusion is:

an indirect reference to a person, place, or literature work

Grotesque means:

fantastic appearance

The eastern room, the blue room, may be symbolic to:

new life

The ebony clock stood against what?

the west wall

Prince Prospero symbolizes:


What is the allegorical meaning of the seven rooms?

the seven ages/stages of life

The genre of "the masque of the red death" is:


"And darkness and decay and the red death held illimitable dominion over all" is another, more formal, way of saying:

death held power over everyone

Pervade means:

to spread throughout

An allegory is a:

a work with two layers of meaning

All the details in the story are Poe's way of creating a sense of:


The people in this story have avoided the Red Death's victims mainly because:

the disease is contagious

The people at the masque eat, drink, and party because?

have convinced themselves they are safe

The sound of the ebony clock tolling the hour seems to make guests feel?


It is LEAST likely that the tolling of the ebony clock is mean to symbolize?


The guests seem to feel that the masked figure's costume is?


Which of the following best describes what the characters in this story are trying to do?

cheat or defy death

An animal that is often used to represent sagacious qualities is the?


If an event appalls you, you are likely to?


A word that means opposite of dauntless is?


A person might be said to have a spectral appearance if he is quite?


Blasphemous behavior is most offensive to people who are?


Prince Prospero reacted so violently towards the red death because:


What type of

human vs. supernatural

How did the narrator attract the rats to his bindings?

rubbed meat juice on them

What does the narrator think about his cell?


How did the narrator discover the pit?

trips and falls

How did the narrator find himself when he awoke after being drugged?

tied to a wooden plank/board

how was the narrator freed from the table?

the rats ate through his bindings

What caused the narrator to fall down and sleep?

he was drugged

What does he mean when he says he "swooned"?

he passed out

What are the two stages that one goes through when recovering from a swoon?

physical and mental

What does he mean when he speaks of "the descent of the soul into hades"?

going to hell

What does he see when he FIRST opens his eyes?


What happens to the narrator at the end of the story?

he is free

What historical event is taking place during the story?

spanish inquisition

What is the narrator dreading when the story begins?

his trial

What kind of figurative language is the author using when he compares his heart to "the stealthy pace of a tiger"?


What was the painted figure that he saw above him?

the representation of time

What was the second thing that he saw above him?

the pendulum

What is going on in the first scene the narrator describes?


How does the narrator try to discover his surroundings?

walks around the room; touches the walls

After they realized he would now cautiously avoid the pit, what fate did the narrator's captors plan for him?


How did the narrator save himself from the pit?

tripped and fell

Just as he was about to be forced into the pit, what happened?

the walls stopped moving and he was saved

Why was he saved from the pit?

end of the spanish inquisition

Both of Poe's selections create a sense of horror through descriptions of?


How does Poe's style help you understand the meaning of the sentence that begins line 277 of "The Pit and the Pendulum"?

unusual wordchoice causes confusion

Why was it unusual that the speaker in Poe's poem seems to have taken solace in the lake?

scary, dark, and eerie

What profession did Poe's mother have before she died of tuberculosis?


About how old was Poe when his mother died?


Poe went to live with the ____ family after his mother's death.


Poe believed women should be treated with courtesy.


When Poe attended the university, students said he was both a good writer and ____.


While in school, how did Poe try to make money?


Poe ran away and joined the ____ under the false name of Edgar Allan ____.

army; perry

Poe briefly attended a military school know as ____.

west pointe

In 1829, Poe's step mother died of ____ also known as consumption.


In 1831, Poe moved to ____, Maryland.


John Allan left Poe out of his will when he died.


What was Poe's nickname when he reviewed books for a newspaper?


Poe realized he was in love with his cousin. What was her name?


About how old was his cousin when she and Poe married?


When Poe thought his love would move away, what did he do to express his love for her?

wrote a letter

How old was Poe when he married for the first time?


Poe lived in a time when he couldn't make a living doing what?


Poe created the ____ story, the first being The Murders in the Rue Morgue.


What writing brought overnight fame to Poe?

the raven

How much money did Poe make for this work?


What are two things Poe would do to express his love to Virginia after her death?

lay on her grave; wrote annabel lee

What doomed Poe's hopes for moving on with his life and remarrying?


Poe's fiction looks beyond his own ____.



unyielding persistence


greatly dismay or horrify


showing fearlessness and determination


like a ghost


religiously against God or sacred things


not precisely known or determined


fluent/persuasive in speaking or writing


clear; mentally sound


impossible to overcome