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20 Cards in this Set

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Where in a short story should the climax be?

Immediately before the Denouement or "unravelling" of the story.

What are the three types of short story endings?

The surprise or shock ending (not exactly the same)

The Unfinished Ending (Cliffhanger)

The Natural Ending

What is the most common type of short story ending?

Surprise or shock

What four things does the Opening of a short story do?

1. sets the scene

2. presents the situation

3. arouses the interest

4.introduces the main characters

What is the complication or complicating incident?

The intro of a problem which calls for some action on the part of the central character

What is the climax?

the highest point of tension in the story, the turning point which reveals the result of the protagonist's efforts. Resolves the conflict

What is the key ingredient for all short stories?


What are Poe's principles?

1. A short story should create a single impression

2. capable of being read in one sitting

3. every word contributes to the planned effect

4. the effect should be created in the opening sentence and developed throughout the work

5. the story should end at its climax

6. only characters that are essential to the effect should appear

What is escape literature?

it takes us away from the real world

what is interpretative literature?

it takes us deeper into the real world

what is plot?

the sequence of incidents of which a story is composed

what is the conflict?

a clash of actions, ideas, desires, or wills

There is man vs man, man vs himself, and man vs environment

Who is the protagonist?

the central character in the conflict

Who is the antagonist?

the forces against the protagonist

what is suspense?

Mystery- suspense where the reader wants to know more about the circumstances

Dilemma-suspense where the reader is presented with a conflict and wants to know the solution

What are the five types of characters?






What is the theme?

the controlling idea or central insight

what are the points of view?


Limited omniscient

first person


What is a symbol

something that means more than what it actually is

What are the three kinds of irony?

verbal-the opposite is said from what is intended

dramatic-the opposite is done from what the reader knows to be true

situation-captain torres and the barber who wants to kill him