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25 Cards in this Set

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Extreme close up

Emphasises a portion of the face, a small detail etc.

Close up

Draws attention to detail, especially facial reaction.

Long shot/ wide shot

Figure can be seen from head to toe.

Establishing shot

Often used at the beginning of a film or sequence to show where the action is taking place. Also can be used to make a person feel small or isolated.

Two shot

Includes two people, often to indicate a relationship information.

Point of view shot

From a particular characters point of view. Audience sees what character sees.

Over the shoulder shot

Often used for dialogue or to show a reaction.

-Low angle shot

-High angle shot

-Wide angle shot

-May emphasise size

-Show vulnerability

-Gives context or setting of action


A smooth change to make objects appear to be come closer or recead.


Camera tilts up or down.

Hand held camera

To create a sense of anxiety or confusion from the unsteady movement of the camera. It can also create a realistic impression.

Shallow focus

Focus is clear in only one plane. The rest of the image is blurred.

Deep focus

Everything is focused.

-Diegetic sound

Non diegetic sound


-sound that comes from outside of the film.


Noises other than the spoken voice. Can give you an impression of where the setting is.

Voice over

May be unseen narrator or a characters thoughts.

Background music

It can be used to let the audience know what is about to happen or to affect their emotions. The music at the start of the film sets the tone for the entire movie and is sometimes repeated at important times throughout.

-Loud, rythmatic and fast - supports violent or rapid action

-Soft, melodic, use of harmony - romantic

-Sudden, use of brass and percussion - humerus

-electronic - sci fi

-rising melody- builds tension

Three point lighting


-use a key, fill and back light to illuminate a subject.

-allows them to control shading and shadows produced.

Key light

Towards the subjects face at eye level. Gives the effect of natural shadows.

Fill light

This is a low powered light near to the camera. It softens the key light so the shadows are not so dark.

Back light

A light behind the subject gives a silhouette effect.

Chiaroscurro lighting

creating deep shadows to create mood.

Cross cutting

To create the impression between that they are happening at the same time. May be used to create contrast, confusion.


As one image fades out another fades in. The two images will usually be mixed together for some time.


A large number of shots with no intention of creating a continuous reality. Used to compress time. Usually linked with non diegetic sound, such as a voice over, a piece of music.