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39 Cards in this Set

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the principle evil character in a play of story
flat character
a character constructed around a single idea or quality and does not change in course of the story
logical fallacy
errors in reasoning that render and argument
verbal irony
occurs when a speaker or narrator says one thing, while meaning the opposite
a short speech or remark spoken by a charatcer, directed either to another character or the audience which by convection is not supposed to be audible.
high comedy
Comedy appealing to the inconsistence and incongruities of human nature by displaying the follies of social manners
Story with one center person who’s larger than life. Chronicles of mythical history of a group of people. Envokes supernatural, common people only serve as a backup
comic relief
A humorous scene, incident, or speech in the course of a serious fiction or drama, introduce, it is sometimes thought, to provide relief from emotional intensity and, by contrast, to heighten the seriousness of the story
The point in a story or play in which the tension reaches a maximum and resolution is imminent
Clearing up of the complications of the plot at the end of a play or story parallel sentence
situational irony
Occurs when a situation turns out differently from what one would normally expect-though often the twist is oddly appropriate
tragic hero
a hero having a tragic flaw
parallel sentence
A sentence that uses parallelism and contains similarity between sentences, or parts of a sentence. Involves an arrangement of words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs with equal importance and similarly phrased.
A group of verse lines forming a section of a poem and sharing the same (line, length, meter, and rhyme scheme) as all or some of the other sections of the same poem. Stanza is sometimes made according to thought as well as form, in which case it is a unit like a phrase paragraph
A speech delivered while the speaker is alone to show what is passing in the character’s mind
A dialogue in which the ending and beginnings of each line echo each other, taking on a new meaning with each new line
tragic flaw
the defect of a charatcer that brings ou the protagonist's downfall in a tragedy.
informal diction
The language of every use. It is relaxed and conversational. It often includes common and simple words, idiom, slang, jargon, and contractions.
A serious play representing the disastrous downfall of the protagonist
Quality of a short story, novel or narrative poem that makes the reader or audience tense, or uncertain about coming events
Any moment of a great intensity in a literary work, especially in drama. The part of the story or play at which a crisis is reached and resolution achieved
The final resolution or denouement of the plot of a tragedy, usually involving the death of the protagonist
Regional language, differing in usage, contradiction pronunciation
The repetition of sounds in two or more words or phrases that appear close to each other in a poem
The speech of characters in any kind of narrative, story, or play
Short narrative detailing particular of an interesting episode or event. The term refers to an incident in the life of an important person and holds an element of truth.
comedy of ideas
When the characters argue about important issues, such as war, gender, marriage, ect.
epic hero
a hero in an epic, novel, or poem
formal diction
Diction that includes languages that creates an elevated tone, often using polysyllabic words, sophisticated syntax, elegant word choice. It is free of slang, idioms, colloquialism, and contradiction
One of the dominant ideas in a work of literature; a part of the main theme. It may consist of a character, a recurring image or a verbal pattern
blank verse
Unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter
low comedy
At the bottom of a comedy ladder, using the lowest common denominator the body, laughter is mostly derived from dirty jokes and gestures. Physical mishaps, pratfalls, slapstick, and loud collisions are obvious elements
Language deficient in taste and refinement, course, base
The short coming of defect in the Greek tragic hero leads him to ignore the warnings of the gods and to transgress their laws and commands, the arrogance and pride of a protagonish
The extended speech uttered by one speaker, either to others of as if alone
A device in which indirectness of statement, usually in an effort to avoid offensiveness. Frequently used in subjects such as relgion, death, bodily functions, and sex
The reversal of the normally expected order of words
The practice of beginning several consecutive or neighboring words with the same sound
A common technique of story telling by starting the story at some exciting point, in the middle of action, grabbing events. From latin, “In the middle of the thing”