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124 Cards in this Set

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Which authority details personnel with special NECs?

Chief of Naval Personnel

Which publication contains the occupational standards?


what do occupational standard identify?

work reqirements

what section of the pqs program is concerned with your actual duties

watch stations

what primary source of information should you consult to locate on board drawings

(SDI) ships drawing index

what two systems basically make up the 3-m system

Planned maintenance system & maintenance data system

what does pms dictate .......
the minimum required maintenance to keep fully operational conditions within specs

PMS id specifically what type of maintenance


what is the purpose of the current ships maintenance project (CSMP)?

to provide a consolidated list of deferred corrective maintenance

where does the maintenance action form OPNAV 4790/2K originate

the work center

diesel engines are considered as reciprocating internal-combustion engines because______

they burn fuel in a confined chamber where the energy from the fuel moves a piston back and forth

in a diesel engine, internal combustion causes the piston to move by

pressure of gasses produced by the burning of fuel and air in the cylinder

the thermal energy produced by internal combustion in an engine is transformed into

mechanical energy

In describing engine operation, which of the following definitions refers to the term cycle?

the sequence of events that produces a power pulse

One cycle of engine operation includes ......
one mechanical and one combustion cycle

what factor determines the number of events occurring in a cycle of operation

type of engine (diesel or gasoline)

when is fuel injected into a cylinder of a diesel engine?

after air in the cylinder is compressed

the combustion cycle specifically refers to

the heat process which produces the forces that move engine parts

what are three separate subsystems of the 3M system?

Planned maintenance system (PMS)

Maintenance data system (MDS)

Intermediate maintenance management system (IMMS)

what 3M subsystem establishes preventive maintenance, reduces the need for major corrective maintenance, increases economy, and saves the cost of repairs?


what document contains a numerical listing of outstanding deficiencies for all work centers aboard ship?

Current Ships Maintenance Project (CSMP)

If a problem arises with a pieces of equipment that cannot be repaired within thirty days, you must prepare a deferred action using what form

OPNAV Form 4790/2K

If the problem with a piece of machinery is beyond ship's force repair capability what form must be filled out

OPNAV Form 4790/2K

Because of rapid changes in the 3M system, you should refer to a current copy of what publication


PMS schedules are categorized in what manner

cycle, quarterly, and weekly

what schedule displays the planned maintenance requirements to be performed between major overhauls of the ship


who signs and dates the pms cycle schedule

Engineer officer (Department head)

who updates the pms quarterly schedule weekly

division officer

how long are pms quarterly schedules maintained

1 year

what pm schedule is a visual display of planned maintenance scheduled for accomplishment in a given work center during a specific week

weekly schedule (13week)

who fills out and posts the weekly pms schedule

divisional work center supervisor

who updates the pms weekly schedule daily

divisional work center supervisor

who signs the weekly pms schedule

division officer

what form provides maintenance personnel with the means to report discrepancies and problems within the pms system

pms feedback report form 4790/7B

who receives the green copy of the pms feedback report 4790/7B

original workcenter

who receives and maintains the blue copy of the pm feedback report 4790/7B

3-M coordinator

where is the blue copy of the pms feedback report kept

3-M coordinator's suspense file

who serializes the oms feedback report

3M coordinator

who receives the pink copy of the pm feedback report


urgent pms feedback reports are sent via what

Naval Message

the responsibility for development and overall policy governing management of the 3-M system is the responsibility of who?

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)

who exercises overall responsibility for 3m operation


who exercises primary responsibility for the effective operation and support of the ships 3m system under their claimancy


who has the overall responsibility fir ensuring ships maintenance is accomplished following 3m system procedures and that the 3m system functions effectively within the command

Commanding Officer

who is the ship 3m manager

executive officer

the principal 3m assistant to the executive officer is whom?

3m coordinator

when is the CSMP verified and updated?


what does the acronym LOEP stand for

list of effective pges

the list of effective pages contains what

provides a listing of the maintenance index pages and system equipment not requiring pms assigned to each work center

the acronym MIP stands for what

maintenance index page

what is the maintenance index page

an index of a complete set of maintenance requirement cards applicable to a ship system, subsystem, or equipment

What does an "A" in the test column of a MIP indicate

testing is to be performed by shore activity only

What is the "other" column used for on a MIP

Administrative use by FTSCLANT/FTSCPAC

mandatory related maintenance requirements on the MIP are indicated by what

The symbol #

a completed pms check is indicated by what on the pms weekly schedule


a pms check not completed during the week is indicated by what

check is circled

who approves the recopying of a quarterly pms schedule

division officer

on the pms quarterly schedule what is listed in the "next four weeks" column

all pms requirements due in the next four weeks

what is the purpose of the pms maintenance requirement card (MRC)

to provide detailed procedures for performing maintenance requirements and tells, how, and with what resources a specific requirement is to be accomplished

a pms check designated as "M" on the weekly schedule means what?


a pms check periodicity code "W" means what?


a pms check periodicity code "S" means what?


a pms check periodicity code "A" means what?


a pms check periodicity code "R" means what?

situation requirement

a pms check periodicity code "Q" means what?


a pms check periodicity code "D" means what?


a pms check periodicity code "2W" means what?

accomplished every two weeks

a pms check periodicity code "R-1D" means what?

daily and when the situation requirement is fulfilled

what are the 4 inactive equipment maintenance (IEM) PMS periodicity codes


PM-periodic maintenance

SU-start up

OT-operational test

what function does the pms equipment guide list (egl) serve

used with a maintenance requirement card (MRC) when the MRC applies to a number of identical items.

what action must be taken by maintenance personnel when tools, parts, materials, or test equipment prescribed by the mrc is not available

notify work center supervisor immediately

the standard pms materials identification guide (SPMIG) helps you as a maintenance person in what way

it is a numerical cross reference of materials required to perform the pms, a numerical code is placed in parenthesis prior to required test equipment, materials and miscellaneous on the mrc. this code is then cross referenced in the SPMIG.

when maintenance personnel obtain pms assignments from the weekly pms schedule, who do they report completed and uncompleted actions to?
work center supervisor
when is a pms feedback report considered urgent
when safety of personnel and equipment are involved
how do maintenance personnel verify that the mrc is up to date and current
by cross checking the mrc to the mip
a pms check conducted monthly and every 600 hours would have what periodicity code
what does an asterisk * following the periodicity code mean
indicates a safety of ship item
what is a tag guide list (tgl)
contains the number of tags required, location of tags, position of the tagged equipment and permission or notification requirements
what is the four segment code thay is used to catalog alk mrcs and is located vertically along the lowet right side of the mrc
MRC SYSCOM Control number
who lines out non applicable items in the pricedure block of the MRC
work center supervisor
who is responsible fo rescheduling and circled requirements still within periodicity on the quarterly pms schedule
division officer
where is the weekly pms schedule required to be posted
in the applicable work centet
shifting of maintenance responsibilities from one work center to another can only be approved by whom
type commander
who must sign a pms feedback report that requests to split the maintenance responsibility on a mip
executive officer
what indicates the commencement of inactive maintenance on a quarterly pms schedule
a vertically drawn red line
all previously scheduled pms on the quarterly pms schedule is marked througn horizontally with what color ink
what form is used to report completion of alterations and maintenance actions that result in a configuration change
what is located in block 3 of OPNAV 4790/2K
job sequence number
if the system or equipment to be taggee out is placed out of commission, the authorizing officer must get permission from whom before tagging it out
engineer officer or commanding officer
after the petty officet in charge of the work completes filling out tge tags and record sheet, who makes an independent check of the tag coverage
the second person
when does the second person independently verify proper tag placement, signs the tags, and initials the record sheet
after all tags are attached
what are two types of tags

danger and caution

what tag is used as a precautionary measure to provide temporary special amplifying instructions or to indicate that unusual caution must be exercised to operate equipment?


what is the color of the caution tag?


what tag is used to prohibit the operation of equipment that could jeopardize the safety of personnel or endanger equipment.


what is the color of the danger tag


what labels are used to identify instruments that are out of calibration and may not work properly

out of calibration labels

what color distinguishes an out calibration label


red labels that are used to identify instruments that do not work properly because they are defective or isolated from the system are termed what?

out of commission labels

who authorizes out of calibration and out of commission labels

authorizing officer normally eoow/edo

how often are tag out audits conducted

every two weeks

results of a tag out audit are reported to who

engineer officer

proper procedures for tag out are delineated in what reference

OPNAVINST 3120.32 series (SORM)

if a tag out is requested by a repair activity, the repair activity rep must sign what, to indicate the repair activity is satisfied with the completeness of the tag out

tag out record sheet

why does the authorizing officer notify damage control central that a tag out is in progress

to ensure that DCC is fully cognizant of the extent of the tag out and the status of the material condition of the unit to be tagged

how does the authorizing officer annotate that dcc was notified

annotates upper tight hand corner with the words "DCC NOTIFIED" followed by the authorizing officer's initials

How often are tag·out audits conducted?

Every two weeks

Results of a tag~out audit are reported to whom?

Engineer Officer

Proper procedures for tag_out are delineated in what reference?

OPNAVINST 3120.32 series (SORM)

Who is authorized to attach Danger! Caution tags?

Only qualified ships force personnel.

What would a Danger tag with the serial number 2001 indicate?

1st tag of log serial number 2001.

How is the amount of tags required for a tag-out determined?

By use of schematics and drawings.

What is done with Danger/Caution tags after the tag-out action is complete and the tags removed?

They are immediately removed and destroyed.

For routine maintenance in port, who will normally be the authorizing officer for a tag-out?

the edo

What are two subdivisions of the Engineering Operational Sequencing System (EOSS). ·

Engineering Operational Procedures (EOP) and Engineering Operational Casualty Control (EOCC).

who authotizes the cycle schedule
Engineer officer (deparment head)
who initials changes made to the cycle schedule
engineer officer (deparment head)
whatvis scheduled in green ink toward the end of the inactive equipmrnt maintenance period
start up requirements and operational testing
what is OPNAV 4790/L used for
a supplemental form providing additional information such as drawings and listingsbused in conjunction with the 4790/2K
block 35 of OPNAV 4790/2K contains what information
remarks relating to tge maintenance action
a priority code of 1 in block 41 of OPNAV 470/2K means what
wgo has overall responsibility for ships tag out program
commanding officer
who authotizes a system or piece of equipment to be tagged out
authorizing officer normally eoow/edo
who normally fills out and signs the tag out record sheet and prepares the tags
petty officer in charge if the work