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52 Cards in this Set

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Energy Definition

The capacity to do work

Work Definition

A force applied over distance

Equations for work


w= work (lowercase), measured in Joules

f= force, measured in Newtons

d= distance, measured in meters

Where does energy come from?

The sun

How does it travel?

Energy pathways

How does the sun's energy get stored in a book lifted two meters off the ground?

Sun -> photosynthesis -> digest food -> cellular respiration -> movement -> in the book

Energy pathway example warmth/light from a fire

Sun -> photosynthesis -> combustion -> hot air -> warms skin -> warms blood -> blood flows faster

Why do energy pathways work? (law of conservation of energy)

Energy cannot be created, energy cannot be destroyed, energy can be transformed.

Two major energy classifications

Kinetic energy and potential energy

Define kinetic energy

Energy in a moving object, it often results in energy being stored

What is an objects KE a function of?

It's mass and it's velocity (speed in reality

Difference between speed and velocity

Speed is a part of velocity which is rate and direction

To calculate KE

KE= 1/2(m)(v2)

v to the second power is the first step


m=mass (kg)

v=velocity (speed m/s)

Define potential energy

Energy stored in an object often due to motion

Examples of EPE

stretch rubber band, amount of energy stored is a result of work done to stretch the rubber band (EPE)

To calculate EPE


Example of GPE

lift and object; energy stored is a result of raising the object to the height

To calculate GPE

ma(sub g)h =GPE



m=mass (kg)

ag=gravitational accelleration (9.8 m/s2)

h=height (cm)

unita for GPE= J(oules)

As GPE increases KE decreases

As KE increases GPE increases

Reversible Energy

Ex. of reversible energy


Define solar energy

Radiant energy (moving photons) from the sun

Solar Energy can be converted into what three things?

1. Chemical energy-photosynthesis

2. Heat

3. Electricity

This is a multi-step process

General uses of solar-> heat energy first use

A. to heat water for home or building or swimming pool use

1. Solar thermal collectors

a. passive=air/water moves due to heating (convection), no fans, etc. used

Think of a car heating up on a hot day, warm sunshine through a window, or solar showers used in backpacking, pool covers dark with sunshine

b. active= collectors absorb energy and fans or pumps circulate the warmth

Collectros can be concentrating or non-concentrating

General uses of solar-> heat energy second use

B. Heat spaces->greenhouses, homes, buildings

See number one (they also have passive and active uses)

- Windows face south

General uses of solar-> heat energy third use

C. Heat fluids= to operate turbines to generate electricity

1. parabolic trough- curved mirror set-up that concentrates energy to one point, increases intensity by 30 to 100 times can reach temps of 750 degrees Farenheight

2. Solar dish- a curved, mirror dish that concentrates energy to a single focal point can get u to 1380 degrees Faranheight

3. Solar Power Tower- A single collecting tower at the center of a field of flat reflecting mirrors, can increase energy by 1500X's

Use of three solar devices

Heat fluids to create steam to turn a turbine to produce electricity

Photovoltaic Cells

Known as solar cells, change sun energy into electricity

Everyday use examples of solar cells part 1

calculators, watches, etc.

solar energy->electricity part 2

Individual cells are grouped onto panels to produce larger quantities of electricity; panels can group into large arrays (many panels) to produce even larger quantities of electricity

Advantages of Solar energy to electricity

1. No mechanical generators needed

2. easy to install

3. minimum environmental impact- no water for cooling, no CO2 or other emissions

Example of solar energy to electricity part 3

Generate DC current that must be converted to AC for transmission

Benefits of Solar

1. do not produce air pollution

2. usually do not require water based cooling systems

3. once installed inexpensive to operate

Limitations of Solar

1. Sunlight reaching earth's surface is not constant, it depends on time of day, time of year, weather

2. Sun energy needs to be concentrated, can require large surface areas to collect enough to be useful (can take up a lot of space)

3. Cost of initial installation of equipment


- Energy from moving electrons

- Most used in the U.S BECAUSE;

a. easily produced as fossil fuels, wood, hydro, nuclear, geothermal, wind, solar

b. Relatively inexpensive

c. easy to TRANSFORM* into heat, sound, radiant, mechanical

d. easy to transmit long distances

e. Relatively safe

f. easy to store

g. relatively clean (not necessarily to produce)

Electricity Transmission

1. Produced at a power plant

2. transferred via high voltage power lines (60,000 gonna lose energy)

3. Transformers reduce the voltage to levels that can be used in a home (can also transform voltage)

4. Electricity travels in circuits in the house- designed to carry specific levels (amps) of electricity

5. Safety devices to prevent overflows

a. fuses- with a wire that melts and breakers

b. circuit breakers-switch that opens

Electric Consumption

- How much energy is used


- Power=rate energy is used


w=work (Joules) lowercase

t=time (seconds)

p=power (J/s)

- Every device uses energy at a rate

How many watts is 1J/s using

1 watt (1 W)

A 60 watt lightbulb uses


Electric Consumption depends on

1. how long something is used (time)

2. Amount of J (energy) needed to operate the device

Energy equation





1500 W oven

3 hr to cook

How many Joules are used?




4500W=amount of Wh (Watt hours)

4500wh/1000wh=4.5 KWH- kilowatt hours, use this

Definition of Wind Energy

A form of solar energy describing the process of wind generating mechanical power or electricity

What are winds caused by?

The uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun, irregularities of earth's surface, rotation of the earth

Energy pathway for wind


*It is kinetic energy*

Early uses of wind energy

- First used in 5000 B.C. as sailing ships in Egypt

- 2000 B.C was used to grind grains

900 B.C. Persians grinded grains

900-500 B.C China pumped water from the ground

- Dutch used wind to drain wetlands 9used windmills) in 1,000 A.D

- Still pump water in U.S

- Used in western U.S since 1800's

Describe modern windmill

-200-300 ft tall

- 200 ft blades

- Have a turbine that creates electricity

Potential Power Output

- 5% of US energy is from wind

- 5%=70 gigawatts

- 5% powers 18,000,000 homes (18 million)

- 40% of Texas and 66% of power in Colorado is from wind

- One large turbine= 600 homes

Location of wind power

Germany, Spain, Us, India, Denmark

- US leads world in wind energy production

Economic advantages wind power

1. Fuel is free

2. Low maintenance cost

3. Low operation cost

4. Independence from foreign fuels

5. Jobs

Economic disadvantages wind power

1. Expensive to install

2. Takes up land

3. Need wind so it's dependent on the weather

4. Damage during construction

Environmental Advantages

- Minimum carbon footprint

- No other air pollution

- Renewable energy

- Doesn't use water (flexible) doesn't have to be near river

Environmental disadvantages

1. Construction= erosion

2. Makes things look ugly (aesthetics)

3. Kills wildlife

4. Noisy