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103 Cards in this Set

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During each menstrual cycle, only one out of ________ to ________ follicles will be successful at maturing and releasing an egg.

10 to 20


Ovulation occurs approximately ________ prior to menstruation.

2 weeks


Define: endometrium

The lining of the inside of the uterus.


If the egg is not fertilized with _______ to _______ hours after it has been released from the follicle, it will die, and the thickened endometrium will be shed because it is not needed.

36 to 48 hours.


The shedding of the endometrium is the menstrual flow that occurs around the _______ day of a woman's cycle.

28th day


What term describes a fertilized egg from 0-10 weeks after fertilization?



What term describes a fertilized egg from 10 weeks until delivery?



What is the approximate length of normal human gestation?

40 weeks (9 months)


What term describes the vagina and cervix together?

Birth canal.


What term describes the discharge of the mucous plug that seals the uterine opening? This often signals the beginning of labor.

Bloody show.


The vagina is about ____ to ____ inches in length, begining at the cervix and ending as an external opening of the body.

3 to 5 inches.


The area between the vagina and the anus is called the ________



A disk-shaped structure attached to the uterine wall that provides nourishment to the fetus through the umbilical cord.



Consists of two layers of cells, keeping the circulation of the woman and fetus separated by allowing nutrients, oxygen, waste, carbon dioxide, many toxins, and medications to pass between the fetus and woman.

placental barrier


The _________ _______ contains two arteries and one vein.

Umbilical cord


What type of blood does the umbilical vein carry?



What type of blood do the umbilical arteries carry?



A fluid-filled, bag-like membrane called the _______ ____ which contains 500 to 1000 mL of _______ fluid. AKA: ______ ___ ________. When broken it leaks or gushes fluid that helps to lubricate the birth canal and remove any bacteria.

amniotic sac. amniotic. Bag of waters.


A pregnancy is considered full term once it reaches ___ weeks but has not gone beyond ____ week, ___ days.

39 weeks. 40 weeks, 6 days.


A pregnancy that has reached full term is referred to as ______ ________.

term gestation.


What happens to the position of the uterus in the body as its size increases?

It is displaced out of its well-protected position within the pelvic area and may be more vulnerable to injury.


At what position (body landmark) is the top of the uterus at or above by the 20th week of pregnancy, increasing the chance of direct fetal injury in trauma?

The umbilicus.


During the second trimester, rapid uterine growth occurs. As the uterus grows, it pushes ___ on the _______, affecting the _______ system.

up on the diaphragm. Respiratory system.


What is the effect on the respiratory system of the uterus pushing up on the diaphragm in the 2nd trimester?

Decreased tidal volume and increased respiratory rate. Respiratory reserve is also reduced and minute volume may also be affected.


The mother's overall blood volume gradually _______ throughout the pregnancy.



Blood volume may increase by as much as _____% by the end of the pregnancy. The number of red blood cells also ________, which ______ the woman's need for _____.

50%. Increases. Increases. Iron


What changes occur in blood clotting factors as the woman's body prepares for childbirth?

The speed of clotting increases to protect against excesive bleeding during delivery.


During pregnancy, the patient's heart-rate ________ by ____% (about ____ ____ beats per minute) to accommodate changes in blood volume.

Increases by 20%. About 20 more beats per minute.


What change occurs over time in cardiac output from onset of pregnancy to delivery?

Significant increase.


Displacement of the stomach by the uterus significantly increases the risk of which airway complication?

Emesis (vomiting) and aspiration.


Women in the third trimester of pregnancy also experience a change in the body's ______ ____ _________, making them prone to slipping and falling.

Center of gravity.


A condition in which diabetes develops during pregnancy in women who have not had diabetes previously.

Gestational diabetes.


How should a patient with gestational diabetes be treated when experiencing hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia?

In the exact same manner in which any other diabetic would be treated.


What is a condition that may occur as delivery nears (after 20 weeks gestation), typically in patients who are pregnant for the first time?

preeclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension)


What are the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia?

1. Severe hypertension

2. Severe or persistent headache

3. Visual abnormalities (spots, blurred vision, sensitive to light)

4. Edema (swelling) in the hands and feet

5. Anxiety


Which condition affecting pregnant patients is characterized by seizures that occur as a result of hypertension?



What should be done for a patient experiencing eclampsia?

1. Lay the patient on her left side, 2. Maintain her airway and suction any vomitus

3. Provide oxygen therapy

4. Provide rapid transport with ALS intercept (if available) for any pregnant patient having a seizure.


What term describes the condition caused by compression of the inferior vena cava by the pregnant uterus when the patient lies supine, reducing the blood flow returned to the heart?

Supine hypotensive syndrome.


In what position should any patient in the third trimester of pregnancy be positioned in?

On her left side during transport except during delivery (of the child).


What is the name of the condition when an embryo develops outside of the uterus?

ectopic pregnancy


Where do ectopic pregnancies most commonly develop?

In the fallopian tubes.


An ectopic pregnancy occurs about once in every ____ pregnancies.



What is the leading cause of maternal death in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Internal hemorrhage into the abdomen secondary to rupture of an ectopic pregnancy.


What possibility should be considered in a woman who has missed a menstrual cycle and reports sudden, sever, usually unilateral pain in the lower abdomen?

Ectopic pregnancy.


What factors should increase your suspicion of possible ectopic pregnancy?

1. History of PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)

2. Tubal ligation

3. Previous ectopic pregancies


Hemorrhage from the vagina that occurs before labor begins may be very serious. If you see this, _____ ____ ____ ______.

Call for ALS backup.


For a patient in early pregnancy, what would vaginal bleeding be potential sign of?

Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).


In the later stages of pregnancy, ______ ___________ may indicate a serious condition involving the placenta.

Vaginal hemorrhage.


Define: abruptio placenta

A life-threatening condition in which the placenta separates prematurely from the wall of the uterus. Usually the patient reports severe pain, however, vaginal bleeding may not be heavy. May also present with signs of shock.

1187 & 1188

What are the most common causes of abruptio placenta?

Hypertension and trauma.


Define: placenta previa

A life-threatening condition in which the placenta develops over and covers the cervix.


What are signs and symptoms of placenta previa?

When early stages of labor begin and the cervix starts to dialate the pregnant patient may experience heavy vaginal bleeding, often without significant pain.


Any bleeding from the vagina in a pregnant woman is a _____ sign and should be treated _______ in the hospital.

Serious. Promptly.


While treating vaginal bleeding of a pregnant patient, what should you do with the soiled sterile or sanitary pads after you use them to control bleeding?

Save them for the hospital.


Controlling vaginal bleeding is important for the safety of the patient and her unborn fetus. When should you place absorbent material in the vagina to control bleeding?

NEVER! Nunca en la vida!


What are potential complications of abortion (whether spontaneous or intentional)?

1. Portions of the fetus or placenta are left in the uterus (incomplete abortion)

2. When the wall of the uterus is injured (perforation of the uterus and possibly the adjacent bowel or bladder)


What should you do with any body tissues that pass through the vagina (complications of abortion and also post-birth)?

Collect them and bring them to the hospital.


When should you try to pull tissue out of the vagina?

NEVER. Place a sterile pad or sanitary pad over the vagina in this case.


What condition is seen in infants born to women who have abused alcohol during pregnancy?

Fetal alcohol syndrome.


What special considerations are required when handling the delivery of a pregnant patient who struggles with addiction?

SAFETY FIRST! Protect yourself! Follow standard precautions. Wear eye protection, a face mask, and gloves at all times.


What condition should be suspected in a pregnant trauma patient when the MOI is blunt abdominal trauma and the signs and symptoms suggest shock?

abruptio placenta


What 2 special considerations are required for care of a woman in the last month or two of pregnancy who is in cardiac arrest?

1. Compressions may need to be applied a little higher on the sternum than usual

2. If available, one provider should be assigned to manually displace the uterus toward the patient's left side to facilitate blood return to the right side of the heart.


If a pregnant patient is on a backboard because of suspected spinal injury, _____ the backboard _____ degrees to the _____.

Tilt the backboard 30 degrees to the left.


What are the minimum standard precautions if a pregnant patient's delivery is already begun or is complete?

Gloves, eye, and face protection. Also, if a field delivery is expected and time allows, a gown should be used.


Blood loss after delivery is _________, but significant bleeding ___ _____.

expected. Is not.


If spinal immobilization of a pregnant patient is indicated, secure the patient to the backboard and _______ the _______ side of the board with rolled towels or blankets.

Elevate the right side.


When is visual inspection of the vaginal area of a pregnant patient unnecessary ?

If you do not suspect an imminent delivery and the patient reports other problems unrelated to delivery.


What conditions might indicate hemorrhage, compression of the vena cava, or hypertension (possibly indicating preeclampsia)?

Tachycardia and hypotension.


Define: 1st Stage of labor

Dilation of the cervix


Define: 2nd stage of labor

Delivery of the fetus


Define: 3rd stage of labor

Delivery of the placenta


Which stage of labor is usually the longest?

1st Stage


How long, on average, does the first stage of labor last?

16 hours


Define: primigravida

A woman who is experiencing her first pregnancy.


Define: multigravida

A woman who has experienced more than one pregnancy.


As a general rule, labor is longer in a ___________, and shorter in a ___________.

primigravida. multigravida.


Define: lightening

The movement down into the pelvis of the baby's head towards the end of the 3rd trimester. Some women describe this as a relief because once the fetus has moved from under their rib cage, breathing becomes easier.


The second stage of labor begins when ____ ______ _______ ____ _____ _______, and it ends with ______ ___ ____ _______.

the fetus enters the birth canal. the delivery of the newborn.


During the second stage of labor a woman may feel an urgent need to defecate. When is it safe to allow her to sit on the toilet?

"Under no circumstances should you let the woman sit on the toilet [during the second stage]."


What will happen to the perineum during the second stage of labor?

It will begin to bulge significantly.


Define: crowning

When the top of the fetus's head begins to appear at the vaginal opening.


The third stage of labor begins with the _____ __ ___ ______ and ends with the ______ __ ___ _______.

Birth of the neonate. Delivery of the placenta.


What function do contractions serve following the birth of the neonate?

Assist in the separation process and the clamping down and closing of blood vessels that connected the placenta to the uterine lining.


Up to how long should it take for the placenta do be delivered follwing birth of the neonate?

May take up to 30 minutes.


Patient privacy is an important consideration. According to standards of care, under what general circumstances would it be appropriate to touch the vaginal opening of a pregnant patient?

Do not touch the vaginal area until you have determined that delivery is imminent. In genral you should touch the vaginal area only during the delivery (under certain circumstances) and when your partner is present.


How do you evaluate a pregnant woman to determine her stage of labor?

Gently spread the patient's legs apart, explaining that you are doing so to decide whether the baby should be delivered immediately or whether she should be transported to the hospital for the delivery.


How can labor be slowed or stopped once it has begun?

It cannot be. Never hold a patient's legs closed, because this can complicate pregnancy.


Where should the primary EMT be positioned for delivery?

So that the perineal area my be seen at all times.


How should the EMT measure contractions?

Time the duration by feeling the patient's abdomen from the moment the uterus and abdomen tighten to the moment they relax.


What is the definitive sign that delivery is imminent and transport should be delayed until after the child has been born?



Define: cephalic presentation

When a fetus is positioned head first in the birth canal. Most births are of this type.


Define: nuchal cord

A condition in which the umbilical cord is wrapped around the fetus's neck.


What should the EMT do as soon as the head is delivered?

Use one finger to feel whether the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck.


Define: vernix caseosa

A white, cheesy substance which may cover the newborn's skin.


Once the intact umbilical cord stops pulsating, what step should be taken?

Apply 2 clamps to the cord, with the nearest (to the neonate) clamp being approximately 6 inches away from the newborns body. The clamps should be 2-4 inches apart. When they are in place, cut the cord between the clamps using a sterile instrument.


What is the normal time frame that the placenta should be delivered within?

30 minutes


Some bleeding, usually less than ____ mL, occurs before the placenta delivers and is normal and expected.

500 mL.


The normal placenta is ______ in shape, __ inch(es) in diameter, and __ inch(es) thick. The umbilical side is _____ and covered with a _____ ____ membrane. The other side is _____ and _____ ______-_____.

Round. 7. 1. Smooth. Shiny gray. Rough. Dark reddish-brown.


What are some possible complications of retention of a piece of the placenta in the patient following delivery?

Persistent bleeding or infection.


After delivery of the placenta and before transport, place a ______ ____ or _______ ______ over the ______ and ________ the woman's legs.

Sterile pad or Sanitary pad. Vagina. Straighten.


What action should be taken to slow bleeding following delivery?

Massage the woman's abdomen with a firm, circular, kneading motion. You should be able to feel a firm, grapefruit-sized mass in the lower abdomen; this is called the fundus.


Define: Fundus

The superior portion of the uterus.


What are three clear emergency situations that may occur during delivery with the woman related to the placenta?

1. The placenta has not delivered after 30 minutes

2. More than 500 mL of bleeding occurs before delivery of the placenta

3. Significant lbeeding occurs after delivery of the placenta