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30 Cards in this Set

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Define mitosis.
The process of cell division in which one cell divides into 2 identical daughter cells.
Define cell differentiation.
The process by which a cell develops from a less specialised to a more specialised type.
What is a haploid cell?
A cell which has half the usual number of chromosomes (23 in humans) e.g. female unfertilised egg & male sperm cell.
What is a diploid cell?
A cell which has the full number of chromosomes (46 in humans)
Define embryo.
'that which grows' - a developing human baby from weeks 0-8 of development.
Define foetus.
'offspring' - a developing human baby from the 9th week of development to birth.
What is the endometrium?
the innermost layer of the uterus into which the embryo implants
What is a germ cell?
a precursor that gives rise to gametes.
What is a gamete?
haploid reproductive sex cell (haploid) which joins with a gamete of the opposite sex to form a fertilised human cell/zygote. ovum & sperm
Define zygote.
Fertilised human cell which divides & develops to form an embryo.
Define 'troph'.
Define 'blast'.
What is the trophoblast?
the early placenta (immature structure that will eventually nourish the embryo
what is a cyst?
fluid-filled sac
Define blastocyst.
'immature cyst' - embryo at day 5-6 of development.
Define epiblast & hypoblast.
epiblast - immature structure above
hypoblast - immature structure below
Embryoblast divides into epi & hypo blast layers in 2nd week of development
What are germ layers & name them.
3 basic layers formed from the epiblast from which all tissues of the embryo develop. Ectoderm, mesoderm & endoderm.
Define ectoderm & list what structures derive from it.
Outer layer of cells.
Form: epidermis of skin, hair, mammary glands, mouth & anus, nerves & brain.
Define endoderm & list what structures derive from it.
Inner layer of cells.
Form: GI tract & most related organs, & lungs.
Define mesoderm & list what structures derive from it.
Middle layer of cells.
Form: many inner body structures including bones, muscle, dermis of skin, connective tissues, blood, heart, lymphatics, urogenital system, spleen, peritoneum.
What is the yolk sac?
Early cavity, linked to the gut, which provides early nourishment to the embryo before the placenta takes over.
Define umbilical.
'relating to the centre'. Umbilicus is the site at which the developing baby is attached to the placenta via the umbilical cord.
Define synctium/synctio-.
Relating to cells which have coalesced together to form a multi-nucleated mass
What is the synctiotrophoblast?
Part of the placenta (trophoblast) which has formed a synctium, & which invades into the uterine wall.
What is the cytotrophoblast?
Part of placenta closest to the embryo which consists of cells.
What is the amnionic cavity?
Fluid-filled cavity which surrounds & protects developing embryo/foetus inside the uterus.
What is a coelum & what are the 2 major coelomic cavities in the human body?
Coelum = cavity lined by epithelium derived from mesoderm.
Peritoneal cavity - surrounds & cushions abdominal organs, lined by 2 layers of mesodermal membrane: visceral & parietal peritoneum.
Pleural cavity - syrrounds lungs, lined by visceral & parietal pleura.
Explain the key events of gastrulation.
The early embryonic disc develops into 3 layers.
Flattened embryonic disc becomes folded.
What is the process of implantation?
Embryo begins to burrow into the uterine wall towards the end of week 1 of development.
Blastocyst development DIAGRAM