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25 Cards in this Set

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What is primary succession?
Surfaces on land where no siol exists.
what is Microclimate
The climate of a small area that differs from the climate around it.
What is a wetland?
an ecosystem in which water either covers the soil of is present at or near the surface of the soil.
What is a Kelf forest?
underwater forests of kelp
what is population density?
the number of individuals per unit area
what is Immigration?
the movment of individuals into an area
what is emigration?
the movment of individuals out of an area
What is exponential growth?
when individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate
What is nitrogen fixation?
The process in which bacteria called legumes convert nitrogen gas into ammonia
What is the process in which soil bacteria coverts nitrates into nitrogen gas?
what are boitic factors?
The biological influences on organisms within an ecosystem.
what are abiotic factors?
Physical or nonliving factors that shape an ecosystem
What is the fullrange of physical and biological conditions in which an organism lives?
A niche
What is parasitism?
when an organism lives on or inside another organism and harms it.
What is a carrying capacity?
The largest number of individuals that a given environment can support.
When does logistic growth occur?
When a populations growth slows or stops following a period of exponential growth.
What is monoculture?
when large fields are planted with a single variety year after year.
What is a renewable resource?
a resource that can regenerate or can be replenished by biochemical cycles.
What is an autotroph?
Organisms that make their own food.
In a cell what is the large structure that contains the cells genetic material?
the nucleus
_____ cells have genetic material that is not contained in a nucleus.
What do the vacuoles store?
water, salts, proteins, and carbs.
________ are organelles that capture the energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in a process called photo synthesis.
What is diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane
what does Isotonic mean?
same strength