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77 Cards in this Set

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Bu kitap kimin tarafından yazıldı?
By whom was this book written?
Gitmemize müsaade edilecek mi?
Will permission be given for us to go (for our going)?
Anlatabildim mi?
Have I succeeded in making myself clear (in explaining myself)?
Bunun sebebi bilinmez.
The reason for this is not known.
Onlar hiç görüşmezler.
They never talk to each other.
Bu yemeğe alıştım.
I grew accustomed to this food.
Bize onu sormadılar.
They didn't ask us that.
Çocuk yıkandı.
The child washed himself.
Çocuğu yıkadık.
We bathed the child.
Bana hiç bir şey öğretemedi.
He was unable to teach me a thing.

to say

to be said

to read

to be read

to break (trv)

to be broken

to give

to be given

to know

to be known

to find

to be found
Passive verb endings.
verbs ending in vowel- add 'n'

verbs ending in a consanant other than 'L' add 'il'

verbs ending in 'L' add 'in'
Passive negative verb endings.
söylenmemek, okunmamak, etc.

the endings are made passive, than negated.
Saatim nerede bulundu?
Where was my watch found?
Saatim kırıldı.
My watch was broken (passive).

My watch broke (active intransitive).
Rica olunur

Rica edilir
It is requested.
İstanbul'a nasıl gidilir?
How does one go to Istanbul?
(benim) tarafımdan
by me
by the government
Causative verbs
add t/d(i)r to the stem.

add 't' to verb stems ending in 'a'.

to know

to inform, announce, communicate, to cause someone to know something.
Bunu ona bildirdiler.

Bu ona bildirildi.
They caused this to be known to him.

This was made known to him.
(sizin) tarafınızdan
by you

to understand

to explain, recount, etc.
Mektubu bana anlattı.

Mektup bana anlatıldı.
He explained the letter to me.

The letter was explained to me.

to drink

to cause someone to drink
Sütü çocuğa içirdiler.
They made the child drink the milk.
Çocuklara süt içirilir.
Children are made to drink milk.
Beni Ankara'da oturttular.
They made me live in Ankara.
Ankara'da oturtuldum.
I was made to live in Ankara
Negative Causative verbs
verbs are made causative then negative

oturtmak oturtmamak
Reflexive Verb
add the suffix -(i)n.
to wear (clothes; intransitive)
to dress oneself
to clothe (someone else)
to be clothed (by someone else)
Mutual verbs
add (i)ş to the verb stem
to hit, strike against (with dative)

to collide, (2 or more)

to cause to collide with each other

to be caused to collide
to see

to converse, talk together

to be conversed about

to make to converse with each other
to find
(for two or more) to meet together
to be caused to meet or get together
Çay fincanı kırılmış mıydı?
Was the teacup broken?
Bana göre o hakikaten bilinmez bir şeydir.
As I view it, that is something which really can't be known.
O adam tarafından yazılan kitaplar bu günlerde güçlük ile bulunuyor.
The books written by that man are hard to come by nowadays.
Dün Ahmet Beyoğlu'nda bulundu.
Ahmet was in Beyoglu yesterday.
Fincan tarafınızdan mı kırıldı?
Was the teacup broken by you?
Haber hükümetçe resmen bildirilmiş.
The news was officially announced by the government.
Beni bir iskemleye oturttular ve gitmeme müsaade etmediler.
They sat me down on a chair and wouldn't let me go.
Ben gitmeliyim, efendim. Zaten geç kaldım. Şimdilik, Allaha ısmarladık. Güle güle, Mehmet Bey. Yine görüşürüz, inşallah.
I have to go , sir. In fact, I'm late. Good-bye for now. Good-bye, Mehmet Bey. I hope we'll get together again.
Büyük kutu kapıdan geçmedi. Onun için pencereden indirildi.
The big box wouldn't go through the door. Therefore it was let down from the window.
O adamın evimize hiç gelmediği söylenemez. Üç beş defa geldi.
It can't be said that that man never came (comes) to our house. He has come a few times.
Ahmet hakkında iki saat konuştuk. Ondan sonra karar verdik. Her şey anlaşıldı.
We talked about Ahmet for two hours. Then we reached a decision. Everything was agreed upon.
Onlar ne söylerlerse söylesinler, biz oraya gitmene müsaade etmeyiz.
No matter what they say, we won't let (give permission to) you (to) go there.
Size yardım edeyim, efendim!
Permit me to assist you, Sir!
İki tane üçüncü mevki bilet istiyorum, lutfen.
I want two third-class tickets, please.
Kendi söylediklerinizi unuttunuz mu?
Have you forgotten what you yourself said?
Bu ev kimin tarafından yapıldı?
By whom was this house built?
Parayı nereye koydularını sormadınız mı?
Didn't you ask them where they'd put the money?
Bana onu sormayın!
Don't ask me that!
Denizde yıkandılar.
They washed in the sea.
İzmir'e Cuma günü gitmek mecburiyetinde kalırsam ne yapacağımı bilmiyorum.
If I have to go to Izmir Friday, I don't know what I'll do.
Bu yeni fabrikalar geliştirilmektedir.
These new factories are being developed.
Söylenildiğine göre o İstanbul'dan hiç dönmeyecek.
According to what is being said, he will never come back from Istanbul.
Çalışmazsanız öğrenemeyeceksiniz.
If you don't work, you wont be able to learn.
Size Türkçeyi kim öğretiyor?
Who is teaching you Turkish?
Eski Türkçe'deki 'talebe' kelimesinin yerine bugün 'öğrenci' kelimesi daha çık kullanılıyor.
Instead of the word 'talebe' in old Turkish, today the word 'ogrenci' is more frequently used.
Bu su içilmez.
This water is undrinkable (not to be drunk.)
Gelecek hafta Adana'da buluşuruz. Anlaşıldı.
We'll meet in Adana next week. It's agreed (understood.)
Bu tütün Türkiye'den getirilir.
This tobacco is imported from Turkey.
Ahmet tütünü Mehmed'e getirtti.
Ahmet had Mehmet import the tobacco.
Bu yoldan İzmir'e gidilmez.
One can't get to Izmir by this road.
Yol genişlettiriliyor.
The road is being caused to be widened.
Oğlum, çabuk giyin!
Get dressed quickly, son!
bu haber hükümetçe bildirildi.
This news was communicated by the government.
Dikkat ediniz! O kırılır.
Be careful! That is fragile (breakable.)
Onun elyazısı okunmaz.
His handwriting is illegible.