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14 Cards in this Set

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What are the traits of Order Carnivora?

Expanded braincase

3/3 incisors (except sea otter, 3/2)

Canines large and conical


Tight joint of dentary/squamosal articulation

What are Carnassials?

4th upper premolar and 1st lower molar adapted for shearing

What are the suborders of Carnivora and what families does each suborder include?

Caniformia: canids, ursids, procyonids, mustelids, mephitids, ailurids, odobenids, otariids, phocids

Feliformia: felids, hyaenids, viverrids, herpestids, Malagasy Eupleridae

What clades comprise the living Caniformia?

Canidae, Ursidae, Pinnipedia, Musteloidea

What are Malagasy carnivores?

Malagasy carnivores are carnivores that inhabit Madagascar; they descend from a single invasion from Africa roughly 20 mya.

What are the pinnipeds?

A monophyletic group derived from bear-like ancestors which comprises seals, sea lions, and walruses

What is included under Musteloidea?

Red panda, skunks, procyonids, and mustelids

What is a common trait among Feliformia and what family is a notable exception to this?

Auditory bullae have 2 chambers divided by a bony septum. Notable exception is Nandiniidae (very ancient monophyletic group)

Family Nandiniidae


Basal; genetically distinct from other feliforms

Primitive auditory bullae, no septum

Sub-Saharan Africa south to Zimbabwe

2-5 kg

short, woolly fur

Omnivorous: fruits and plants

Family Felidae

Worldwide except Antarctica, Australia, NZ, Madagascar, some oceanic islands

Reduced # of teeth

Carnassials well developed: secodont

Digitigrade foot posture

Many species nocturnal: Tapetum lucidum: reflective layer behind retina provides extra light for night vision

Family Viverridae

Civets and genets

Old world tropical and temperate regions

Well developed anal glands

large premolars

tail long and bushy

Mostly carnivorous and nocturnal

Family Herpestidae

Old world group

small, long bodied carnivores

anal scent glands well developed

some species have highly structured social behavior

Family Eupleridae

Endemic to Madagascar

Mostly nocturnal and terrestrial

Largest (C. ferox) agile climber

Rare Malagasy falanouc has reduced dentition

Family Hyenidae

Africa, Turkey, Middle East, parts of India

Viverrid ancestors

large-bodied, forelimbs longer than hindlimbs

carnassials well developed

feet with 4 toes and blunt, non-retractable claws

Scavengers and predators