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45 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 common qualitayive research designs.


-Case study


-Grounded Theory

What characteristivs distinguish the different qualitative research designs.

What are the identifying characteristics of narrative research

What are the identifying characteristics of case study research?

What are the identifying characteristics of ethnographic research?

What are the identifying characteristics of grounded theory research

How many sites or participants are selected for a qualitative study

What types of qualitative data do researchers collect?




-Audiovisual materials


What are the different types of qualitative interviews

-Focus group interviews

-one-on-one interviews

-Telephone interviews

-Email interviews

-Open-ended questions as part of a questions

How do researchers record data during the interviews?

-Field Notes

-Audio recordings

What ethical issues are reported about qualitative data collections?


-Procedures that respected participants rights

-Steps to protect patticipants anonymity

-American Psych Association

-American Ed Research Association ethical standards

What are the characteristics of qualitative data anaysis?







What are codes

-Labels used to describe the meaning of a segment of text or an image related to central phenomenon

-researcher interpretations of the data

What are themes


similar codes brought together to form a major idea about a central phenomenon;

larger patterns in the data that have emerged from analysis

How do you develop themes?

-Refine codes and build findings

-Analytic induction, constant comparison, or thematic development

How do you develop themes? What are the stages?

-Develop description

-Build Themes

-Relate multiple themes

How do you build themes

-Reduce # of codes to about 20 by combining ideas

-Merge codes into 5-7 broader categories

How do you validate qualitative findings? What are the 4 forms?



-Member Checking


How do you validate qualitative findings?

Use strategies used to ensure the accuracy and credibility of the findings.

What is bracketing?

Researcher reflects on their own views and experience related to the study's central phenomenon.

- works to set their perspectices aside aka bracketing

What is triangulation?

-Corroborating evidence about findings

-Diff individuals

-Diff types of data

What is member checking?

Have participants check the accuracy of the findings.

- asking participants if the report is accurate and the themes are appropriate

-if the interpretations are fair and representative of their perspectives

What is auditing?

- Having a second researcher idependently code some of the data to see if there's agreement.

-Peer review

-External audit

How do the report of findings differ in relation to the research design?

What makes a study a mixed methods study?

Two datasets (quant/qual)

Two types of analyses (Statistical/thematic)


What characteristics distinguish the different mixed methods design?

Timing: concurrent/sequential

Priority:equal or unequal

Mixing: combine results in the conclusion

-connect one result to a second type of data

-embedding one component within a framework based on the other


What are the common mixed methods research designs

Convergent parallel designs

Sequential explanatory design

Sequential exploratory design

Embedded design


What are the characteristics of Convergent parrallel designs?

Timing: both types of data are collected concurrently or in parralel during the same phase

Priority: equal priority

Mixing:merge compare and or synthesize the two sets of separate results

What is action research?

-Includes practitioners as researcher

-Addresses specific practical issue and works towards solution

-uses dynamic cyclical process of research

-uses either data collection method

What are the types of action research designs?

Practical action research

Participatory action research

What is practical action research?

-teams of teachers students counselors clinicians

-Practitioners who want to enhance their practice

-purpose isnto research specific professional situation

-Small scale research project

What is participatory action research?

Who uses particapatory action research?

Researchers who want to improve the quality of people's orgs/comm/lives

Emancipatory aim of empowering individuals and orgs and studying issues that relate to social problems

How do you identify participatory action designs?

How do you plan your own action research study?

How do you determine if action researcher is possible (setting/colleagues)

How to analyze the data? For action research?

How to develop a plan of action for action research.

What are the elements discussed in the conclusion section?

How to engage discussion relating to the literature

How to discuss personal reflections of the researcher about the meaning of the research

How to discuss implications for practice?

How are conclusions similar and different among the different research approaches?

How are conclusions similar and different among the different research approaches?

What information is included in thr back matter of a research report?