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47 Cards in this Set

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Goddess of Discord
Peleus and Thetis
parents of Achilles, didn’t invite Eris to the wedding
Three goddesses
Hera(Juno), Aphrodite(Venus), Athena(Minerva)
Leda and Tyndareus
parents of Helen, Clytemnestra, Castor and Pollux
Odysseus and Achilles
didn’t want to fight for Helen
King of Scyros who hid Achilles; Achilles married his daughter Deidamia
Where Greeks gathered with 1000 ships
Greek priest who said Agamemnon had to sacrifice his daughter to appease Artemis (Diana)
Agamemnon’s daughter
River in Troy
Protesilaus and Laodamia
jumped onto shore first to allow the Greeks to win; Laodamia, his wife, killed herself to be with her husband
Priam and Hecuba
King and Queen of Troy
Chryseis and Briseis
Briseis was Achilles’ prize; Chryseis was Agamemnon’s
Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, Artemis
favored the Trojans
Paris vs. Menelaus Start
lover and husband fought 1 on 1
Aphrodite vs. Athena
1. for Trojans took Paris to Troy; 2. for Greeks egged on Pandarus
broke the truce by shooting an arrow at Menelaus
Aeneas vs. Diomedes
Diomedes wounded Aeneas, but Aphrodite whisked him away
Diomedes vs. Aphrodite
Diomedes wounded Aphrodite and she cried
Apollo and Artemis
Apollo took Aeneas to Artemis who cured him.
Diomedes vs. Ares
Diomedes, encouraged by Hera, wounded Ares who went whining to Zeus
Andromache and Astyanax
Hector’s wife and son say goodbye on the walls of Troy.
Oldest and wisest of the Greeks
Hera and Zeus
Hera (for Greeks) lured Zeus (for Trojans) to bed.
Iris to Poseidon
Goddess of the rainbow tells Poseidon to leave the battle.
Achilles’ cousin and lover, killed by Hector
Achilles’ men (the ants)
Nestor’s son,brings Achilles the news of Patroclus’ death
Makes Achilles new armor at Thetis’ request
Xanthus (Scamander)
Achilles wades through the river which tries to drown him
Achilles and Athena vs. Hector (Deiphobus)
Hector thinks that Deiphobus is his second, but Athena has tricked him.
Iris to Priam
tells him to go to Achilles with treasure for Hector’s body
Hermes with Priam
leads Priam through the Greeks to Achilles
9 days
funeral games for Hector; both Greeks and Trojans participate
Memnon of Ethiopia
son of Aurora, dies fighting for the Trojans
Paris (Apollo) vs. Achilles
kills Achilles in his heel with Apollo’s help
Ajax vs. Odysseus
Ajax followed Achilles and wants his armor; Odysseus gets it
Helenus about Philoctetes
Odyssesus captured Helenus who said that Philoctetes had Hercules’ armor and was left at Lemnos because of a festering wound. Greeks couldn’t win without Hercules’ armor.
Odysseus, Diomedes, Pyrrhus
go to Lemnos to get Philoctetes
Philoctetes vs. Paris
Philoctetes wounds Paris and Oenone will not heal him.
Statue of Athena, stolen by Odysseus and Diomedes
Greek plant left to tell the Trojans that the Greeks had left.
Poseidon vs. Laocoon
Laocoon urges the Trojans to destroy the horse; Poseidon sends 2 snakes to kill him and his two sons.
Trojans in Greek armor
Become sneaky like the Greeks and are attacked by other Trojans
Hector’s son who is thrown off the walls of Troy
Daughter of Priam sacrificed to the shades of Achilles