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67 Cards in this Set

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which type of business usually have no competition?
public utilities
corporations involved in different steps of manufacturing or marketing that merge
vertical merger
what are the factors of production
land, labor, capital, entrepreneurs
what are the characteristics of a market economy
individual freedoms, consumers decide what is produced, does not provide for everyones basic needs, adjusts to change gradual
what are benefits of entrepreneurship?
increased competition, higher profits, more and better paying jobs, healthy tax revenues
what model is used to ilustrate the concept of opportunity cost?
production possibilities curve
who is regarded as a risk-taker in the economy in search of profits?
corporations that produce the same kind of product that merge
horizontal mergers
define economics
study of efforts to satisfy unlimited wants with scare resources
what are the characteristics of free enterprise economy?
voluntary exchange
profit motive
private property
economic freedom
in what type of economy is competition allowed to flourish with minimal government intervention?
free enterprise
define trade-offs
alternative choices by consumers in the market place
A firm that has at least four businesses, each making unrelated products, none of which is responsible for a majority of its sales
define partnership
business jointly owned by two or more persons
define inflation
rise in the general level or prices
define scarcity
limited resources with unlimited wants
Type of economic system in which people and firms act in their own best interests to answer the WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM, questions
market economy
Define economic system
organized way a society provides for the wants and needs of its people
define want
way of expressing a need
define nondurable good
item that lasts for less than three years
define voluntary exchange
when buyers and sellers freely and willingly enter into transactions
the next best alternative use of money, time, or resources when one choice is made rather than another
opportunity cost
define capital
tools, equipment and factories used in the production of goods and services, one of four factors of production
define multinational
company with manufacturing or service operators in 2 or more countries
define corporation
form of business organization recognized by law as separate legal entity with all the rights and responsibilities of an individual, including the rights to buy and sell property, enter into legal countries, sue and be sued
what is the substitution effect
the act of a consumer replacing one item with another less costly item
what are the conditions of a healthy market
- buyers and sellers are well informed
what is a market failure?
-rising insurance costs due to uninsured motorist
-overcrowded highways
costs for electricity, natural gas, and labor are examples of..
variable costs
market failure can occur when
resources do not move from industry to industry
variable cost
changes costs that occur when output increases or decreases
diminishing marginal utility
decline in the satisfaction received by using an additional quality of a product
production function
relationship between changes in output to different amounts of a single input when other inputs do not change
monopolistic competition
market structure like perfect competition but which allows for product differentiation
ability and willingness to buy a product as well as desire for it
market dominated by a few large firms
equilibrium price
price that leaves neither a surplus nor a shortage
income effect
change in demand due to a change in price of a product that alters the consumers real income
effect that an economic activity has on a third party
price ceiling
highest price that can be legally charged for a product
substitution effect
demand for 1 product changes because of a change in the price or another product
market has only one seller of a product
theory that government should not interfere with business
supply elasticity
measure of how changes in price affect the supply of a product
model or economic behavior and decision making by individuals and businesses
fixed costs
business costs that do not change even if the plant is idle
market equilibrium
condition characterized by stable prices and product supplied equal quantity demanded
marginal utility
degree of usefulness received from each additional unit of a product
public disclosure
requirement that businesses must provide certain information to the public
price floor
lowest legal price
what are the functions of money
store of value, measure of value, medium of exchange
true or false-
a ''mutual coincidence of wants'' is difficult to achieve in a barter economy.
true. (moneyless economy)
early colonist in Virginia used tobacco as what form of money?
commodity money
what is the origin of the American dollar?
the spanish peso and the austrian taler
what traits should ''money'' have in order to be successful medium of exchange
durable, portable, easily divisible
what is the current monetary standard under which the United States operates
the inconvertible fiat money standard
is the federal reserve system controlled by the public or the federal government
what federal agency insure bank deposits in the even of a bank failure?
FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
what groups advises the Fed on the growth of the money supply and the level of interest rates?
FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee)
what are the tools used by the Fed to conduct monetary policy?
reserve requirement discount
rate margin requirements
open market operations selective
credit controls
property used as security for a loan is
a person who leans money to another person is a
the owner of shares in a corporations is a
which of the following type of investments carries the highest level of risk?
A. a mattress B. savings account C. checking account
D. certificate of deposit
A. a mattress
which of the following is NOT important in saving and investing?
a. amount saved b. saving early c. amount of time d. financial institution
D. financial institution
the price paid to use another's money is called
a person obligated to pay the debt if another fails to pay is a