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37 Cards in this Set

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a third party is effected by the production or consumption of a good

negative externality

third party suffers from others' production or consumption

positive externality

third party benefits from others' production or consumption

private cost


the cost borne by the producer of a good or service

social cost

S2= private and external cost

the total cost of producing a good or service

market failure

a situation in which the market fails to produce the efficient level of output


the situation that occurs when one person's consuming a unit of good means no one else can consume it


the situation in which anyone who does not pay for a good cannot consume it

free riding

benefiting from a good without paying for it

price elasticity of demand

quantity demanded and price are inversely related & responsive to one another

elastic demand

price elasticity > 1

in absolute value

inelastic demand

0 < price elasticity of demand < 1

in absolute value

cross-price elasticity of demand

% change in quantity demanded good 1


% change in price good 2

income elasticity of demand

% change in quantity demanded


% change in income

price elasticity of supply

the responsiveness of the quantity supplied to a change in price


the enjoyment or satisfaction people receive from consuming goods and services

marginal utility

the change in total utility a person receives from consuming 1 additional unit of a good or service

law of diminishing marginal utility

consumers reach a point where they no longer get satisfaction after receiving more and more of a good or service

endowment effect

when a consumers owns something, they place greater value on it then it's worth

sunk cost

the amount of money that has already been paid and cannot be recovered

short run

the time when at least one firm's inputs is fixed

long run

the time in which a firm can vary all of its inputs: new technology, increase or decrease labor

total cost


fixed cost

cost that remains constant (machines)

variable costs

costs that change as output changes (labor)

production function

the relationship b/w inputs employed by a firm and the maximum output it can produce with those inputs

marginal product of labor

how much more output you can produce by hiring one more worker:

change in Q


change in labor

law of diminishing returns

at some point, hiring more workers will negatively effect a business

average product of labor

the total output produced by a firm


the quantity of workers

marginal cost

the change in a firm's total cost from producing one more unit of good/service

change in TC


change in Q(output)

average total cost



Q (output)

average fixed cost




average variable cost




minimum efficient scale

the smallest quantity amount that minimizes LRAC

increasing returns of sale

both workers and managers can become more specialized, and productive

^ in Q leads to decreased LRAC

constant returns of sale

minimum efficient scale

^ in Q leads to unchanged LRAC

decreasing returns of sale

as quantity becomes overwhelmingly large, managers have trouble operating the store

^ Q leads to increase LRAC