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52 Cards in this Set

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The five economic functions of government in our capitalistic system are
providing a legal system, promoting competition, correcting externalities, providing public goods, and ensuring economy wise stability.
If there are disputes in an economic arena, then ___ often acts as a "referee" to help settle the dispute.
Antitrust legislation, in theory is suppose to __ competition in the private sector.
If externalities are an important result of an economic activity, then the price system is
If Ms. Johnson buys an automobile from Toyota, those people not directly involved in the transaction are considered
third parties
Pollution is an example of __ externality.
When there are spillover costs, a price system will __ resources to the production of the good in question.
If third parties benefit from a transaction, then __ externalities exists, and the price system will allocate resources __.
positive, inefficiently
Positive and negative externalities are examples of market
A government can correct negative externalities by imposing taxes and by __ the industry or firms in question.
A government can correct positive externalities by ___,____, and ___.
subsidizing production, financing production, and regulation.
If a positive externality exists for good B, a price system will produce too __ of good B.
Public goods have four distinguishing characteristics. They are usually __; they can be used by more people at __ additional cost; additional users __ deprive others of the services of a public good; it is very __ to charge individuals based on how much they used the public good.
indivisible, zero, do not, difficult.
A free rider has an incentive __ for a public good.
not to pay
government inhibited goods are goods for which society wants to __ production.
Because the Medicare program pays a per-unit subsidy for health-care expenses of people covered by the program, the price that they pay for health care services is __ the market price, and the quantity of health care services that they desire o consume is __ the equilibrium quantity.
less than, greater than
An increase in the number of people covered by Medicare will tend to cause the demand for covered health care services to __ , thereby causing an __ in both the equilibrium and actual quantities of the service demanded and supplied.
increase, increase
When governments provide subsidies to providers of educational services, the result is that the cost of the last unit of services provided is __ than the marginal value of the services to parents and students.
Reducing government subsidies paid to public schools cause __ in the quantity of educational services provided by these schools and __, in the quantity of educational services desired by students and their parents.
a decrease, a decrease
Many government, or political, goods are provided to consumers at a __, price; but the opportunity cost to society of providing government goods is __.
zero, positive
In contrast to goods sold in private markets, government goods are not __.
explicitly priced
In the government sector, decisions concerning what goods to produce are determined by __ rule.
T or F.
In the U.S. economy the government plays only a minor role in resource allocation, because the country is capitalistic.
FALSE - even in capitalist countries the government plays a major role
T or F
Governments provide a legal system, but this important function is not considered an economic function.
FALSE - it is an economic function because by enforcing contracts government can promote trade and commerce.
T or F
One aim of antitrust legislation is the promotion of competition.
T or F
If externalities, or spillovers exist then a price system misallocates resources, so that inefficiency exists
T or F
If a negative externality exists, buyers and sellers are not faced with the true opportunity costs of their actions.
T or F
If a positive externality exists when good A is produced, a price system will underallocate resources into the production of good A.
T or F
One way to help correct for a negative externality is to tax the good in question, because that will cause the price of the good to fall.
FALSE - A tax will cause the price of the good to rise, which is a movement in the correct direction.
T or F
A price system will tend to overallocate resources to the production of free goods, due to the free-rider problem.
False - the free rider problem deals with goods that are scarce, but for which the exclusion principle does not work well.
T or F
Scarcity exists in the market sector, but not in the public sector.
False - Scarcity exists in the public sector too; after all the government uses and allocates scarce goods.
T or F
If third parties are hurt by the production of good B and they are not compensated, then too many resources have been allocated to industry B.
T or F
Deciding what is a government-sponsored good and what is a government inhibited good is easily done and does not require value judgments.
False - Whether or not a good is a government-sponsored good requires value judgments
T or F
The price that Medicare patients pay for covered care that they receive is lower than the market price of that care.
T or F
Not including any administration costs, the direct expense that taxpayers incur in paying the government's share of the total costs of a particular type of care equals the per unit subsidy that the government pays times the quantity of care demanded under the subsidy.
T or F
The price that the supplier of a service covered by Medicare receives is higher than the market price of providing that service.
T or F
If market demand and supply curves have their normal shapes, then the difference between the market price of a healthcare service covered by Medicare and the price that Medicare recipients actually pay is equal to the per unit Medicare subsidy.
False - The Medicare subsidy equals the difference between the price that suppliers receive and the price recipients pay.
T or F
In recent years, decreases in educational subsidies have generally widened the difference between the cost of the last unit of services provided and the marginal value of the services to parents and students.
False - A decrease in a per-unit educational subsidy actually narrows this difference.
T or F
Government goods are produced solely in the public sector.
False - Governments can also buy privately produced goods for distribution at no charge.
T or F
The best way for the government to prevent the underallocation of resources to production of vaccines against diseases is to require producers to set the price of vaccines below the equilibrium price.
False - Requiring vaccine producers to set the price of vaccines lower than the equilibrium price results in shortage of vaccines. Preventing under allocation of resources to production of a good that creates external benefits, such as vaccines, requires inducing an increase in demand for the good. Hence, government provision of subsidies in the form of vouchers or rebate coupons would more likely generate an increase in demand for vaccines and a resulting increase in the equilibrium quantity of vaccines produce and consumed.
Which one of the following is not an economic function of government.
a.income redistribution
b. providing a legal system
c. ensuring economy wide stabilty
d. promoting competition
A.Income redistribution
A price system will misallocate resources if
externalities exist
Which one of the following does not belong with the others?
a. positive externality
b. negative externality
c. government inhibited good
d. public good
c. government-inhibited good
The exclusion principle
does not work for public goods
Which one of the following statements concerning externalities is true?
a. if a positive externality exists for good A, A will be overproduced by a price system.
b.if externalities exists, then resources will be allocated efficiently.
c. efficiency may be improved if the government taxes goods for which a positive externality exists.
d. the output of goods for which a positive externality exists is too low, from society's point of view.
d. the output of goods for which a positive externality exists is too low, from society's point of view.
Which one of the following is not a characteristic of public goods?
a. indivisibility
b. high extra cost to additional users
c. exclusion principle does not work easily
d. difficult to determine how each individual benefits from public goods
b. high extra cost to additional users
Market failure exists if
third parties are injured and are not compensated.
Which one of the following will properly correct a negative externality that results from producing good B?
a. subsidizing the production of good B
b. letting the price system determine the price and output of good B
c. forcing buyers and sellers of good B to pay the true opportunity costs of their actions
d. banning the production of good B
C. Forcing buyers and sellers of good B to pay the true opportunity costs of their actions
Government sponsored and government inhibited goods
are not easily classified
If Ms.Ayers loves good A, she can convey the intensity of her wants if good A is
a private good
The free rider problem exists
for goods that must be consumed collectively
Suppose that the government has been paying a fixed per unit subsidy for a health care service covered by Medicare. Then officials who administer the program tell patients and doctors and other health care providers that they plan to cut the per unit subsidy. Other things being equal, the result will be
a rise in the price paid by each Medicare recipient and a reduction in the quantity of the service demanded and supplied.