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22 Cards in this Set

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Demand Curve (Cpt 3)
Law of Demand
Always "inverse" SLOPING DOWNWARD
Price FALLS comsumers want more
Supply Curve

Law of Supply
Always "positive" SLOPING UPWARD
As price of a good rises, all other factors being equal, producers will offer more of it.
Macroeconomics (Cpt2)
Stimulus OR Stabilization
GDP (cpt6)
Gross Domestic Product
Market value of all goods and services produced in US
Measured in $$$$$
GDP (cpt 6)
Increase (Recovery)
Decrease (Recession)
Comparative Advantage (cpt 5) pg.97
Producing one goods IS realative CHEAPER in one nation than in another
Comparative Advantage example

Oil Wheat Oil Wheat
3:1 CAN 2:1 US
Oil 30 40
Wheat 10 20
Absolute Advantage
Country can have in both products
Example US in Oil & Wheat
But NEVER also the comparative advantage
Comparative Advantage US
Ratio 2 : 1
US gives up 2 tons of Oil Where Canada gives up 3 tons
Comparative Advantage Canada
Ratio 3 : 1
Canada has better trade for 3 tons of oil to 1 ton of wheat
NTR (cpt5)

Reciprocal Trade Agreements Acts of 1934
Normal Trade Relations (renamed)
Authorized President to cut tariffis by 50% (as long as other nations did the same)
Real GDP (cpt6)

Nominal GDP
Constant $ = measured in constant $

Current $ = measured in current year $

Price Index

Real GDP = Nominal GDP
(Base Year Index)
(Current Year Index)

Note: Base is ALWAYS 100
Measuring GDP : Expenditure approach (cpt7)
GDP = C + I + G + (X-M)
GDP = Consumer spending + Investment + Government spending + (Export - Import)
Measuring GDP : Income approach (cpt7)
What people were paid, all thing that we earn
NI (National Income)= wages + rent + interest + proprietors income + corporate profit + taxes
From NI to GDP (cpt7) (1)
NI does Not equal
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
From GDP to disposable income

GDP - Depreciation =
NDP Net Domestic Product
From GDP to disposable income

NI (National INcome)
PI (Personal Income) =
NI - taxes - payroll taxes - corporate income taxes - held corporate profits + transfer payment
DI (disposable Income) =
PI - personal taxes
Real GDP =
(cpt7 pg138)
Nominal GDP
Price index (in hundredths)
PI (Price Index) =
(cpt7 pg138)
(Price in current year / Price in base year) * 100