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111 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is highest in the biological hierarchy?

Desert ecosystem

Exclusive of viruses, which of the following is not a characteristic of all life?

Produce high energy compounds in organelles called mitochondria

True or false? Entropy always increases


Biological systems are?


True of false? Descent with modification necessitates branching trees of relationships


Which of the following is incompatible with the Three Domain classification?

Symbiogenic origin of eukaryotes

Individuals and their accomplishments/opinions.


The Five Kingdom classification divides all life into a) Animalia, b) Fungi, c) Monera, d) Plantae and e) Protista. Which of these are contained in the Domain Eukarya?


What was Reverend Paley's iconic example of Intelligent Design?

A watch

The central dogma of molecular biology holds that information flows from DNA to RA to proteins. Which of the following constitutes an exception?

Prions, RNA viruses, Retroviruses. (A,B,C)

The genetic code is said to be degenerate because?

Some amino acids are coded for more than one codon

The existence of vestigial organs

All of the above

Darwinsism was under attack. Among the most telling criticisms was

Continuing loss of variation in sexual species due to blending

Giraffe's neck. The anatomy of the head-neck articulation is consistent with the

Foraging height hypothesis

Which of the following was not one of Darwins facts?

None of the above

The eyes of vertebrates and cephalopods

are controlled by orthologous genes during development

Darwin and Wallace have similar views with regard to

the importance of natural selection

Which of the following observations supports the bird predication hypothesis regarding the evolution of industrial melanism?

Melanic moths first appeared in the vicinity of manufacturing centers such as Manchester

Johnston argues that the publication of The Origin drove the final nail in the coffin of which idea?

Great Chain of Being

Small molecules that regulate gene expression can attach to which part of eukaryote chromatin?


The term "ring of life" refers to

a ring-like pattern of relatedness among prokaryotes and the emergence of eukaryotes thereform

The emergence of antiobiotic-resistant strains of bacteria has led to renewed interest in treating bacterial infections with


The term "persister cells" has been applied to bacteria that defeat antibiotics by

reducing the rate of antiobiotic uptake from the envrionment

Replica plating experiments suppourt the hypothesis that adaptive mutations in bacteria

exist prior to exposure to the selective agent

Which of the following does not cause lateral/horizontal gene flow in bacteria?

None of the above

With regard to the plants and animals he observed while exploring the Galapagos Island,k Darwin was most impressed by

The fact that the various islands were inhabited by plants and animals different from, but closely related to those living on other island

Peter and Rosemary Grant documented

continuing evolution of Darwins finches in response to environmental fluctuations, the relationship of bill shape and shape to diet.

Which of the following can account for the evolution of altruism?

All the above

Non-avian dinoaurs

nested in colonies

"authoritarian ties that bind"

promoted cooperation and societal functioning

Mendel's pea experiments were undertaken to determine

The stability of hybirds

The term "alternation of generations" refers to alternatining


Consider a single locus with two alleles, A and a. The observed genotypic frequencies are PAA=0.09 and Paa=0.49 What is the frequency of a?


True breeding short(2ft) and tall(4ft) plants are crossed as shown. The pattern of inheritance is consistent with which of the following?

Blending inheritance

To which of the following conclusions does the fox farm domestication experiment point?

Inferring past selection can be complicated by the correlated development of superficially unrelated behavioral and anatomical characters

Which of the following most strongly suggests that a theory is true; alternatively, that if will be difficult to falsify?

It can predict a multitude of seemingly unrelated phenomena, some of which were unknown when the theory was first formulated

Fear conditioning can be transmitted to a male mouse's offspring in the absence of any contact between father and offspring? Which of the following does this observation support?

The inheritance of acquired characters

Based on Darwin's argument, how would expect the tube length of red clover flowers to vary with distance from the nearest village?

The greater the distance, the shorter the tubes

Shared amino acid sequences and patterns of protein folding have recently been cited as evidence that viruses

Are descended from more complex entities that antedated or coexisted with the ancestors of conventional life forms

In the absence of limits to population growth,a superior mutant... With a passage of time, the frequency of the mutant will approach

will not, 1.0

The fact that small changes in regulation can produce large changes in phenotype is consistent with

the punctuated equilibrium model of evolution

Which of the following is likely to favor the evolution of strength and aggressiveness

Resources concentrated in one or a few locations

Pre-Darwin, dinosaur sophistication vis-a-vis contemporary reptiles was viewed as an argument....evolution


True of false? Most, but not all, epigenetic marks are erased during early development


It was suggested in lecture that evolution is two theories, not one. What are the the two theories

Descent with modification, and mechanism

Homology is

similarity resulting from common descent

According to proponents of "punctuated equilibrium" extended periods of evolution can be caused by

genetic co-adaptation

Peter and Rosemary Grant documented continuing evolution of bill size and shape in Darwin's finches in response to

changing resource availability that resulted from year-year variations in rainfall

Which of the pictures at the right best represents the dependence of system's entropy?


Construction of the first genetic maps was based on

deviation from independent assortment

Which of the following scientists would most likely have been comfortable with the Eldredgae-Gould model of evolution?


Which of the following is not a proposed benefit of diplody?

Doubls a species' reproductive rate

Which of the following reflects current utility as opposed to evolutionary history

The panda's thumb

According the the Modern Synthesis, progress over geological time is due to

natural selection

True of false? Equilibrium is defined as the tendency of a system to return to its original state following a perturbation?


Consider a single locus with two alleles A, and a. Let the fitness of heterozygotes can be 1.0 and the fitness of both homozygotes will be 0.5. The frequency of A will tend to... with the passage of time


Consider the figure at the right. Which of the following statements is true?

p=0 and p=1 are unstable equilbira

In populations exposed to malaria, HBS is maintained by

heterozygote advantage

Rate of recessive mutant arises to be 10 to the -9. The equilibrium frequency of the mutant gene is

10 to the -4

In which of the following cases is a deleterious mutation least rapidly removed by selection?

Fitness of the three genotypes are 1,1,1-s

Which of the following might one conclude if a population is not in H-W equilibirum


Mr. and Mrs. Jones have an average IQ of 180. What is the expected IQ of their children if the heritability of IQ is 1/3 and the average IQ is 120?


Assortative mating

decreases the level of heterozygosity in a population

Genetic drift is most likely when

populations are small and selection is weak

Which of the following species concepts is only applicable to living species?


Eventually....selection gives way to.....selection and size and swiftness stop changing in both species


How might one account for the fact that mean birth weight of humans is slightly less than the weight that maximizes infant survival?

Parent-offspring conflict

Following the re-establishment of gene flow between two formerly isolated populations

Either a,b is possible

Speciation by polyploidy is an example of....speciaion. Creation by founder effect is an example of... speciation


The new species of Darwin's finch recentlydiscovered on Daphne Island is isolated from other finches by difference in


Coyote populations has been facilitated by hybridization with..This has allowed the coyotes to...

None of the above

On which of the following kind of island would you most likely expect adaptive radiation?

Oceanic island that are part of archipelagoes

Which curve is the observed body size?


Darwins finches are to the Galapagos as...are to the Hawaiian Islands


The sterilization programs promoted by early twentieth century eugenists were doomed to failure because the traits targeted for elimination were

controlled by many genes of which had small effect, determined to a significant degree by environmental factors (b,c)

Only one of the following taxonomic categories can be defined unambiguously and then only in certain circumstances. Which it is?


Mass extinctions are generally believed to the result of

Unique events that occurred over geologically short time periods

During the days of coal-fired industry, the frequency melanic moths typically increased along rural to urban transects. Following the passage of clean air laws the steepness of the clines


The term "ring of life" refers to

ring like pattern of relatedness among prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Which of the following geologic time period was the longest?

Precambrian eon

Which of the following constitutes the earliest evidence of life?

12c enriched organic matter

If life's building blocks evolved in ice, the reason may have been that

Ice contains microscopic pockets of water in which the concentration can become high enough to force polymerization

Which of the following is most often invoked to account for the extinction of the North American megafauna?

Human hunting


Chicxulub impact


Jawless fish


Siberian traps


Moon formed


First dinos

It has been suggested that man is a self-domesticated species and that his domestication was a consequence of the

agricultural revolution

The lack of precambrian fossils reflects which of the following factors?

Animals lacked hard parts, older the rock (a,b)

Flying vertebrates would be


Molecular oxygen first accumulated in

the shallow ocean

Which of the following synapomorphies link whales and artiodactyls?

Ankle bone with two articular surfaces

Which of the following characters comming to dolphins and ichthyosaurs are homoplasitc?

forelegs modified to flippers, live birth, streamlined torpedo shape

Which of the following origin of life theories solves the protien-nucleic acid, chicken-egg problem?

RNA first

Which of the following groups is monophyletic?

Birds, mammals (a,b)

The foliar theory of the flower hold that flower parts are modified


Which of the following hypotheses regarding the origin of eukaryotes entails symbiogensis?

Chronocyte model, ring of life theory (a,c)

Which of the following observations if true, would suppourt the symbiogenic origin of mitochondira and chloroplasts?


Haldane and Oparian disagreed with regard to?


In which of the three domains is multicellularity known to have evolved?

Bacteria, Eukarya (b,c)

Which of the following does not apply to giant viruses?

Require host cell DNA to reproduce

Which of the cladograms at the right is different from the other?


Which of the phylogenetic trees corresponds to the trait-taxon table at the right?


One theory for the evolution of the nucleus holds that mitochondrial acquisition triggered the eleaboration of nuclear membranes because it?

protected host DNA from increased horizontal gene transfer consequent to symbiont lysis

Which of the graphs below is consisent with an extraterrestrial origin of the DNA nucleobases in the meteorites?


To what additional finding did Callahan and his associates point in support of extraterristials origin of the DNA nucleobases?

Non-biological synthesis yields nucleobase analogs not observed in living tissues as well as DNA nucleobases

True or false? Oxidation of the earths atmosphere began before the evolution of eukaryotes


The flowers pictured at the right can be seen growing along the Mt. Lemmon. Which of the following is most likely their pollinator?


True or false? Modern humans and extinct populations such as Denisovans and Neanderthals interbred?


Which of the following exhibit serial homology?

Arthropods, plants, vertebrates. (a,b,c)