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122 Cards in this Set

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experimental analysis of the distribution and abundance of organisms

Natural history is the pattern; Ecology is the pattern+process

6 Levels of ecological investigation

1. Individual: physiological ecology

2. Population: evolution, population growth, fluctuation, and regulation, demography, life history strategies

3. Species: competition, herbivory, predation and parasitoidism, mutualism

4. Community: succession, diversity

5. Ecosystem: productivity, energy flow, nutrient cycling

6. Global: biodiversity loss, ecological consequences, climate change

Physiological ecology

what traits allow organisms to deal with the abiotic (physical) and biotic stresses of their environments

Fundamental niche

potential range; all of the habitats in which a species could live and reproduce

determined by physiological tolerances to abiotic factors such as light, temperature, moisture, nutrients, etc.

Realized niche

actual range - all of the habitats in which a species does live and reproduce

determined by abiotic and biotic factors

(disease, competition, herbivory, predation, lack of dispersal, etc)


1. Latitudinal variation in temperature due to variation in solar radiation as a result of the spherical shape of earth and tilt of axis.

Gradient is attenuated by oceanic circulation which moves heat from equator toward poles.

Example: Temperature limits distribution of coral reefs to between 30 N and S latitude because coral reef organisms cannot make calcium carbonate below 20C.

El nino

winds push warm surface water to west Pacific, warm surface water then flows east through pacific, warming Western North and South America


Local variation in temperature.

3.5F decrease in temperature per 1000 ft.

Forms predictable communities with gradient.

Example: Dry forest=>Wet Forest=>Cloud Forest=>Elfin Forest=>Grass

Slope faces

Local variation in temperature

Slope facing equator will be hotter.

In Michigan, south facing slopes are hotter and drier and are populated by aspen and birch while north facing slopes are cooler and wetter and populated by hemlock

Height above ground

Local variation in temperatre

At ground, light's conversion into heat happens and results in temperatures as much as 25dF higher than at 4 ft from ground.

Example: Can affect seedling survival of trees

Seasonal variation

Temporal variation in temperature.

due to Earth's tilt and orbit.

Lake effect

Land cools and heats faster than water.

Water from the west moves air across a lake, which warms up and can hold more moisture. The air then cools and precipitates as air moves across the land.

For lake effect to occur, air must pass over water then land.

Fall is the time of greatest lake effect. Once lake is iced over, then the lake effect is done.

Diurnal variation

Night vs day temperatures

Thermal inertia of large bodies of waters make coasts experience least variation.

Deserts and mountains experience most variation

Variation is greatest at the ground

Onshore/offshore breezes

Onshore breezes occur during the day when warm air on land rises and creates a vacuum which pulls in air from over water.

Offshore breezes occur at night when warm air rises off of the water and pulls air from land


maintaining a constant body temperature

Most are also endotherms

birds and mammals

Approx. 15,000 species


body temperature varies with environmental temperature

Most are also ectotherms

99% of animals

15,000,000 species


generates heat from within


body heat is obtained from the environment

Homeotherm adaptations

1. insulation - fur and feathers from reptile scales (keratin) trap air close to body to prevent heat loss to environment

2. Manipulation of boundary layer - increasing thickness of still air above skin to become thicker in cool temps. Goose bumps, puffing up feathers

3. Increased activity - shivering, contracting muscles to produce heat

4. Decreased activity - hibernation, torpor

5. brown adipose tissue - fat with many capillaries, produces heat instead of ATP

6. Altered SA/V ratio - Bergman's and allen's rules.

7. Countercurrent exchange - heat transfer from arteries to veins. Present in aquatic verts and birds

8. partial or temporary poikilothermy - some tissues able to drop temperature and others stay warm. ex. Tuna. Hibernation and torpor

9. migration - running away from cold weather. Hard in eastern hemi because of Sahara desert.

10. Evaporative cooling - using body heat to convert liquid water to vapor. AKA sweating, panting.



body temperature drops by up to 60dF

energy use drops by up to 95%

prepare by accumulating fat


short term (overnight) decrease in body temperature

body temp drops by 20-45dF

energy use drops by 90&

mostly in endotherms with high SA/V such as small birds and bats

Brown adipose tissue

Fat with many capillaries

oxidation is decoupled from phosphorylation, so the fat produces heat instead of ATP

primarily used to resume activity

bears, bats, hummingbirds, infant humans

Bergman's rule

Body size increases with latitude

example: ermines are larger further north


gradual change in a trait over a distance

Allen's rule

appendage length decreases with latitude

ex. arctic hare

Poikilotherm adaptations

1. Behavioral regulation - heliothermy - using the sun to warm (basking)

2. Decreased activity - diapause in insects (long term inactivity); hibernation in some amphibians and reptiles

3. Freeze tolerance - liver glycogen is turned to cellular glucose so that only extracellular water freezes

4. isozymes - multiple copies of the same enzyme encoded by different genes with different temperature optima, which allows temperature acclimation


long term inactivity in insects as a response to cool temperatures

- synthesize ethylene glycol in response to shorter days

- energy use drops by >99%

- termination in response to warmer temperatures

Very susceptible to late freeze once they come out of diapause, or coming out of diapause due to very early warming followed by normal cool

Traits of poikilotherms affected by temperature

1. Development rate - cabbage butterfly - increased temp = increased rate of growth

2. Activity - cold temps make bodies function more slowly

3. awareness - pit vipers?

4. environmental sex determination - in some reptiles, offspring sex is determined by egg incubation temps

5. geographic range - range determined by acceptable temps

Sulfur butterflies, 1992

Mt. Pinotubo eruption made global temps cooler

White, "alba" mutant develops faster than yellow ones, so metamorphosis can occur faster => able to do better in shorter growing season

Nitrogen is used for growth instead of making pigment.

Only females are alba because they are heterogametic (XO)


line on a map connecting points of equal temperature

Hadley cells

Air warmed up at equator picks up lots of moisture, rises, and rains a bunch. Tropical rainforests

Cool dry air descends at around 30dN and S and absorbs moisture to make a desert.


acts like ceiling for atmosphere

Rain shadow

Moist air from body of water is pushed up by mountain range, condenses and precipitates to make the air very dry.

Descending dry air makes a cool desert.

Wind patterns

Westerlies from 30 to 60 d. air flows east becase hadley cell is forcing air north ane spin of earth makes the wind move faster west relatively

northeast tradewinds move southwest because the air is moving south and must speed up as it moves to equator

Rainy vs dry seasons

Hadley cells shift position through year to make dry and wet seasons at 20dNandS

Adaptations to moisture stress

1. Desiccation tolerance - dry out but don't let it kill you - mosses

2. Desiccation avoidance - plant structure with waxy cuticle, xylem, and stomata prevent leaf from drying; succulence, CAM photosynthesis

Chitin exoskeleton in insects

Uric acid for nitrogenous waste

Nocturnal lifestlye


CAM photosynthesis

CO2 levels build up over the night in the air

Stomata open during night to let in CO2 and close durnig the day to keep in moisture

Attach CO2 to organic acid and continually pull in more CO2

Used for photosynthesis during day

Uric acid

Used instead of ammonia or urea to expel nitrogenous waste

crystalline and excretion requires almost water to expel

Is relatively non toxis

Developed in hard shelled eggs so that the developing embryo could deal with waste without expulsion

Factors affecting distribution of organisms





Varies globally

Locally in availability at ground level (understory)


Evolutionary responses to variation in light

1. light response curves describe how net photosynthesis responds to light intensity

Light compensation point - minimum amount of light the plant needs to survive

Light saturation point - maximum amount of light the plant can use for photosynthesis

Sun and shade leaves - phenotypic plasticity - high light leaves have more chloroplasts and are thicker

Accessory pigments absorb wavelengths that chlorophyll misses


zone of life on earth

Most organisms occur within 200 m of Earth's surface


change in allele frequency within a population

Genetic variation is necessary and sufficient for microevolution to happen


origin of a new species, genera, etc

arises from accumulated microevolutionary traits

4 Mechanisms of Microevolution

1. mutation (very slow)

2. Natural selection (causes adaptive evolution)

3. Genetic drift (chance; causes nonadaptive evolution)

4. Immigration, emigration

Natural selection

differential reproduction among genotypes within a population


a genotype's rate of reproduction relative to other genotypes in the same population

-higher fitness genotypes leave more offspring, so their alleles increase in the population

best measured as genotype's relative rate of reproduction(realized r)

Directional selection

one extreme phenotype has highest fitness

mean phenotype shifts toward favored extreme

pepper moth color in industrial England

Stabilizing selection

intermediates have highest fitness

same average but reduced variation

firefly flashes and femme fatale syndrome

Disruptive selection

both extremes have highest fitness

same average, increased variation

eventual result is two species

pollination in monkey flower - 2 different colors attract insects and hummingbirds

rare because once it starts, 2 separate species come about

Individual selection

traits increase because they are good for the individual

-explains most adaptations

Group selection

traits increase because they are good for the group, even though they may be bad for the individual

best examples are altruistic behaviors within kin groups which are favored through kin selection

Species selection

traits increase because they are good for the species in the long run, even though they may be bad for the individual in the short run

Species with higher mutation rates may go extinct more slowly, especially if environments change fast enough, even though most mutations are bad for the individual

2 common misconceptions about natural selection

1. Nat selection typically favors traits "for the good the population" or "for the good of the species" but the prudent predator fallacy illustrates why that won't work

2. natural selection is omnipotent

a. the optimal mutation may never have arisen

b. if it did arise, drift almost certainly eliminated the mutation before selection could make it increase

c. selection has to choose among packages of effects, which may include maladaptive traits that hitchhike with adaptive traits

d. traits often (usually) get trapped at suboptimal states (local optimum rather than global optimum)

e. even if selection achieves global optimum, the adaptive landscape will change

Genetic drift

strongest force acting on small populations

change in allele frequencies due to chance

causes nonadaptive evolution

drift acts on all love with more than 2 alleles, including neutral loci

Two main consequences of genetic drift

1. loss of alleles from population, especially rare alleles, including mutations

2. genetic divergence between populations, due to loss of different alleles from each population

Both happen faster if population is small

Pop ends up "fixed" for one of the alleles

Small populations affected by genetic drift

all threatened species

island species (inc. alpine, fragment, freshwater)

peripheral populations

populations that experience bottlenecks - temporary, sever reductions in population size (cheetahs, elephant seals)


a group of individuals of the smae species that live in the same area and breed exclusively or primarily with eachother.

Population growth

Determined by total births, deaths, immigration and emigration


rate of population growth (individuals/time)

can be positive or negative

=N*realized r


population size (N)

realized r

current average per capita net rate of reproduction (individuals/individual/time)


=(per capita birth rate - per capita death rate)

can be positive or negative


a special case of realized r; the maximum per capita net rate of reproduction the environment allows, assuming unlimited access to local resources

Exponential growth

dN/dt = N(rmax)

realized r is always rmax

per capita reproductive rate is density-independent

small changes in rmax have huge effects on population growth, so natural selection will strongly favor traits that increase individual reproductive rate

Logistic population growth

dN/dt = N*rmax*(K-N)/K

K = carrying capacity

(K-N)/K = crowding factor that makes growth density dependent

rmax*(K-N)/K = realized r = per capita reproductive rate (changes with N)

Carrying capacity

K = the maximum number of individuals the environment can sustain indefinitely

point of maximum sustainable yield

in logistic growth, where dN/dt is maximized


Assumptions of logistic growth model

1. all individuals in population have same effect on net reproduction and crowding

Demography addresses

2. realized r decreases linearly as N increases.

Mate finding is a problem with small pops, and inbreeding occurs

3. realized r is determined by current population size

doesn't take reproductive lag or gestation into account

4. K is constant for a given habitat

Minimum critical population size

(allee effect)

the number of individuals where realized r is equal to 0. if the number of individuals drops below this, the species falls into the extinction vortex.

Population fluctuation

Bust and boom

fluctuation is the rule, not the exception

population crashes are most often due to weather events

Population regulation

effective density-dependent population control

must cause realized r to go down enough to keep population the same

requires that, as N increases, realized r must decrease to 0 or below

due to decrease in reproduction in reproduction and/or increase in mortality

Population regulation factors

1. competition - more competition => fewer resources for each => fewer offspring

more competition => less healthy individuals => higher mortality

2. dispersal - some species show density dependent dispersal, such as locusts

3. predation - predator switches to prey on one population => mortality increase in more abundant population => mortality decrease in other population present => boom, and switch to more abundant

4. parasitoids - can cause density - dependent mortality. % caterpillars dead increases as caterpillar population increases

5. disease - cause density dependent mortality due to less strong individuals and easier spread in large groups

Population cycles

A. could be due to cyclic environmental factor, but not shown in nature.

Predator prey cycles questionable.


the study of age specific patterns of survivorship and reproduction within a population

1. Divide population into age classes

2. Describe averages for each age class

3. generate population patterns


age class (year, month, etc)


number of individuals alive at the start of age class x


number of individuals dying during age class x


survivorship = proportion of individuals surviving from birth to the start of age class x


life expectancy = the average number of age classes yet to be lived by an individual at the start of age class x

Type I survivorship curve

"large mammal curve"

significant parental care

does not guarantee high survivorship

few, large offspring

Type 2 survivorship curve


constant chance of death throughout lifespan

Type 3 survivorship curve

many, small offspring

high mortality in beginning

no parental care

offspring usually are orphans at birth

>>99% of all species


fecundity = average number of daughters born during age class x to a female who survived to age class x


realized fecundity = average number of daughters a newborn female will produce during age class x

average of survivors and non survivors


net replacement rate = average number of daughters produced over a female's lifetime

= sum(lxmx)

when Ro > 1, pop is growing


reproducing once


reproducing more than once


body breaks down

selection against senescence is very weak because reproduction in later age classes adds very little to fitness

Life history tradeoff forms

1. Current reproduction can decrease growth, eg isopods

2. Current reproduction can decrease survival, eg white-tailed deer

3. Current reproduction can reduce future reproduction

antagonistic pleiotropy

an allele has a beneficial effect on one trait and a deleterious effect on another

eg. an allele may increase fecundity in early age classes but decrease survivorship at later ages

natural selection favors the best overall package

Scenario for population

1. Most plant and animal populations in nature fluctuate wildly

2. wild fluctuations due to weather, predators, disease

3. repeated periods of exponential growth

4. selection for early reproduction

5. dominance of annuals on Earth

r-selected species

Rapid development,

high reproductive rate,

early reproductive age,

small body size,

short length of life,

weak competitive ability,

high mortality of young,

variable population size,

good dispersal,

low parental care

type 3 survivorship

k-selected species

slow development

low reproductive rate

late reproductive age

large body size

long life length

strong competitive ability

low mortality of young

fairly constant population size

poor dispersal ability

high parental care

type 1 survivorship


the use of a shared, limiting resource by two or more individuals

limiting resource

one whose abundance limits fitness

scramble competition

no defense of resources, just trying to be the first to the resource

plants with light

more common by far

interference competition

active defense of resources to prevent access by others (territoriality)

rare among animals, but still much more common than in plants. eg lions steal cheetah's food

Intraspecific competition

within species - more common than interspecific competition because two members of the same species are more likely to share a resource

crowding factor = (N-K)/K

4 main consequences of competition

A. hyperdispersion of competitors - more spaced out than expected at random. Either clumped/patchy or regular/even

B. reduction in number, size, growth, or reproduction in the presence of the competitor

C. Competitive exclusion - two species that use the same limiting resource cannot coexist

D. Evolutionary responses to minimize competition, including Resource partitioning and character displacement

Last glacial maximum

21,000 years ago, average temperature was only 4-7dC cooler than today.

Glaciers covered 30% of surface

terminal moraine

the hill formed at the furthest leading edge of a glacier; consists of unsorted material (till)

recessional moraine

a moraine formed at a point where a retreating glacier temporarily stops retreating; also consists of till

outwash plain

flat area immediately downstream of a moraine where glacial runoff in meltwater streams has deposited larger particles (sand and gravel) carried from the moraine

kettle lake

a small, round, deep lake formed by the melting of an ice chunk left behind by a retreating glacier; becomes a bog if invaded by sphagnum moss first.

Hypothetico-Deductive Cycle

1. observe nature

2. form hypothesis

3. generate predictions from hypotheses

4. test prediction

a. state the null hypothesis

b. design experiment

c. conduct experiment

d. perform statistical analysis

e. interpret statistical analysis

f. return to (A) or (B)

Common mistakes in Experimental Design

A. Failure to consider alternate hypotheses due to perceptual limitations

B. Failure to consider alternate hypotheses due to advocacy science

C. Failure to eliminate confounding vvariables

D. Failure to eliminate noisy variables

E. Failure to use the most appropriate statistical question

F. failure to interpret results correctly

Type I error

rejecting a true null hypothesis

Type II error

accepting a false null hypothesis


probability that the null hypothesis is true, given the results you observed


the p-value required to reject a null hypothesis

Chi square

difference among distributions (ie relative abundance)


difference among means if distributions are normal

Mann-Whitney U test

difference among means if distributions are not normal


difference among more than 2 means


difference among variances


association between two variable


plant secretion of toxic chemicals into the soil

ex. sagebrush

Competitive exclusion

two species that use the same resource cannot coexist

ex. paramecium species competitively exclude

Resource partitioning

evolutionary response to minimize competition in which:

sympatric species use a limited resource in different ways, presumably due to past selction for avoidance of competition

eg. Anolis lizards bask in different parts of the same tree

character displacement

evolutionary response to competition which is:

divergence of a character in one or both species where they co-occur, presumably due to past interspecific competition

leads to less resource overlap in sympatry than in allopatry

eg. beak sizes in Darwin's finches


living in different areas


living in the same area