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209 Cards in this Set

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Ernest Haekel
Father of Ecology
relationship between organisms and their environment
Organismal ecology
studies how an
organism’s structure, physiology, and (for
animals) behavior meet environmental
Mosaic of the connecting ecosystems
Epiphyte mats
nutrients in rain forrest on the floor
a group of individual species occupying a certain area
Charles Darwin, Galapagos Island
Darwin said that species with certain traits would have an advantage over others if they had certain traits
Hardy Weinberg
principle states that in a
population mating at random in the absence
of evolutionary forces, allele frequencies will
remain constant.
Hardy Weinberg equation
p2+2pq+q2 = 1.0
Five conditions of H-W
1. Random mating
2. No mutations
3. Very large population
4. No gene flow between populations
5. No natural selection
main source of genetic variation
More negative than positive
Change in the sequence
Average rate of mutation 1/100000
genetic drift
change in frequency due to chance
h2= VG / VP
• VG
: Genetic variance
• VP
: Phenotypic variance
.0003 cal to heat
i cm of air
580 gals of water
cooled with 1 cal
1 g of water gives of
80 cals as it freezes
air has the most
variation in temperture
deep pool as the least
variation in temperture
energy trade-off
Extreme temperatures
decrease the rate of photosynthesis
Phsiological change in the response to temperature
• HS = Hm ± Hcd± Hcv± Hr- He
! HS
= Total heat stored in an organism
! Hm = Gained via metabolism
! Hcd
= Gained / lost via conduction
! Hcv
= Gained / lost via convection
! Hr
= Gained / lost via electromag. radiation
! He
= Lost via evaporation
Plants have three ways to reduce heat
" Decrease heating via conduction (Hcd
" Increase convective cooling (Hcv
" Reduce radiative heating (Hr
direct variation with the environment
Lateral Muscle of the fish
keep them warm
help animals thermoregulate
! Insulation
! Circulatory adaptations
! Cooling by evaporative heat loss
! Behavioral responses
! Adjusting metabolic heat
! production
counter current exchange
Warm veinous blood warms the cold arterial blood
Insects tranfer heat
from the thorax to the abdomen to keep from overheating
Thermal neutral zone
range at which the metabolic heat does not change, the temperature range
Group Augmentation
In meerkats (Suricata
suricatta), the foraging
success, growth, breeding
success, and survival of all
group members increase with
group size.
higher social, acts like a super organism, dvision of labor, reproductive and non-reproductive.
Summarizes environmental factors that
influence growth, survival, and reproduction of a species.
is the study of the vital statistics
of a population and how they change over time
life table
an age-specific summary of the
survival pattern of a population
a group of organisms that are the same age
Ro= Σ lxmx
X= Age interval in days.
• l
x = % pop. surviving to each age (x).
• mx= Average number seeds produced by
each individual in each age category.
Geometric Rate of Increase
Geometric Rate of Increase
λ=N t+1/ Nt
values of Geometric rate
N t+1 = Size of population at future time.
• Nt = Size of population at some earlier time.
Fecundity Schedule:
Tabulation of birth rates for
females of different ages
Nt = Noλt
Nt = Number of individuals at time t.
– No = Initial number of individuals.
– λ = Geometric rate of increase.
– t = Number of time intervals or generations
intrinsic rate of increase
the rate of reproduction is at its max
Exponential population growth
maximum increase for the species
-generation time; average reproduction; average span
between the birth of individuals and the birth of their
s curve
slowing rate of growth as the carrying capasity is reached
logistic growth
dN/dt = r N (1 - N/K)
logistic growth model
dt=rmax N(K - N)/K
logistic growth with limited resources
dt=rN(1 – N)
the existence of an equilibrium towards which a population
is attracted
semelparity or big bang reproduction
reproduce once and die
reproduce multiple times
iteroparity, or repeated
– r selection
• Characteristic high population growth rate, unpredictable environment, single reproduction
– K selection:
: Predictable environments, efficient resource use, reproduce many times
Intensity of disturbance
Any process limiting plants by destroying biomass
Intensity of stress
External constraints limiting rate of dry matter
highly disturbed habitats
high stress - no disturbance
low disturbance low stress
age of reproductive
low lx- low mx-early α - guppy
high lx- low mx- late α - shark
low lx- high mx- late α - sturgeon
elimination of one species by competition
The total of a species’ use of biotic and abiotic
resources is called the species
Realized niche
includes interactions such as
competition that may restrict environments
where a species may live.
Resource partitioning
is differentiation of
ecological niches, enabling similar species to
coexist in a community
Lotka Volterra
Effect of interspecific competition on population
growth of each species
Lotka Volterra Formula
dN1/ dt = rmax1N1((K1-N1-12N2) / K1)

dN2/ dt = rmax2N((K2-N2-  21N1) / K2)
Competition coefficients
express the
competitive effects of the competing species
Character displacement
is a tendency for
characteristics to be more divergent in
sympatric populations of two species than in
allopatric populations of the same two species
Interaction between populations
that enhances fitness of one individual while
reducing fitness of the exploited individual.
insect that eats its host
population growth
dNh/dt = rhNh – pNhNp
population growth
rhNh = Exponential growth by host population.
– Opposed by:
• p = rate of parasitism / predation.
• Nh = Number of hosts.
• Np = Number of parasites / predators.
parasite/predator growth rate
dNp/dt = cpNhNp-dpNp
• cpNhNp = Conversion rate of hosts into offspring.
• pNhNp = Rate at which exploiters destroy hosts.
• C = predator constant (conversion factor)
• dpNp
- predators deaths
Facultative Mutualism
the two can survive without each other, but there are benefits
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
• Produces arbuscules - site of exchange between plants and
fungi, hyphae - fungal filaments, and vesicles - energy
storage organs.
– Ectomycorrhizae (ECM)
Forms mantle around roots - important in increasing plant
access to phosphorus and other immobile nutrients.
Community Structure
includes attributes such
as number of species, relative species
abundance, and species diversity
Life Form
Combination of structure and growth
Species Evenness
• Relative abundance of each unique species
Relative abundance
is the proportion each species
represents of the total individuals in the community
Shannon Wiener Index:
H’ = -Σpi *
H’ = Value of SW diversity index.
= proportion of the ith species.
(ln) Loge = natural logarithm of pi
S = Number of species in communit
the nitrogen cycle requires
different types of bacteria
An experiment was conducted where either nitrogen, phosphorus,
nitrogen and phosphorus or no fertilizer was added to grass plats.
Which of the following is a correct interpretation of the data.
nitrogen is the main limiting nutrient
a consumer eating a producer represents
a transfer of chemical nutrients and energy
Which of the following will provide a prey refuge
all of the above
Ephemerellid mayflies under attack by stoneflies will typically.
Adopt a posture, which increases their apparent size, so that the
predator will avoid them.
The difference between a male and female
size and energetic cost of gametes
A biome is characterized mainly by
Climate and predominate plant types
Guppies are sexually dimorphic and there is intersexual selection
on male guppy coloration.
Male guppies found in populations exposed to
few predators are brightly colored
In general phenotypic variance..
Partitions genetic variance for
necessary adaptation to the environment
A country whose age structure diagram has a base smaller than most
of the next high levels
negative population growth
Genetic differences between populations tend to be reduced
by gene flow
Which of the following correctly pairs the organism with its
location of the ocean.
Benthic, Photo-kelp
Adult green woodhoopoes will stay close to their natal territoriesand help raise the young of close relatives, rather than dispersing to produce their own young,
because helpers in freases their inclusive
fitness and exhibit strong philopatry as high quality territories with sutable roosting
These temperature and precipitation data were most likely
collected from which of the following biomes?
A boreal forrest
In the vicinity of the eqator air typically
rises, cools, and precipitates
An ecologist hypothesizes that predation by a particular owl
speices is the major factor controlling the opopulation fo a
particular rabbit species.
determine whether or not the owl eats rabbits
The greatest annual input and least seasonal caration in solar
fadiation occurs in the
are an example of a keystone species
Which of the following is an example aposematism
a poisonous snake with a bright color pattern
the number of trophic levels in an ecosystem is limited by
loss of energy with each transfer between trophic levels.
organisms that derive there energy from sunlight
The exponential model of population growth assumes
unlimited resources
carbon returns to the atmosphere by
respiration and burning
photosynthetically active radiation
Includes only the solar
energy within these wavelengths
Most amphibians and land-dwelling invertebrates
are ectothermic organisms
Which aquatic environment typically experiences the least daily variation in temperature?
deep pool in a stream
The lower and upper limits of 95% confidence interval for a mean of 14.3, derived from a sample of 25 where the standard deviation is equal to 4.2 are:
12.6534, 15.946
Which of the following statements about ecology is incorrect?
Ecology is a discipline that is independent from natural selection and evolutionary history
The upper and lower limits of 95% confidence interval for a mean of 10, derived from a sample of 100 where the standard deviation is equal to 4 are:
10.78, 9.22
Organisms able to do sulfur oxidation at 65˚C are called……………….., while bacteria growing at -2˚C are called…..........
Thermophilic, psychrophilic
Ectotherms tolerate greater variation in internal temperature, while endotherms are active at a greater range of external temperatures
Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of air or liquid past a surface, as when a breeze contributes to heat loss from a lizard’s dry skin, or blood moved heat from the body core to the extremities.
Landscape ecology is best described as the study of
spatial patterns and ecological processes over a range of scale
Which of the following levels of organization is arranged in the correct sequence from most to least inclusive?
ecosystem, community, population, individual
Which of the following organisms is not an Ectotherm?
Sphinx moths (Manduca sexta) increase thoracic temperature due to flight activity, therefore those insects can thermoregulate by transferring heat from the thorax to the abdomen.
Studies involving the body temperature of bluefin tuna indicate that stomach and muscle temperatures can vary greatly and be above the temperature of the surrounding water thanks to blood vessels that function as countercurrent heat-exchangers
Plants can reduce their _____ gain by orienting their leaves parallel to the rays of the sun.
heat radiation
The direct transfer of thermal motion (heat) between molecules of objects in direct contact with each other, as when lizard sits on a hot rock, is called:
If a small organism has surface area of 6 µ2 and volume of 1 µ3, this organism will have ……… µ-1 surface to volume ratio. A large organism with surface area of 384 µ2 and volume of 512 µ3 will have ……… µ-1 surface to volume ratio.
6, 0.75
If the standard deviation of a population is 12, what is the population variance?
Metabolic heat (Hm) is the heat
released during cellular respiration
. ______________ is defined as a group of potentially breeding organisms within a species in a given space and time.
Hyperthermophilic bacteria are heat-loving bacteria which prefer temperatures above 90° degrees C
Eastern Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) stores large quantities of starch in a large root, and then translocates it to the inflorescence where it is metabolized thus generating heat 30 C higher than the surrounding temperature.
An ecosystem is defined as ………………….
all of the organisms that live in an area and the physical environment with which they interact.
Two woodpeckers, a rooster, 2 northern cardinals and 3 robins from your background will represent
a bird community
The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that
allelic frequencies within a population will not change unless certain conditions are met
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation:
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0
For a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, in a situation where there are only two alleles at a particular locus, the proportions of genotypes are: SS = 0.64, Ss = 0.32, and ss = 0.04. Calculate the allele frequency for the recessive allele.
For thousands of years, humans have bred domesticated plants and animals to produce and maintain desirable traits, such as large fruits. Darwin used which term to describe this:
artificial selection
A simple tree community consists of 4 maples, 3 oaks, and 1 alder. The species richness of this community is
A simple tree community consists of 4 maples, 3 oaks, and 1 alder. The species richness of this community is
Principle of allocation states
If organisms use energy for one function such as growth, the amount of energy available for other functions is reduced
In the Lotka-Volterra competition equations, the parameter alpha12 relates to the
effect of species 2 on population growth rate of species 1
In general population density………………with increasing organism size
A community is defined as
an association of interacting species inhabiting a defined area
The process of evolution toward niche divergence in the face of competition is called ____________.
character displacement
If the isocline for species 1 lies above that of species 2
species 1 will eventually exclude species 2.
Gause's "competitive exclusion principle" states that
no two species with identical niches can coexist indefinitely
A species feeding on the tissue of its host, while not killing it directly, is a
In the Lotka-Volterra predation model, a prey (host) population in the absence of predators would
grow exponetially
Analysis of the Lotka-Volterra competition model implies that two competitors can coexist only when
intraspecific competition is stronger than interspecific competition
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic favored by K-selection?
many small offspring
When using a significance level of 0.05, how often will you reject hypotheses that are actually correct?
5% of the time
Which statement about snowshoe hare and lynx populations in boreal Canada is false?
without being eatwn, snowshoe hares never deplete their food supply enough to affect their population biology
Which of the following equations bests represents change in prey numbers in predator/prey community interraction?
delta H=rH-pHP
Which of the following statements is consistent with the principle of competitive exclusion?
Even a slight reproductive advantage will eventually lead to the elimination of the less well adapted of two competing species.
What interactions exist between a lion pride and a hyena pack?
How might an ecologist test whether a species is occupying its realized or its fundamental niche?
Remove a competitor species to see if the species expands its range
Monarch butterflies are protected from birds and other predators because of cardiac glycosides they incorporate into their tissues from eating milkweed when they were in their caterpillar stage. The wings of a different species of butterfly, the Viceroy, look nearly identical to the Monarch so predators that have learned not to eat the bad-tasting Monarch avoid Viceroys as well. This example best describes
Batesian mimicry
Which of the following would be most significant and complete in understanding the structure of an ecological community?
determining how many species are present overall, which particular species are present, the kinds of interactions that occur among organisms of different species, and the relative abundance of species
Which of the following is an example of cryptic coloration?
a "walking stick" insect that resembles a twig
By inspecting the zero-growth isocline for species 1(fig 10.8 in lab manual) estimate the value of K1 and the value of alpha
70 and 0.64
For a population of lions feeding on zebras in an African savannah, assume that H=1200, p=0.004, r=0.7 and P=130 What is the projected total population size for the zebras?
Estivation is long-term torpor that is an adaptation to winter cold and food scarcity
Which of the following is the correct equation used to understand the components of heat gain and loss which regulate body temperature?
In a sample of 100 measurements where the standard deviation in 4, the standard error will be equal to:
Floods and extreme temperature are density-dependent factors influencign population growth
dominant species
are those that are most abundant or have
the highest biomass
ecology engineers
•Cause physical changes in the environment that affect
community structure
•Influence resource availability by creating new habitats that are
used by other organisms
Invasive species
, typically introduced to a
new environment by humans, often lack
predators or disease
trophic structure
is the feeding relationships
between organisms in a community
It is a key factor in community dynamics
food chains
link trophic levels from
producers to top carnivores
food web
is a branching food chain with
complex trophic interactions
Indirect interactions
are the effects of one
species on another through a third species
One species indirectly benefits another
species (through a third species) while
it is neither helped or harmed
Indirect commensialism
apparent competition
Negative effects between two competitors who
share a predator or herbivore
– One species may facilitate the presence or
increase the abundance of the predator which
suppresses the second species
keystone species
is a species that has a disproportionately large effect on its environment relative to its abundance.[
large brown algae
sea urchins
eat the roots of kelps that keep them planted
Top-down forces:
parasitism, disease. Higher
trophic levels control community
Bottom-up forces
: the quality and
quantity of food available. Lower
trophic levels control community
Both are imp
tri-trophic interactions
Variation at one trophic level
influences the interaction between
the other two.
bottom-up model
of community
organization proposes a unidirectional
influence from lower to higher trophic levels
top-down model,
also called the trophic
cascade model, proposes that control
comes from the trophic level above
primary production
: Fixation of energy by
autotrophs in an ecosystem.
Rate of primary production
Amount of energy
fixed over a given period of time.
Gross primary production
Total amount of energy
fixed by autotrophs.
Net primary production
Amount of energy leftover
after autotrophs have met their metabolic needs.
two hypothesis that help to explain the food web
: the energetic hypothesis and the
dynamic stability hypothesis
energetic hypothesis
suggests that
length is limited by inefficient energy transfer, most supported
dynamic stability hypothesis
that long food chains are less stable than short
ecological efficiency
is the percentage of
energy transferred from one trophic level to
the one above it
Nutrient circuits in ecosystems involve biotic and
abiotic components and are often called
biogeochemical cycles
water moves
Water moves by the processes of evaporation,
transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and
movement through surface and groundwater
in aquatic ecosystems
CO2 must first dissolve
into water before being used by primary
nitrogen fixers
use atmospheric
supply directly
ntrogen release
, N can be
released by fungi and bacteria during
the main resouvoir of nitrogen
is in the atmosphere
Nitrogen cycle
Organic nitrogen is decomposed to NH4
ammonification, and NH4
is decomposed to

by nitrification
• Denitrification converts NO3

back to N2
Largest quantities found in mineral deposits and
marine sediments, weathering rocks
the rate of decomposition
is controlled by
temperature, moisture, and nutrient availability
nitrogen is the main thing lost
critical load
for a nutrient is the amount that
plants can absorb without damaging the
: Gradual change in plant and
animal communities in an area following
primary sucession
on newly exposed
geological substrates
secondary sucession
following disturbance
that does not destroy soil.
climax community
Late successional
community that remains stable until disrupted
by disturbance
Proposes many species may attempt to
colonize newly available space.
Initial stages of colonization are not limited to
pioneer species.
Early occupants of an area modify the
environment in a way that makes it less
suitable for both early and late successional
Predicted rate of extinction would rise with
increasing number of species on an island for
three reasons:
– Presence of more species creates a larger
pool of potential extinctions.
– As number of species increases, population
size of each must diminish.
– As number of species increases, potential for
competitive interactions between species will