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25 Cards in this Set

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Name six abiotic features.
Water, sunlight, air, soil, temperature, climate.
What are the three gases that compose the largest part of air?
Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%), Carbon Dioxide (.03%)
What gas do plants use in phosynthesis?
Plants take in carbon dioxide for phosynthesis and release oxygen.
What do animals breathe in?
Animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.
What is the oxygen cycle?
Producers (plants) take in CO2 and release O2. Consumers breathe in O2 and breathe out CO2
How much water does a human body contain?
Human bodies are about 70% water. Most organisms are 50 - 95% water.
What is soil?
Soil is a mixture of mineral and rock particles, the remains of dead organisms, water, and air.
What is the ultimate source of life on earth?
The sun provides the energy source for most life
What happens during photosynthesis?
Producers turn light energy into chemical energy that is stored in sugar molecules (glucose). This stored energy is passed on to consumers when plants are eaten.
What is the Energy cycle?
Light energy through photosynthesis is converted to chemical energy in glucose to mechanical energy.
What is the temperature range of most living organisms?
Most organisms can survive only if their body temperature stays within 0degrees C to 50 degrees C.
What is climate?
An area's average weather conditions over time including temperature, rainfall, or other precipitation and wind.
How does energy flow?
Energy can be converted from one form to another. Consumers obtain energy by eating other organisms.
What does a food chain show?
A food chain is a way of showing how matter and energy pass from one organism to another.
What are the steps in a food chain?
Producers are always the 1st step. They make the food. Herbivores are 2nd. Carnivores are 3rd.
What are producers?
Producers are organisms that use the sun to make their own food. Most producers use chlorophyll during photosynthesis.
What are some examples of producers?
Protista--algae and other plant-like protists
Plantae--all plants
What are consumers?
Consumers are organisms that cannot make their own food from the sun.
What are some examples of consumers from different kingdoms?
Animals, fungus, Eubacteria, animal-like and fungus-like protists
What are decomposers?
A decomposer is a type of consumer. Bacteria, fungi and others consume waste and dead organisms, helping to recycle nutrients
What are some examples of decomposers from different kingdoms?
Eubacteria--many kinds
Fungi--mushrooms, molds, mildews
What is a food web?
A food web shows all the possible feeding relationships within a community.
What is the energy pyramid?
Shows the amount of energy available at each feeding level in an ecosystem.
What level makes up the upper level?
As you move up the pyramid, each level becomes smaller. Only 10% of the energy from each level is passedf to the next. Consumers make up the upper levels.
What is ecology?
The study of the interactions that take place between organisms and their environment.