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38 Cards in this Set

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All forms of water:
__% is in oceans,
__% in glacial ice,

__% is what we drink




Oceans are important for five things:

(1) Oceans influence climate: they store vast amounts of heat and moderate climate
(2) Source of all precipitation

(3) Source of food: primary food chain source

(4) Transportation medium

(5) Resources: about half of all known elements present in oceans

Oceans cover __% of the globe


What is the average depth of the oceans?

3,729 meters (12,234 feet)

What is the average depth of continents?

840 meters (2,756 feet)

Passive Continental Margin

Margins that consist of a continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise.

-They are not associated with plate boundaries and therefore experience little volcanism and few earthquakes

Continental Shelf

The gently sloping submerged portion of the continental margin, extending from the shoreline to the continental slope.

Continental Slope

The steep gradient that leads to the deep-ocean floor and marks the seaward edge of the continental shelf

-Average 5 degree slope, carved by submarine canyons

Continental Rise

The gently sloping surface at the base of the continental slope

-Made of sediments derived by turbidity currents

Turbidity Currents

A downslope movement of dense, sediment-laden water created when sand and mud on the continental shelf and slope are dislodged and thrown into suspension.

-Happens under water; an important part of erosion

Turbidity currents cause submarine canyons and fans. What are submarine canyons and fans?

It is a seaward extension of a valley that was cut on the continental shelf during a time when sea level was lower, or a canyon carved into the outer continental shelf, slope, and rise by turbidity currents.

Active Continental Margins

Are usually narrow and consisting of highly deformed sediments. They occur where oceanic lithosphere is being subducted beneath the margin of a continent

-Convergence, trenches, subduction zones, volcanic island arcs

Deep-ocean basin

The portion of seafloor that lies between the continental margin and the oceanic ridge system. This region comprises almost 30% of earth's surface

Abyssal plain

Very level area of the deep-ocean floor, usually lying at the foot of the continental rise.

-It contains:

terrigenous sediment (silt, mud)

biogenous sediments (living things)

hydrogenouis sediments (water, salt deposits)

__% of ocean water is made up of minerals, which makes it denser. It is mostly made of the mineral _____.




An isolated volcanic peak that rises at least 1,000 meters (3,000 feet) above the deep-ocean floor

-volcanoes under water are called guyots and seamount


A submerged flat-topped seamount.

-volcanoes underwater are called guyots and seamount

Carol Atoll

Carol atoll is a ring-shaped coral reef including a coral rim that encircles a lagoon partially or completely

-they were used as airbases in WWII

Mid-ocean rift

The rifts at the crests of ridges represent divergent plate boundaries

-43,000 miles long

Rift Valley

A long, narrow trough bounded by normal faults. It represents a region where divergence is taking place.

-They are as deep and wide as the Grand Canyon

The 3 seafloor sediments are:

(1) Terrigenous: Derived from land, whether sand close to margins or mud far at sea

(2) Biogenous: Living things, calcareous and siliceous

(3) Hydrogenous: Manganese nodules, metal sulfides near black smokers, evaporates

Composition of Seawater:

__% sodium chloride

__% magnesium chloride

__% sodium sulfate
__% calcium chloride
__% potassium chloride







-the layer of ocean water between about 300 meters and 1,000 meters, where there is a rapid change of temperature with depth is called the thermocline.

-(thermo = heat, cline = slope)

-thermocline is a very important zone in the ocean because it creates a vertical barrier to many types of marine life

T/F: high variation = no thermocline


T/F: Low latitudes = thermocline at 500-1000 meters in depth (beyond photic zone), 70-80 degrees near surface, 32-40 degrees at depth


Ocean currents

they are driven by winds, changed by corolis effect, and forming giant gyres (huge, circular whirls of water/current within an ocean basin)

What are the world's 5 main gyres?

North Pacific Gyre, North Atlantic Gyre (a clockwise rotation in the northern hemisphere), South Pacific Gyre, South Atlantic Gyre, Indian Ocean Gyre

coriolis effect

because of earth's rotation, currents are deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere


the vertical (up/down) distance between trough and crest is called the waveheight


the horizontal (left/right) distance between successive crests (or troughs) is the wavelength.

Wave period

the time interval between the passage of successive crests at a stationary point

-the time it takes one full wave/one wavelength to pass a fixed position

T/F: Swells = waves of oscillation


T/F: Surf zone = waves of translation



an erosion caused by wave impact and pressure is abrasion--the sawing and grinding action of the water armed with rock fragments.

wave refraction

(refringere = to break up)

-The bending of waves

-this plays an important part in shoreline processes

Longshore transport (beach drift)

When waves hit the beach, the sand travels in zig-zag motion

-the transport of sediment (sand/pebbles) along the beach.

where does beach sand come from?

the rivers

beaches are disappearing in america due to ____.

dams in rivers