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27 Cards in this Set

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The binding of alpha 1 receptors causes ___
Vascular and other smooth muscle contraction
The binding of beta 1 receptors causes ___
Positive inotropic and chronotropic effects on the heart
The binding of beta 2 receptors causes ___
Vascular, bronchial, and uterine smooth muscle relaxation
Symptoms associated w/ pheochromocytomas
• Hypertension
• Palpitations
• Chest pain
• Headaches
• Sweating
• Anxiety
• Orthostatic hypotension
The building block for all steroids produced by the adrenal cortex

What is the major source of cholesterol for the adrenal cortex?

80% is delivered by LDL’s
Initial step of steroid hormone synthesis in the adrenal cortex

Where in the cell does this occur?

Next step?

Where does it occur?
Cholesterol to pregnenolone via SCC enzyme (cholesterol desmolase)

Inner mitochondrial membrane

Pregnenolone to progesterone

Smooth ER
Enzyme in the zona glomerulosa that helps convert progesterone to aldosterone
Aldosterone synthase
Enzyme in the zona fasciculate and zona reticularis that helps convert progesterone to cortisol and the androgens
Two classic alpha antagonists
Phenoxybenzamine and phentalamine
Treatment for pheochromocytoma
Surgical removal and phenoxybenzamine administration
Major regulators of aldosterone secretion
Angiotensin II and plasma K+
How does hyperkalemia stimulate aldosterone secretion?
Depolarization of the membranes of the zona glomerulosa cells opens Ca++ channels, stimulating aldosterone production
How does cortisol increase blood glucose levels?
Decreases insulin sensitivity in muscle and adipose tissue, and stimulates gluconeogenesis
Actions and metabolic effects of cortisol
• Catabolism of proteins
• Increased lipolysis
• Increased erythropoiesis
• Increased bone resorption
• Inhibited collagen formation
• Increased GFR
• Increased gastric acid and pepsin secretion
• Decreased inflammatory response and cell-mediated immunity
• Increased blood glucose
Classification of endocrine disorders by the source of the disorder
• Primary: abnormal function of the gland itself
• Secondary: pituitary problem
• Tertiary: hypothalamus
The ability of a hormone to produce more than one action by binding to different receptors
Cross talk
Enzyme present on target cells for aldosterone that converts cortisol to a form which does not bind well to mineralocorticoid receptors

This blunts the mineralocorticoid action of cortisol
11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2
Condition in which both cortisol and aldosterone are low
Addison’s disease
Major causes of hypoaldosteronism (3)

Major causes of hyperaldosteronism (2)
• Autoimmune disease
• TB
• Carcinoma of the adrenal cortex

• Secreting tumor of the adrenal cortex
• Excess rennin secretion
Excessive production of aldosterone caused by a tumor in the adrenal cortex

Also referred to as primary hyperaldosteronism
Conn’s syndrome
Autoimmune distruction of the adrenal cortex

Also referred to as primary adrenocortical insufficiency
Addison’s disease
Common signs/symptoms of Addison’s disease
• Weakness, fatigue, weight loss
• Hyperpigmentation, elevated ACTH
• Hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, hypertension
• Hypoglycemia
• GI problems
Congenital condition in which excessive adrenal androgens are producedand secreted due to lack of functioning 21-hydroxylase enzyme

What is the therapy?
Adrenogenital syndrome

Administration of cortisol
The rate limiting step in the synthesis of catecholamines
The first step, tyrosine to DOPA
Last step in the synthesis of catecholamines

What hormone induces the enzyme that catalyzes this step?
NE to E via phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT)

2 enzymes that break down catecholamines
What are the products when catecholamines are O-methylated by COMT?

What product is formed when COMT and MAO act on each other’s products in the breakdown of catecholamines?
Metanephrine and normetanephrine

Vanillymandelic acid (VMA)