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72 Cards in this Set

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disorder of swallowing
entire act of deglutition; from placement of food into the mouth through the oral pharyngeal and esphageal stages until material enters the stomach through the gastroesphageal junction
the act or process of swallowing
oral prepatory and oral stage of swallow; placement of food in the mouth
Oral Cavity
lips, teeth, hard and soft palate, uvula, mandible, floor and roof of mouth, anterior and lateral sulci, tongue, and faucial arches
Floor of Mouth
muscles attach to the mandible anteriorly and to the hyoid bone posteriorly
Floor of Mouth
a. myohyoid
b. geniohyoid
c. anterior belly of digastric
d. anterior and lateral sulci- pockets b/t the lip and mandible
Tongue has 2 portiona
Oral tongue (front of tongue) includes:
tip, blade, front, center, back
ends @ circumvallate papillae
active during speech and oral stage od swallow
cortical or voluntary control
2nd portion of tongue
Pharyngeal (base)
begins @ circumvallate papillae
involuntary neural control coordinated in brainstem
what is the foundation of the tongue?
hyoid bone
formed by maxilla (hard palate), velum (soft palate), and uvula
- purpose of velar elevation
roof of mouth
what provides midline bulk on nasal side of velum that contarcts posterior pharyngeal wall during the swallow
intrinsic muscle
extrinsic muscles
tensor veli palatini, levator veli palatinin, palatopharyngeus, palatoglossus
tenses and elevates anterior velum
tensor veli palatini
moves velum superiorly and posteriorly
levator veli palatini
pulls velum inferiorly makes up the posterior faucial pillars
pulls velum down and forward; makes up the anterior faucial pillars
what are the 3 salivary glands
parotid; submandibular;sublingual
account for 2/3 of salica production when stimulated
produce serous (thin) and watery fluid
produce saliva during rest
produce serous and viscid (mucus-like) fluid
produces both types of saliva
what are the purposes of saliva
keep oral cavity moist
buffer destructive acid produced by bacteria
reduce tooth decay by washing away plaque
add moisture to bolus during oral stage
neutralizes stomach acid that has refluxed into the esphagus
the cricopharyngeal muscle attaches to the cricoid lamina to form the
upper esophageal sphinceter (UES), aka cricopharyngeal regio (CP) and pharyngeoesphageal sphincter (PE segment)
what is the most inferior structure of the pharynx
cricopharyngeal muscle
what forms the posterior and lateral walls
superior constrictors, medial constrictors, and inferior constrictors.
the anterior wall is formed by constrictor fiber that attach to what
pterygoid plates on the sphenoid bone
sodr palate
base of tongue
hyoid bone
thyroid cartilage
cricoid cartilage
upper esophageal sphinter (UES)
a. top valve of the esophagues ALWAYS CLOSED
b. reduces refux from esphagues into pharynx
c. pressure vlave-greatest pressure during inspiration and immediately prior to swallow.. opens to allow bolus into esophagus
what is the upper most structure of the larynx
how many levels of sphincters of the larynx are there
what is the space btwn base of tongue and epiglottis divided by the hyoepiglottic ligament
what s the opening into the larynx; bound by epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds and artenoid cartilages
laryngeal vestibule
a. lateral walls of larybgeal vestibuls
b. attached laterally to epiglottis and extend posteriorly to surround arytenoid cartilages
--part of supraglottis
aryepiglottic folds
the elbows!
positioned posteriorly on the cricoid cartilages
muscular pull on these controls movement of true vocal cords
arytenoid cartilages
shelves of soft tissue superior but parallel with true vocal folds;aka ventricular folds
false vocal folds
space between false and true vocal folds
laryngeal ventricles
glottic level
last level of airway protection
composed of vocalis and thryoarytenoid muscle
attached from vocal processes of arytenoids posteriorly; throid lamina laterally; to thyroid notch anteriorly
true vocal folds
name the intrinsic muscles
4 pairs 1 single
a. thyroarytenoids
c.lateral cricoarytenoid muscles
d. posterior cricoarytenoid muscles
e. interarytenoid muscle
which intrinsic muscle makes up the bulk of vocal cord; and innervated by the recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve (CN X)
which intrinsic muscle elongates the thryoartenoid muscle - and is the ONLY intrinsic laryngeal muscle innervated by the superior laryngeal branch of the vagus (X)
which intrinsic muscle adducts the vocal folds by rotating the arytenoids dorward and is innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve
lateral cricoarytenoid muscles
which instrinsc muscles oppose the lateral cricothyroids - abduct the vocal folds by rotating the arytenoids away from midline and is innervated by the recurrent larungeal nervee
posterior cricoartenoid
which msucle attaches attaches between the arytenoid cartilages and adducts the arytenoids to close the vocal folds - innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve
interarytenoid muscle
a. connect the larynx to other structures in the head, neck, and chest
b. suspend and stabilize thyroid cartilage in the neck
c. elevates or depresses larynx as a whole

these are also known as strap muscles
extrinsic muscles
name the three valve levels for airway protection
a. epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds
b. arytenoids and false vocal folds
c. true vocal cords

opens from the bottom up
name and describe the four phases of swallowing
1. oral prep phase: food is manipulated in the mouth to reduce food to a consistency which can be swallowed
2. oral phase: the tongue propels the bolus posteriorly until pharyngeal swallow is triggered
3. pharyngeal phase: once pharyngeal swallow is triggered bolus is transfered through pharynx
5. esophageal phase:bolus goes from UES through the esophagus to LES
describe the oral prep phase
-sensory info is pricessed throughout the mouth
-labial seal is maintaines and nasal airway is open
-volume of bolus swallowed varies with viscosity of the food
-bolus is either maintained as it went in or chewed
-if no chewing velum pulled down and forward to close off oral cavity from pharynx
-if bolus is chewed :tension in buccal musculature closes off lateral sulci - soft palateis not pulled down and forward - premature spillage is common and normal
as bolus viscosity increases max volume swallowed
Oral Phase
initated when tongue begins posterior propulsion of the bolus:
-intact labial musculature to maintain seal
-intact lingual movement to propel the bolus backward
-intact buccal tension to prevent pooling in the lateral sulci 0normal palatal muscles0ability to breathe thru the nose

tongue tip and sides are anchored to alveolar ridge and groove is formed to push the bolus backward

as viscosity increases GREATER lingual pressure is need to propel bolus

TAKES LESS thank 1 to 1.5 sec
NO pharyngeal swallow will occur until
the pharyngeal swallow is triggered
oral stage ends whn
the bolus passes btwn the anterior faucial arches and or where the tongue base crosses the lower rim of the mandible - triggering the pharybgeal swallow
True or false :
having something in teh mouth triggers a swallow
6 steps of the Pharyngeal Phase
1. complete closure of velopharyngeal port
2. elevation and anterior movement of hyoid and larynx
3. closure of larynx
4. cricopharyngeal opening
5. complete contact is made btwn the tongue base and pressure builds - comete contact is btwn the tongue base and posterior pharungeal wall and bolus is pushed to the ues
6. progressive to to bottom contraction in the pharyngeal constrictors.
bolus enters thru the cricopharyngeal juncture or UES
true or false
videofluoroscopic study usually does not involve examination of esophagus; referred for a standard barium swallow or upper G-I series
if pharyngeal trigger does not occur
bolus may be propelled into the pharynx and rest in the valleculae or pyriform sinuses
0if liquid, it may get into the airway
if patient's sensitivity is in tact coughing will occur to expectorate the bolus
what are the variations of normal swallowing
-volume effect
-increasing viscosity
-cup drinking
-pharyngeal swallow with no oral phase-premature spillage
explain chugging
pull larynx forward, open ues volitionally, hold breath to close airway, then dump by gravity into pharynx and down the esophagus
what are some of the changes in older adults
-reduction in strength of pharyngeal contraction may cause 2nd swallow
- slightly longer oral phase
- reduced smell and taste
what causes a 2nd swallow in older adults
-ossification of the cartilages
-cervical arthritis
-lowering of larynx in the neck
what are some of the consequences of swallowing impairment
-aspiration pneumonia
pt complains food sticks high in throat -points to base of tongue
material likely hesitates in valleculae @ tongue base
reduced hyoid/laryngeal elevation
pt complains food gets stuck in throat below larynx
material likely pooling in pyriform sinuses
possible esophageal disorder
pt complains cough and choke
laryngeal penetration adn or aspiration
pt says liquids are easier than solids to swallow
poor oral control lingual weakness
pt says dry and thick foods hard to swallow
poor oral hydration-lingual weakness
pt says food spreads in mouth
poor bolus formation/propulsion
choke on liquids - do better w thicker consistencies
delayed triggering of pharyngeal swallow
pt says food/liquid coming out of nose
poor velar closure during swallow
pt says food/liquid falling from mouth
poor lip seal/oral containment
something stuck in throat
globus sensation
pt says throat burns on swallow
pt says food returns to mouth in orgnal condition
pharyngeal pocket/ zenker's diverticulum