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91 Cards in this Set

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typical horizontal length scales of atmospheric motion
little eddies: 0.01-0.1 m
dust devils: 1-10m
tornadoes: 10-1000 m
cumulonimbus: 1000-10^4 m
fronts: 10^4-10^5 m
H/L pressure systems: 10^6 m
planetary waves: 10^7 m
1 + nx
cosx taylor series approx
1 + x^2/2!
sinx taylor series approx
eulers formula
cosx + isinx
newtons 2nd law
F = ma
body force
force on object is proportional to mass of object

force due to action at a distance

surface force
force on object is proportional to surface area of object

force due to contact of object with its surroundings

force exerted on surface of fluid elements by outside fluid

pressure force, friction
pressure gradient force was derived by...

what is it proportional to?
considering the net pressure force acting on a blob of air

proportional to gradient of p not to p itself
gravitational force is proportional to what?
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the masses
viscous force is related to what?
spatial changes in the velocity field
physical basis for friction force on air?
random migration of air molecules
non inertial reference frame
reference frame that speeds up or rotates .... accelerating
inertial reference frame
non accelerating
centrifugal and coriolis forces are both what?
apparent forces
gravity force combines what 2 forces?
gravitational and centrifugal
u velocity comp is along what and increases in what direction
along latitude

u>0 toward east
u<0 toward west
v velocity comp is along what and increases in what direction
along meridian

v>0 toward north
v<0 toward south
z velocity comp is along what and increases in what direction

w>0 up
w<0 down
hydrostatic eq is an exact eq for .... and a good approx for ...
exact: resting atmosphere

approx: real moving atmosphere
pressure drops off [faster or slower] with height in a cold atmosphere
which has a larger density? cold air or warm air?
cold air
scale height for an isothermal eq
following air parcel motion
fixed point in space
vector eq of motion in a rotating reference frame includes what forces?
acceleration = pgf + coriolis + gravity + friction
spherical coords set up
z= vertical coord
from scale analysis Du/Dt and Dv/Dt are approx what?
U^2 / L
geostropic balance has what 2 forces?
pgf and coriolis

diagnostic relation btwn pressure gradient and velocity
geostropic wind characteristics
wind vector is parallel to isobars

with geos wind at your back, low pressure is to your left

proportional to magnitude of pressure gradient
rossby number
Ro = U/fL

ratio of accel to coriolis force in horiz eq of motion
if Ro>0

if Ro<0
Ro>0: accel is more important than coriolis

Ro<0 accel is less important than coriolis
spherical coord equations of motion are nonlinear with ...
1. curvature terms
2. thermal effects
3. nonlinear inertia terms
scale analysis: L
1000 km
scale analysis: H
10 km
scale analysis: U
10 m/s
scale analysis: W
0.01 m/s
scale analysis: dp/rho horizontal
1000 m^2/s^s
scale analysis: dp/rho vertical
10^5 m^2/s^2
scale analysis: T horiz

10^5 sec
scale analysis: T vert

10^6 sec
we can neglect what terms for synoptic scale flows
curvature terms
dominant balance in vertical is what?
hydrostatic balance

even though atmosphere is not at rest hydrostatic balance is a good approx
the difference between the true density and the mean density is defined to be what?
perturbation density
synoptic flows are horizontally what?
horizontally non-divergent

horiz area of parcels is conserved
what is a trajectory?
curve traced out by the tip of the position vector of an air parcel as it moves around

what is a streamline?
curve that is everywhere tangent to the local velocity at a given time.

when to trajectories and streamlines coincide?
in steady state flows
natural coords set up
s: in t hat
n: in n hat
z: in k hat

n hat is perpendicular and to the left of parcel motion (t hat)
sign of R in natural coords
R is positive when n hat points toward the center (curves left)

R is negative when n hat points away from the center (curves right)

R is small where curvature is large
tangential comp of eq of motion contains what terms?
speed accel = - pgf in direction of motion
normal comp of eq of motion contains what terms?
0 = - centrifugal - coriolis - normal comp pgf
geostophic flow characteristics
parallel to isobars
isobars are straight

balance between pgf and coriolis
inertial flow characteristics
balance between centrifugal and coriolis

horizontal pgf is negligible
orbital period of air parcel is...
1/2 day / sin(phi)
cyclostrophic balance
centrifugal and pgf

no coriolis
gradient wind characteristics
wind is parallel to isobars

isobars can be curved

no change in p along trajectory

dp/ds = 0

centrifugal + coriolis + pgf
for gradient wind and dp/dn >0 what solution(s) to you get?
anomalous low
for gradient wind and dp/dn <0 what solution(s) to you get?
regular low, regular high and anomalous high
why can't we have a cyclonic high?
in cyclonic high, centrifugal, coriolis, and pgf all act in the same direction and this is not physically possible because they must all sum to zero
subgeostrophic vs supergeostrophic?
gradient wind is subgeostrophic in cyclonically curved flow in northern hemi (LOW)

gradient wind is supergeostrophic in anti cyclonically curved flow in northern hemi (HIGH)
thermal wind characteristics
V thermal = V geo upper - V geo lower

parallel to mean isotherms

cold air is to the left of V thermal
vertical changes in the geos wind are associated with
horizontal changes in temperature
clockwise turning
warm air advection
counter clockwise turning
cold air advection
barotropic condition
rho = rho(P)

dVg/dP= 0
baroclinic condition
rho = rho(P, T)

dVg/dP is not = 0
air parcels moving in geostrophic wind cannot change their...
horizontal area
vorticity is a measure of
twice the local angular velocity
constant wind has what vortiicy?
no vorticity
cylindrical coords set up
u --> v_r r hat
v --> v_theta theta hat
w --> w k hat
solid body vortex
U = Kr theta hat

vert vort is twice angular velocity of the vortex = 2K

circulation = 2KA
evaluated counterclockwise

line integral of u dot dl
stokes theorem
line integral of u dot dl = double integral n hat dot (grad cross u) dA
stokes theorem "rules"
1. curve doesn't have to be flat
2. true for any vector field u
3. vector u must be continuous
4. if u is velocity then grad cross u is vorticity
express relative vertical vorticity in a special natural coordinate system defined by...
streamlines rather than trajectories

= V/Rs - dV/dn

there is no vertical vorticity in a jet stream
right hand rule for shear vorticity
align fingers with u, curl toward smaller speeds... thumb points in direction of shear vorticity

curvature vorticity is negative in cyclonic vortex

positive curvature vorticity
right hand rule for curvature vorticity
curl fingers along streamline pointing in the direction of the flow... thumb indicates direction of curvature vorticity
vorticity in a vr vortex
v theta = A/r

rel vert vort = 0
absolute vert vort is...
rel vert vort + earth vort (f)
vertical vorticity term: local derivative
if positive, then increase

if negative, then decrease
vertical vorticity term: advection
SW of low: negative

SE of low: positive
vertical vorticity term: tilting
tilt up: positive

tilt down: negative

for easterly wind, N has positive tilting and S has negative tilting
vertical vorticity term: baroclinic
if barotropic flow: term goes to 0
vertical vorticity term: stretching
positive vert vort and negative horizontal divergence causes positive
vertical vorticity term: earth vorticity advection
positive with northerly wind
negative with southerly wind
vertical vorticity term: diffusion of vorticity
molecular diffusion acts to smooth out large gradients of vert vort

smooths out peaks
flows where baroclinic vorticity generation are important
convective clouds, squall lines, supercells
leading edge of cold fronts and thunderstorm outflows
atom bomb blasts
theory for tornado genesis
1. horiz vort gets generated baroclinically at leading edge of thunderstorm outflow
2. horiz vort gets tilted into the vertical by an updraft
3. vert vort gets stretched in a convergent updraft --> get tornado