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16 Cards in this Set

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Describe Sponges
no true tisse, no radial-symmetry
Describe Cnidarians
true tissues, radial symmetric
Describe Flatworms
bilateral symmetric, acoelemates
Describe flatworms in terms of cephalization
light‐sensi(ve eyespots, flaps that detects
chemicals, 2 ganglia form simple brain, pair of nerve cords
Describe Molluscs
true coelom, open circulatory system
gastropods, bivalves, cephalopod, chitons
Describe Annelids
many body structures
repeated in each segments (digestive tract not segmented!), closed
circulatory system
Describe Arthropods
segmented animals with jointed
appendages & exoskeleton (molting), open circulatory system
‐> each segmented group specialized for different function
Chi(n: thick around head, thin & flexible e.g. at joints
Give an example of a Arthropod
a)Chelicerates (horseshoe crab, scropions, spiders, (cks, mites)
b)Millipeds & Centipedes
d)Insects : over 70% of all animal species,
have wings, short generation (mes, lots of offspring
Describe Echinoderms
closest phyla to chordata,
unique water vascular system
Name 4 features of chordates
pharyngeal slits/clefts, dorsal hollow nerve cord, post‐anal tail
What are tetrapods?
vertebrates with two pairs of limbs, includes reptiles, amphibians,birds and mammals
Describe amphibians
reproduc(on depends on
water, gas exchange via moist skin
salamanders, frogs & toads, caecilians
Describe reptiles
amniotes (amniotic egg!), dry skin
lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodilians, dinosaurs, birds
Describe birds
adapta(ons for flight:
reduced weight (feathers, bones, beak),
acute sense (vision, brain),
provide power (endothermic, double circula(on & 4‐chambered
heart unidirec(onal ven(la(on of the lungs)
Describe the 3 types of mammals
Monotremes, Marsupials, Eutherians
Name the special characteristics of mammals
Mammary glands, Hair, Endothermy, efficient
respiratory & circulatory system, differen(ated teeth, large brains,
3 middle ear bones