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27 Cards in this Set

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What was Tsar Nicholas like and what were his beliefs?

-Many inadequacies as an individual; indecisiveness, disinterest in politics, stubborn

-Believed in Divine right

-Didn't want a constitution

-Democracy would undermine dynasty

-Encouraged violence to destroy opposition

-Ill equipped to modernise Russia

How did Tsar Nicholas II rule?

-Absolute ruler all decisions were final

-Had council and ministers who advised him and reported to him directly

-Huge inefficient bureaucracy to rule empire

-All decisions came from the top and were filtered down

-Secret police Okhrana helped Tsar stay in power

-Tsarists Russia was oppressive

Why was the 1905 revolution important?

-Riots and peasant uprisings scared the middle classes so they returned their support for the Tsar

-A Duma would be elected by the people

-Freedom and speech and conscience

-Right to form political parties

-End to press censorship

-Soldiers crushed soviet

-Peasants brought under control

What was the October Manifesto?

Promised right to political parties, freedom of speech and a Duma elected by the people.

How did the October manifesto change the Duma?

- Still had limited power

- Could not pass laws or control finance

-Electoral system favoured the wealthy

-Some parties boycotted the duma

How did the October manifesto change the Peasants?

-Land reforms increased production e.g record harvest 1913

-Kulaks allowed to consolidate land into one piece

How did the October manifesto change the Workers?

-Industrial boom e.g coal,iron,oil modern factories rose

-Wages remained at 1903 level

-Poor conditions in factories and home

-Workers remained disillusioned

What was Russia like in WW1?

-Low morale in army, soldiers were unwilling to fight many mutinied

-Economy crashed, war led to inflation, unemployment and food shortages

-Left Tsarina in charge when he was away

-Discontent grew and Tsar failed to make concessions

-Tsar became commander in chief

What was the economy like in Tsarist Russia?

-Agriculture was backwards and inefficient and still had wooden farming tools

-Overcrowding in farmland

-Peasants faced huge levels of debt through redemption payments

-Low level industry growing, Russia was 4th in the world for coal,iron and steel by 1914

-Modern methods of mass production

-Factories created employment but wages low

What was the society like in Tsarist Russia?

-80% were illiterate peasants and were prone to famine (1900)

-Bourgeoisie more politically active

-Nobility were 1% of population but owned 25% of land

-1/3 of urban workers were young males more than 50% were illiterate

-Poor conditions in home and factories

-Women based in textile industry

Opposition and Discontent in Tsarist Russia

-Political parties illegal before 1905

-newspapers and books censored

-Anyone found organising strikes would be imprisioned

-Populist movements wanted to bring down the government through terrorist acts

-Marxist ideas of social democrats appealed to many

-Liberals appealed to the bourgeoisie who wanted moderate political reform

-secret police rooted out 'internal enemies'

Russian industry by 1917

-Push for industrialisation came from railway

Facts about Russian railway up to 1914

1885 - 16000 miles of track

1900 - 30000 miles of track

1914 - 56400 miles of track

Peasant based agriculture by 1917

-Rural population grew by 20%; 20 million by 1914

-Old fashioned methods hampered progress

-Acts defiance by peasants was common due to famines

-Agriculture output increased by 35% 1900-1913

What payments did peasants have to pay and what should the Tsar have done to decrease likelihood of a revolution?

Redemption payments , Tsar should have cancelled these payments

What were the causes of the February revolution?

-Lack of political change

-Tsars mistakes

-Loss of military support



Explain why WW1 was the cause of the February revolution

-Huge amount of money spent 1914-17 e.g 17m roubles which led to increase in taxation, 200% inflation

-Over prioritising the army caused food shortages

-Lack of organisation in railway

-15 million men taken from countryside & 1917 36.7 million were conscripted

-1914 4 million killed

Explain why Lack of political change was the cause of the February revolution?

-1905 October manifesto saved Tsar, but he failed to make concessions and lost trust of true reform e.g fundamental laws, electoral reforms and ignored Dumas

Explain why Rasputin was the cause of the February revolution?

-He was a focus of hatred for Tsarist system

-People found it difficult to defend Russian system when it was so easily taken over by a corrupt man

-Tsarina relied on him which led to accusations

-Bad reputation

Explain why the Tsars political mistakes was the cause of the February revolution?

-Left Tsarina in charge as he went to front

-Tsar ignored the Duma's advice

-Made himself commander in chief of the army so he would be personally held responsible for war defeats

-Lacked military experience

Explain why loss of millitary support was the cause of the February revolution

-High number of desertions due to low morale and war defeats e.g Battle of Tanneberg 30,000 died

-Lack of ammunition and uniform December 1916

Why do you have to be careful about the dates when looking at Tsarist Russia

Two calendars were in use; Jullian and Gregorian Jullian calendar is 13 days. So following the Gregorian calendar the february revolution was March 8th instead of 23rd

When did the Tsar abdicate ?

2nd March - He tried pass crown to brother Michael who refused bringing 300 year Romanov dynasty rule to an end

-Provisional Government declared

The Provisional Government

-When was it set up?

-What powers did it have?

-Formed 2nd March 1917

Made up of leading figures of the liberal party and dominated by Kadets

-Had popular acceptance

-Had political experience

-Support of high army command

-Could not do anything without approval of PS

Petrograd soviet

-When was it set up?

-What powers did it have?

-Formed 27th February

-Popular backing from soldiers and workers

-Controlled all weapons and soldiers

-Controlled Russian infrastructure e.g railways,factories

-Wanted to educate workers

-Greater support base, popularly elected

When did lenin publish april thesis?

7th April, 1917

What did Lenin's April thesis say?

-Immediate end to WW1

-Create revolutionary international movement to encourage worldwide socialist revolution

-All power to the soviets

-Wanted to combine the two revolutions as bourgeoisie were too weak

-Unite all banks

-Seizure of lands