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104 Cards in this Set

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How many cervical vertebra - typical and atypical?

5 typical 2 atypical (C1, C2)

What are the typical cervical vertebra composed of?

body and neural arch

Spinous process projects?

Transverse process projects?

dorsally laterally

What is the name of C1? C2?

Atlas - C1 Axis - C2

What separates each vertebra? What 2 parts is this composed of?

Disc Annulus fibrosus and Nucleus pulposus

The nucleus pulpous has a very high content of what? Loss of this content, causes what?

water abnormal pressure exerted on annulus

What is it called if there is a protrusion of the nucleus puposus through the annulus fubrosus? Where does this occur normally? How is this corrected?

Herniated disc posterio-laterally laminectomy (surgical removal of disc)

When assessing the c-spine, what movements in the ROM are necessary?

Flexion and extension

During the PE of the cervical spine, what are special test that can be completed?

Spurling test and Lhermitte's sign

What imaging is the first step used to give a basic assessment of the C-spine?

Plain C spine XRAY

If you wanted to assess C6, C7, and T1, what X-ray view would be ordered?

Swimmer's view

Swimmer's view

If you wanted to assess the dens in the cervical spine, what Xray view would you order?

Odontoid view - Open mouth

If you wanted to assess each of the foramen, what X-ray view would you order?

If you wanted to assess each of the foramen, what X-ray view would you order?


Which test would be used to confirm nerve root dysfunction?

Electromyography (EMG) testing

Which test would be used to distinguish a cervical radiculopathy from other lesions?

Electromyography (EMG) testing

Which test is both diagnostic and therapeutic? How?

Selective nerve root block (SNRB) local anesthetic on nerve root dorsal root ganglion to find the specific nerve root. Diagnose radiculopathy

What presents with aching pain, stiffness in the neck and no radiation, paresthesia, and weakness for up to 6 weeks?

Mechanical cervical spine pain

What are the two main causes of mechanical cervical spine pain?

Posture and stress

What imaging would be necessary for mechanical cervical spine pain without trauma? Which views?


cervical AP and lateral (bending) views

Why may mechanical cervical spine pain cause loss of normal cervical spine lordosis?

paravertebral muscle spasms

How would you treat a patient with mechanical cervical spine pain?


Educate on posture correction (PT)

NSAIDs, analgesics, muscle relaxants


What is the mechanical cervical spine pain with aching paracervical pain stiffness beginning after injury?


What other symptoms may be experienced with whiplash?

HA, malaise, and fatigue

With whiplash, what type of strain would occur from forced hyperextension and hyper flexion? When does occur?


What causes disc herniation?

Cervical spine radiculopathy ***

young adults

trauma or degenrative

What is associated with pain the neck with radiation to arm and can cause HA? This may increase with cough.

Cervical spine radiculopathy

What nerve root is most often affected in cervical radiculopathy/ disc herniation?


What test may be used to assess radiculopathy?

Spurling test

Which nerve root/disc herniation causes paresthesia in index, middle or ring fingers?

C7 nerve root

C6-7 disc herniation

Which nerve root/disc herniation causes paresthesia in the thumb or lateral distal foreman?

C6 nerve root

C5-6 nerve herniation

Which nerve root/disc herniation causes loss of sensation over the shoulder?

C5 nerve root

C4-C5 disk herniation

What is the treatment for radiculopathy? How long does it take to improve, regardless of tx?

Anti-inflammatories (NASIDS, muscle relaxer, analgesic, oral predinosone) Surgery - only for intractable pain

PT, cervical traction, steroid injection

4-8 wks

What is caused compression on the cervical spinal cord? What causes this?

Cervical myelopathy cervical spondylosis, cervical stenosis, tumor, or large disc herniation

What are clinical manifestations in cervical myelopathy?

Leg spasticity, gait change, babinski sign, Lhermitte's sign, upper extremity weakness

What causes neck flexion with resulting sensation of electrical shock radiating down the spine?

Lhermitte's sign

What is seen at 2?

What is seen at 2?

Cervical myelopathy -- disk herniation

What is the treatment for many patients with cervical myelopathy, especially if neurological deficit for < 6 months with a patient younger than 70?

Surgical decompression

What are the 3 degenerative diseases of the cervical spine?

Osteoarthritis, spondylosis, degenerative disk disease

In degenerative diseases of the cervical spine, which vertebra are comely affected? Which roots?

C4-C7 vertebra

C5,C6, and C7 roots

By what age do most adults have DDD?

40 y/o

When does pain increase with extension and decrease with flexion of the neck?

Cervical osteoarthritis, spondylosis, DDD

What causes disc space narrowing, vertebral end plate sclerosis, and osteophyte development? By what age does this commonly occur?

Degenerative Disease of the C-spine


If they have advance degenerative disease of the C-spine with radiculopathy/ myelopathy, what imaging is necessary?


What is the conservative treatment for Degenerative disease of the C-spine?

PT, traction, cervical collar, and analgesics

What is the surgical treatment for Degenerative disease of the C-spine?

laminectomy, foraminotomy, cervical spine infusion

What presents with chronic pain for at least 6 months and affect predominately woman as age increases?


What has multi system involvement?


If a patient has fibromyalgia, the pain is at least how many paired tender points?


Tender points of fibromyalgia

Tender points of fibromyalgia


What is the non-pharmalogical Tx for fibromyalgia?


- PT, OT

- Mental health - stress reduction, coping

Which step in management for fibromyalgia confirms diagnosis, explain condign, and treat comorbities (mood/ sleep disturbances)?


Which step in management for fibromyalgia uses a low-dose TCA/ cyclobenzaprine, exercise program, and cognitive-behavioral therapy?


Which step in management of fibromyalgia may require a specialty referral, rheumatology, pain management, physiatry, and combination therapy?


What is another name for thoracic outlet syndrome?

Cervical rib syndrome

What has hereditary elongation of C7 transverse processes, with fibrous bands of the accessory ribs and bone fusion on variant ribs?

Cervical rib syndrome (neurogenic)

What is caused by overhead work or posturing of the neck? Who is more likely to have this -- males or females?

Thoracic outlet syndrome aka Cervical rib syndrome females

What is the most common clinical presentation of Thoracic outlet syndrome? Which plexus is it compressing? What would confirm this?

Neurogenic (90%) brachial EMG/ NCS

In thoracic outlet syndrome, if there is a vascular clinical manifestation, what is being compressed? What would confirm this?

Subclavian artery or vein Arteriogram/venogram

A patient with Thoracic outlet syndrome, will complain pain, numbness and tingling, what nerve is normally affected?

Ulnar nerve

Which thoracic outlet syndrome presents with atrophy of intrinsic muscles, and decreased ulnar sensation?


Which thoracic outlet syndrome presents with pallor/coolness o upper extremities, weak or absent pulses, and decreased BP in affected arm?


Which thoracic outlet syndrome presents with edema and cyanosis of the upper extremities and distended shoulder and chest veins?


This image shows what SE of thoracic outlet syndrome?

This image shows what SE of thoracic outlet syndrome?

Postural decomposition

Which proactive maneuvers are used to assess Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (Cervical Rib Syndrome)? What is considered a positive test?

Adson's maneuver - reduction in the radial pulse Wright test - diminished pulse orparesthesias

Roos Test - reproduce symptoms or claudication

Which proactive maneuver do you hyper abduct and externally rotate the affected arm?

Wright Test

Which proactive maneuver has both shoulders abduct and externally rotate 90 with elbows flexed90, opening and closing hands for 3 minutes?

Roos test

What may show you an additional rib to "clue" you into diagnosing the patient with thoracic outlet syndrome?

Chest (apical lordotic) and C-spine xray


What tests will show if there is stenosis of the vessels in a patient with Thoarcic outlet syndrome?

Doppler and non-invasive BF


How would you tx Thoracic outlet syndrome?

- PT!! - NSAIDs - Mobilization and manipulation (Myofascial release)

If the patient has a cervical spine fracture, what is the X-ray protocol?

AP/lateral/ oblique and Odontoid

What is absolutely necessary for cervical sone stabilization even if there is a potential for a cervical spine fracture?

Hard cervicl collar

In a cervical spine fracture which radiographic view will allow you to see the cervical thoracic junction?

Lateral swimmer's view

C1(Atlas) Fracture

Jefferson's fracture

What is the name of the bilateral fracture affecting both the anterior and posterior arches of C1? How often will a C2 fracture be involved as well?

Jefferson Fracture 1/3

When would you see a Jefferson fracture?

Diving, MVA, falling on head

Which fracture is shown in this CT scan? 

Which fracture is shown in this CT scan?

Jefferson fracture

What is the TX for a Jefferson fracture?

Collar or brace X3 month w/ cervical traction

What is 20% of all cervical spin fractures? What is another name for this fracture?

C2(Axis) Fracture ir Hangman's fracture

Which fracture is a bilateral fracture of the pedicles to pars interarticularis of the axis? **

C2(Axis) Fracture/ Hangman's fracture

What causes a C2(Axis) Fracture/Hangman's fracture?

severe extension injury

In this XRAY, which fracture is shown? 

In this XRAY, which fracture is shown?

C2(Axis) Fracture/ Hangman's fracture

In this CT scan, which fracture is shown? 

In this CT scan, which fracture is shown?

C2(Axis) Fracture/ Hangman's fracture

Which type of collar/ vest can be worn with a CT fracture?

Philadelphia collar and Halo vest

What is the fracture of the dens called? **

Odontoid fracture (C2 fracture)

*** If there is a hyperflexion injury causing a Odontoid fracture (C2 fracture), which direction is the dens displaced?


*** If there is a hyperextension injury causing a Odontoid fracture (C2 fracture), which direction is the dens displaced?


Which type of odontoid fracture: tip fracture (stable)

Type 1

Type 1

Which type of odontoid fracture: Body fracture

Type II

Type II

Which type of odontoid fracture: Basilar fracture , with fracture line into body of the axis (unstable)

Type III

Type III

Name all the fractures. 

Name all the fractures.

Top: Jefferson fracture

Middle: Odontoid fracture (1,2,3)

Bottom 2: Hangman's fracture

What is the treatment for an odontoid fracture?

Halo vest

Which fracture commonly affects the middle or lower cervical spine?

Vertical compression fracture (stable fractures)

A vertical compression fracture 3 (VCS 3) is also known as a...

Burst fracture

(Jefferson fracture C1 -least common)

What is treatment normally for a VCF - operative or nonoperative?


What fracture is caused by forceful flexion with compression (most commonly seen with diving) ?

Flexion compression fracture

Name the two types of flexion compression fractures.

1) wedge compression fracture

2) ** Flexion Teardrop Fracture

Which flexion compression fracture is unstable that has subluxation of the vertebral body posteriorly? Does this have neurologic defects?

** Flexion Teardrop fracture yes

What radiographic imaging would be done for a flexion teardrop fracture?

Table lateral film

Table lateral film

Which type of flexion compression fracture? 

Which type of flexion compression fracture?


Which type of flexion compression fracture? 

Which type of flexion compression fracture?


What causes complete anterior dislocation of the vertebral body causing cord damage? 

What causes complete anterior dislocation of the vertebral body causing cord damage?

Bilateral Facet Dislocation

What is the fracture of the spinal process? Which vertebra are normally affected?

Clay shoveler's fracture (C6-T1)

What is hyper flexion with paraspinous contraction on the spinous process caused by heavy lifting (shoveling)?

Clay shoveler's Fracture

What is the name of the fracture? What is the tx? 

What is the name of the fracture? What is the tx?

Clay shoveler's fracture

Hard collar 10 days followed by a soft collar