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3 Cards in this Set

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How the digestive system functions to supply the body w/nutrients
Digestive System:
Tube called the gastrointestinal tract that extends from the mouth to the anus
Supply Nutrients
Eliminate waste and toxins

Liver Glycogen

Makes up the digestive system:
Pharynx & Esophagus
Small Intestine
Large Intestine

Supply Nutrients
Converts food to usable form
mechanically break down food into pieces by chewing
Secrete saliva to moisten food and dissolve small molecules
Enzymes in digestive juices breakdown nutrient molecules into smaller ones

nutrients are transported to circulatory system from the GI tract
Manufacture materials

manufactures nutrients that are not obtained in adequate amounts from food
Vit K -produced by bacteria in large intestine
Non-essential amino acids are produced in liver

Stores and Convert excess nutrients
Liver stores excess nutrients until needed (glycogen)
The liver also converts excess nutrients into other nutrients that are low in supply in foods eaten
Function/importance of the liver
*Understand how each area of the G.I. tract plays a different role in the digestive process
Largest gland in body
Made up of lobules (microscopic unit)
liver sinusoids
capillaries that bring blood to cells

Major Functions of Liver:
produce bile--aid digestion/absorption
removes excess nutrients in blood and manufactures nutrients that are in low supply
removes alcohol, ammonia (urea) and meds from blood
helps maintain BP (thru vasoconstriction)
regulates proteins that regulate distribution of water in body
Age-related (abnormal) changes
Difficult to distinguish age changes from changes produced by regularly ingested material

GI tract is exposed to substances and conditions from external environment

Certain changes are age specific; others are caused by dietary or other factors