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24 Cards in this Set

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What is the diagnostic criteria for Major depressive episode
Five or more symptoms in the same 2 weeks and one is depressed mood OR loss of interest or pleasure
What are the 7 or total 9 criteria for major depression symptoms
first 2- depressed mood or lack of pleasure or interest


weight loss
restless or slowed down (psychomotor agitation)
insomnia or hypersomnia
fatigue or loss of energy
feelings of worthlessness or guilt
diminished ability to concentrate, indecisiveness
What does SIGECAPS mean
psychomotor changes
what is the diagnostic criteria for dysthymia
depressed mood for 2+ years with 2 neurovegatative symptoms
what is the diagnostic criteria for cyclothymia
for at least 2 years the presence of hypomania and depression that neither meet criteria for dx
what is the diagnostic criteria for manic episode
a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated expansive or irritable mood lasting more than one week with 3 symptoms (4 if mood is irritable)
What are the exact symptoms of manic episode (7)
inflated self esteem
decreased need for sleep
more talkative than usual
flight of ideas, racing thoughts
increase in goal directed activity
excessive involvement in pleasurable activities (spending money, sexual, promiscuity, impulsive decisions, shopping, eating)
What is the diagnostic criteria of a hypomanic episode
elevated or expansive mood lasting at least 4 days

same symptoms as manic BUT less severe
what is the diagnostic criteria for Panic?
a discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 or more of the symptoms develop abruptly and peak within 10 min
what are the (13) symptoms of panic
feeling choking
chest pain
nausea and abdominal pain
feeling dizzy, light headed
derealization, depersonalization
fear of losing control or going crazy
fear of dying
chills or hot flashes
what is Agoraphobia
anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing, or no help in event of unexpected or situational panic attack.
panic attacks with or without agoraphobia
recurrant panic attacks at least 1 attack has been followed by 1 month or more of one of the following

persistent concern about additional attacks

worry about implications of the attack
a change in behavior related to attack
what is the diagnostic criteria for GAD
excessive worry occuring most days than not for 6 months about a number of events and or activities

difficult to control worry

the anxiety and worry are associated with 3 or more of the following six symptoms with at least some present for more days than not for the past 6 months

restlessness or keyed up
being easily fatigued
trouble concentrating or mind blank
muscle tension
sleep disturbance
Social phobia
Persistent fear of one ore more performance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or scrutiny by others. the person fears anxiety will show and will be humiliating

exposure to a feared social situation that invokes anxiety

recognizes fear
the situation is avoided
the avoidance or anxious anticipation or distress or the situation that interferes with ones life
the fear or avoidance is not due to other issues
What is the diagnostic criteria for social phobia? (6)
persistent fear of one or more social performance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or scrutiny by others. The persons fears and anxiety will show and will be humiliating

exposure to a feared social situation that invokes anxiety

recognizes the fear

the situation is avoided

The avoidance or anxious anticipation or distress of situation that interferes with ones life

the fear or avoidance is not due to other issues
what are the (4) obsessions criteria for OCD
recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses or images are intrusive and inappropriate

thoughts, impulses are more than excessive worries and beyond real problems

The person tries to ignore or suppress with some other thought or action

The person recognizes the thoughts and impulses as a product of his or her mind
what are the 2 criteria for compulsions in OCD
repetitive behaviors (hand washing, checking)

behaviors or mental acts aimed at preventing or reducing distress but are not realistic with way to prevent the obsession.
what is the diagnostic criteria for PTSD
(exposure to the trauma with both of the following present)

the person experienced or witnessed an event that involved actual or close death, injury, or threat to physical self or others

The persons response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror AND the event is re-experienced in one of the following ways

recurrent and intrusive recollections of the event
recurrent distressing dreams without recognizable content
acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring
intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that are like trauma

PERSISTENT avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma and numbing responses but 3 or more of the following

efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings and conversations related to the trauma
efforts to avoid activities, places or people that arouse recollections of the trauma
inability to recall important aspects of the trauma
diminished interest in activities
restricted range of affect (unable to have loving feelings)
sense of foreshortened future

PERSISTENT symptoms of increased arousal by 2 or more of the following

hard to fall asleep and stay asleep
irritable outbursts
difficulty concentrating
exaggerated startle response

what are the diagnostic criteria for ADHD inattention (8)
six or more of the following inattention for 6 months that are maladaptive

fails to give close attention to detail, careless mistakes
difficulty sustaining attention in tasks
does not seem to listen
does not follow through with instructions and fails to do chores, school work
difficulty organizing tasks
avoids or dislikes tasks that require mental effort
easily distracted by stimuli
what are the 5 diagnostic criteria for hyperactivity 3 for impulsivity in ADHD
six or more of the following of hyperactivity-impulsivity for 6 months

often fidgets with hands and feet
leaves seat in classroom
runs or climbs excessively (restless)
difficulty engaging in leisure activity quietly
talks excessively
interrupts or intrudes on others


diagnostic criteria for dementia
(the development of many cognitive defects)

memory impairment
one or more of the following

Aphasia, apraxia (motor), agnosia (recognize objects) disturbance in executive functioning
Diagnostic criteria for adjustment disorder
emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to an identified stressor occuring within 3 months of onset

evidenced by either of the following

marked distress that is in excess of expected
significant impairment
not axis 1 related
not bereavement
does NOT persist more than 6 months after start of stressor
two or more of the following for a significant time during a one month period

delusions (bizarre situations that could not occur/non bizarre could occur like being poisoned or followed
disorganized speech
disorganized behavior
negative symptoms
Schizoaffective D/O
an uniterrupted period of illness during which at some time there is a major depressive episode, a manic episode or a mixed episode WITH symptoms of schizophrenia

DURING the same period of illness there have been delusions or hallucinations for at least 2 weeks in the absence of prominent mood symptoms

symptoms that meet the criteria for a mood episode are present for a substantial portion of that total duration of active and residual periods of illness

can be either bipolar type or depressive type