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184 Cards in this Set

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The all-time high for lifetime drug usage in the United States was in:
Child sexual abuse is most common:
Just after puberty
The hormone that causes gonads to increase dramatically the production of estrogen and testosterone is...
During puberty, the direction of growth is...
The opposite of proximal-distal
The biological events that begin puberty involve a hormonal signal from the...
During middle school, academic achievement...
slows down
Compared with younger children, when thinking about historical or political problems, adolescents tend to:
Consider more possibilities
A criticism of high-stakes testing is that?
it destroys learning with its focus on test scores
Elle, an adolescent, believes that government should pay for citizens' health care. From this premise, she reasons about the particulars of how and why government-funded health care would work. This is an example of
Deductive reasoning
Nate's parents engage in very high parental monitoring and control. Compared with Nate's peers whose parents engage in less parental monitoring, Nate is more likely to:
Be depressed
The most typical sequence of identity status is:
diffusion, moratorium, achievement
1 in __ adolescent girls are affected by clinical depression
how many emerging adults reach the standard of 30 minutes of exercise, five days a week?
two thirds
The rate of violent deaths among young men is highest in
The US
Recent research indicates that attitudes about the purpose of sex fall into which of the following three categories?
reproduction, relationship, and recreation
Fifty-year-olds can expect to retain ______ percent of muscle strength they had at age 20.
A large university is attempting to reduce student alcohol and nicotine use. A survey was distributed to all students, and the results were published in the student newspaper. Fewer students than anticipated drank and smoked, much to many students' surprise. The university conducted this research using:
The social norms approach
Drug abuse is more prevalent in early adulthood than in...
In the stereotype-threat study in which college students were taught about intelligence research, which group showed the most improvement in attitudes about academic achievement and grades?
black students who were taught that intelligence is malleable
After Brenda finished college and began working in her chosen field, she saw her life becoming:
Less playful and more practical
Cross-cultural research on thinking has demonstrated that compared to Asians, Americans are more likely to
arrive at one answer
Mark has finished graduate school, and at age 30 he is established in his career and is married with two children. His approach to problems has changed since he was an adolescent. Now, he is more likely to:
see life's answers as conditional rather than permanent.
In an essay, Michelle begins by writing that knowing the truth sets people free. In her next paragraph, she opposes this with the idea that knowing the truth often involves learning about limitations and constraints on freedom. In her third paragraph, Michelle integrates these two perspectives. Michelle's essay best demonstrates:
Dialectical thinking
Students who agree that some cheating is necessary to get the grades they want are more likely to attend:
According to research, the chance of any particular partner with the same interest in three favorite leisure activities and with similar opinions about three important role preferences is:
A heightened sense of well-being is common between the ages of 18 to 24. Reasons for this increase in positive emotion include:
leaving high school and separating from dysfunctional families.
The view that marriage is an arrangement in which each partner contributes something useful to the other, is part of the:
Social exchange theory
What is the estimated incidence of diagnosed anxiety disorders in United States residents under the age of 25?
Jacob's mother was schizophrenic so he was sent to live with his grandparents. Now at age 22, he is experiencing severe stress due to his grandfather's death and his own search for employment. He is starting to display some symptoms of schizophrenia. According to developmentalists, Jacob is exhibiting the:
Diathesis-stress model
Average age girls begin puberty
Average age boys begin puberty
9 1/2
3 factors affecting when puberty starts
Genes, Body Fat and Stress
Fowler's 6 stages of faith
1) Intuitive-Projective
2) Mythic-Literal
3) Synthetic-Conventional
4) Individual-Reflective
5) Conjunctive Faith
6) Universalizing Faith
1) Intuitive-Projective Faith
Faith is magical, illogical, imaginative and filled with fantasy
2) Mythic-Literal faith
Individuals talk the myths and stories of religion literally, believing simplistically in the power of symbols
God rewards those who follow his laws and punishes others
3) Synthetic-Conventional faith
Conformist stage
What feels right
Conventional, reflecting concern about other people
4) Individual-Reflective faith
Intellectual detachment from the values of culture and from the approval of other people
College may be a springboard to this stage
Learn to question authority and rely on own understanding
5) Conjunctive Faith
Incorporates both powerful unconscious ideas and rational, conscious values
Willing to accept contradictions
6) Universalizing Faith
Powerful vision of universal compassion, justice and love
Growth spurt in girls begins at about age
Growth spurt in boys begins at about age
HPA axis
Hypothalamus -> pituitary -> adrenal glands -> make hormones
Secular Trend
Puberty starting sooner because of better nutrition and less physical labor
Menarche tends to occur when girls reach __ lbs
Compared to 20 years ago, teen pregnancy and abortion rates are...
15-24 year olds make up 1/4 of the population and contract ___ of the STIs
one half
Characteristics of Formal Operational Thought
Hypothetical thinking, deductive and inductive reasoning,
Adolescents and work
Work gives less time for school, money goes to non-essentials, those who work are more likely to use drugs
But stable work history established
Erikson Stages
Trust v Mistrust
Autonomy v Shame and Doubt
Initiative v Guilt
Industry v Inferiority
Identity v Diffusion
Intimacy v Isolation
Example of an acceptable false self
Results from real self being rejected - being cut from a sports team
Example of a pleasing false self
Results from trying to impress others - being the class clown
Example of an experimental false self
Substance use
Generational stake
People look at things from their own generation's viewpoint
4 factors positively affecting parent-adolescent realtionships
Positive functions of peers
Pubertal self help
Social support
Identity formation
Values clarification
Developmental path of romantic attraction
Same gender groups
Same gender cliques
Mixed gender groups
__ % of high school seniors have tried alcohol
Predictors of suicide
Past attempts, intention, detailed plan, depression, substance abuse, access means to carry out
Use of contraception ___ in emerging adulthood
Perry's model of cognitive development
1) Dualism. pre-reflective thinking
2) Multiplicity, Quasi-Reflective Thinking
3) Contextual Relativism
4) Commitment within Relativism
Perry 1) Dualism, Pre-Reflective Thinking
Completely unquestioned view of truth as absolute truth
No tolerance for other points of view
Perry 2) Multiplicity, Quasi-Reflective Thinking
First acknowledgment of legitimate uncertainty
We'll never know for sure
Perry 3) Contextual Relativism
Switch from a vision of the world as dualistic to relativistic
Perry 4) Commitment within Relativism
Defining one's identity in a relativistic world
Move toward increasing conjecture, uncertainty and interpretation
Gland in the brain
Responds to hypothalamus and produces hormones that regulate growth and control other glands
Adrenal glands
Secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine, hormones that prepare the body to deal with emergencies or stress
Secular trend
Tendency toward earlier and larger growth that has occurred among adolescents over the past two centuries
Generational forgetting
Each generation forgets what earlier generations had already learned about harmful drugs
Adolescent egocentrism
See themselves as much more socially significant than they actually are
Invincibility fable
Adolescents feel that they are immune to the dangers of risky behaviors
Imaginary audience
Created by adolescents because they assume that others are as intensely in them as they themselves are
Formal operational thought
More systematic logic and the ability to think about abstract ideas
Deductive reasoning
Thinking that moves from the general to the specific, of from a premise to a logical conclusion
Inductive reasoning
Thinking that moves from one or more specific experiences or facts to a general conclusion
Intuitive thought
That which arises from a hunch or emotion, often triggered by past experiences, cultural assumptions and sudden impulse
Analytic thought
Logical thinking that arises from rational analysis and the systematic evaluation of consequences and possibilities
Erikson's crisis of adolescence
Identity v diffusion
Identity achievement
Adolescents attain their new identities by establishing their own goals and values and abandoning some of those set by their parents and culture and accepting others
Identity diffusion
Have few commitments to goals or values and are often apathetic about trying to find an identity
Adolescent forms an identity prematurely, accepting parents' or society's roles and values wholesale
Timeout during which they experiment with alternative identities without trying to settle on any one
Gender identity
Person's self-identification as either male or female
Parental monitoring
Parental awareness about where one's child is, what he or she is doing and with whom
Deviancy training
Destructive peer pressure to rebel against authority or social norms
Peer selection
Ongoing process in which adolescents choose friends on the basis of shared interests and values
Peer facilitation
The encouragement adolescents give one another to engage in behaviors they would not otherwise do alone
Suicidal ideation
Thinking about committing suicide
A deliberate act of self-destruction that does not result in death
How often a particular circumstance occurs
How widespread within a population a particular behavior or circumstance is
Age related gradual physical decline throughout the body
Process by which body functions are automatically adjusted to keep our physiological functioning in a state of balance
Organ reserve
Extra capacity of each body organ for responding to unusually stressful events or conditions that demand intense or prolonged effort
Set point
The specific body weight that a person's homeostatic processes strive to maintain
Recreational activities and jobs that entail some risk or danger
Delay discounting
Tendency to devalue the future consequences of behaviors such as drug use, in favor of more immediate gratification
Social norms approach
Reducing risky behaviors using survey data regarding the prevalence or risky behaviors to make emerging adults more aware of social norms
Postformal thought
Suited to solving real-world problems and is more practical, more flexible and more dialectical than adolescent thought
Subjective thought
Thinking that arises from our personal experiences and perceptions
Objective thought
Thinking that follows abstract, impersonal logic
Dialectical thought
Thinking that involves considering both poles of an idea (thesis and its antithesis) simultaneously and then forging them into a synthesis
Reconciles thesis and antithesis into a new, more comprehensive level of truth
Morality of care
Give human needs and relationships the highest priority
Morality of justice
Emphasis is on distinguishing right from wrong
Erikson's crisis of emerging adulthood
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Gateways to attraction
Physical attractiveness
Frequent exposure
Absence of exclusion criteria
Social homogamy
Similarity in leisure interests and role preferences
Common couple violence
Form of abuse in which both partners engage in outbursts of verbal and physical attack
Intimate terrorism
Husband uses violent methods of accelerating intensity to isolate, degrade and punish the wife
Diathesis-stress model
Mental disorders are caused by the interaction of a genetic vulnerability with stressful life events
Common anxiety disorder in Japan in which emerging adults refuse to leave their rooms
The physical changes of puberty usually take __ years to complete
Girls are about __ years ahead of boys in height
Menarche seems to be related to the accumulation of a certain amount of body ___
Family stress may ___ the onset of puberty
During the growth spurt, growth proceeds from...
The extremities to the core
During puberty, heart rate ___ and blood volume ___
During puberty one organ system decreases in size
lymphoid system
The brain's limbic system matures ___ the prefrontal cortex
The limbic system predominates in ___ reactions
quick and emotional
The prefrontal cortex coordinates ___ functions
One reasons have more STIs than other age groups
Less natural biological defenses
Alcohol impairs memory and self control by damaging the brain's...
hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
Drug addiction
Needing the drug to feel normal
Sequence of pubertal growth in girls
Breasts and pubic hair
Growth spurt in which fat is deposited on hips and butt
HPA axis
Route followed by many hormones to regulate stress, growth, sleep and appetite
For males, the secondary sex characteristic that usually occurs last is...
facial hair
Sequence of pubertal events in boys
Pubic hair, first ejaculation, growth spurt, lowering of voice, facial hair
Teenage pregnancy is at a greater risk for...
Low birth weight, high blood pressure and stillbirth
The number of substantiated victims of sexual abuse is greatest among children ages
12 to 15
Adolescent egocentrism
I am uniquely significant and the social world revolves around me
Formal operational adolescents imagine all possible __ of a problem's solution
3 types of curriculum
Many psychologists consider the distinguishing feature of adolescent thought to be the ability to think in terms of...
possibility, not just reality
Thinking that begins with a general premise and then draws logical conclusions from it is called...
Deductive reasoning
One problem with many high schools is that the formal curriculum ignores the fact that adolescents thrive on...
Intellectual challenges that require social interaction
Thinking that extrapolates from a specific experience to form a general premise is called...
inductive reasoning
The pathways that form the brain's dual processing networks involve the...
Prefrontal cortex and the limbic system
The "low-ebb" of learning is the...
first year of middle school
Erikson's 4 aspects of identity
Religion, sex, politics(ethnicity) and vocation
Too much parental monitoring may lead to...
Adolescents who discuss sex openly with their parents...
Take fewer risks
Avoid peer pressure to have sex when they don't want to
Believe their parents provide useful info
From late childhood through adolescence, people generally feel (more/less) competent each year
4 factors that affect whether thinking about suicide leads to an attempt
Availability of guns
Parental supervision
Availability of drugs and alcohol
The rate of suicide is higher for...
The rate or parasuicide is higher for...
Adolescent limited offenders
criminal activity stops by age 21
Life course persistent offenders
become career criminals
A large group of adolescents who share common interests
3 early predictor of life course persistent offenders
Short attention span, hyperactivity, neurological impairment
Arrests peak at age...
Statistically, the person least likely to commit a crime is an
Asian American female
Generation next
ages 18-25
Generation X
ages 25-40
Baby boomers
ages 40-60
Serial monogamy
One steady partner
Calculate BMI
weight / (height squared)
Most eating disorders are especially prevalent
Emerging adulthood
The age of first marriage in the US today
25 in women
27 in men
According to Epigenetic theory, eating disorders are more common in young women who
fear sex and motherhood
Maximum strength potential typically beings to decline by age
Organ reserve
Extra capacity for responding to stressful events
Emerging adults are more vulnerable to
Eating disorders
Violent death
Drug abuse
__% of all emerging adults in the US have had at least one STI
Compared to adolescent thinking, adult thinking is more...
Practical, flexible and dialectical
Subjective thinking
Arises from the personal experiences and perceptions of an individual
Objective thinking
Follows abstract logic
Adults are more likely to demonstrate __ __ when suggesting solutions to real life problems
Cognitive flexibility
Differences in the reasoning maturity of adolescents and young adults are most likely to be apparent when...
Emotionally charges issues are involved
A hallmark of mature adult thought is the
Reconciliation of both objective and subjective approaches to real life problems
According to Fowler, the experience of college often is a springboard to
Individual-reflective faith
The typical outcome of college education is that students become...
More committed to a particular values
Only intimacy
Only passion
Only commitment
Empty love
Passion and intimacy
no commitment
Romantic love
Passion and commitment
No Intimacy
Fatuous love
Intimacy and commitment
No passion
Companionate Love
Passion, intimacy AND Commitment
Consummate love
The extent to which the partners perceive equality in the relationship
Social exchange theory
Marriage is an arrangement in which each person contributed something useful to the other
Schizophrenia can be caused by
Malnutrition when brain is developing
Social pressure
Between the ages of 18 and 27, the average worker in the US has how many jobs?
People enlarge their understanding, resources and experiences through intimate friends