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50 Cards in this Set

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Margaret Mead viewed adolescence adjustment as heavily influenced by...
the social environment. (Due to the culture's social relationships and openness toward sexuality, adolescence)
Most researchers today agree that adolescence is...
influenced by biological, psychological and social forces.
A 12-year old has just started her first menstrual cycle. She is experiencing...
The major factor that makes girls from one region of the world reach menarche earlier than than those from another region of the world is most likely their...
One of the problems associated with early physical maturation in both sexes is that early maturing boys and girls...
seek out older companions, sometimes with unfavorable consequences; report feeling depressed and show declines in academic performance.
Which parents have the emotional characteristics common among parents of anorexic teenagers?
Parents of bulimics.
The messages about sexual activities that teenagers get from parents, older adults and modern media....
are contradictory. Adults say sex is wrong and social environment says its exciting.
Many gay men and women first sensed their sexual orientation between ages of 6 and 12 and when they discovered ____.
interests more like those of the other gender.

Ex. Boys not as interested in sports; girls are more atheletic and active.
According to Erickson, the major personality achievement during adolescence is...
Which of the following factors is predictive of high self-esteem?
Teenagers assert that they are more mature, capable, personable and attractive than in the past.
Consider the following statement, "An ethic of care should be considered when evaluating moral reasoning." The statement is consistent with the beliefs of which person?
Identity Moratorium.
During adolesence, an improved ability to reason about social relationships leads teenagers to ____ their parent.
Deidealize. (Viewing them as "just people")
Which of the following is a common positive outcome of mild family conflict?
Facilitates adolescent identity and autonomy by helping family members express and tolerate disagreements.
Which statement summarizes influences on intimacy?
Adolescents seek psychological closeness, trust, and mutual understanding from their friends.
The most psychological problem in adolescence is...
Which statement about adolescent suicide is true?
Boys are more successful than girls in suicide attempts.
According to Levinson's theory, each era of adult development begins with ____, which is then followed by a stable period in which the individual builds a life structure.
Both Levinson and Valliant agree that adult psychosocial development is primarily shaped by...
Quality of relationships with important people shape the life course.
In cultures with greater gender equity, which of the following is evidence of the social learning perpective that gender roles influence criteria for mate selection?
Men and women are more alike in their mate preferences.
According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love...
Identifies three components: intimacy, passion and commitment - that shift in emphasis as romantic relationships develop.
Compared with same-sex friendships, friendships with people of the other sex...
Occur less often and do not last as long as same-sex friendships.
Recent changes in North America gender role have affected marriage mainly in that...
Contemporary couples must work harder to define their relationships.
Which of the factors is more likely to lead to spouse abuse?
A warm and affectionate relationship, stimulation & fun, and growth & learning experiences are all reasons that couples cite for...
The development phase called emerging adulthood developed because...
the transition to adult roles has become so prolonged because young people explore alternatives.
Free radicals are thought to be involved in which of the following?
More than 60 disorders of aging including, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, cancer, cataracts, and arthritis.
The physical change that takes place in early adulthood typically...
involves the senses, cardiovascular & respiratory system,
Obesity is much common among...
Regular physical activities has the psychological effect of...
Mood improvement, enhances alertness & energy. Promotes self-esteem, ability to cope with stress and life satisfaction.
Which of the following is a method through which the majority of couples in lasting relationships meet each other?
In conventional ways such as: through family or friends, school, work or social events where people similar to themselves congregate.
Sexual difficulties are common among all of the following except...
people who are married, have not experienced sexual abuse or sexual coercion.
Middle age is hard to define because...
Wide variations in attitudes and behaviors exist.
Presbyopia is...
When the lens of the eye loses its capacity to adjust to objects at varying distances entirely.
Muscle mass declines during middle adulthood, primarily due to...
atrophy of fast-twitch fibers that are responsible for speed and explosive strength.
Mrs. Chang wants to avoid the characteristic of weight gain in middle adulthood. She should...
Reduce caloric intake, follow a low-fat diet and exercise that includes resistance training.
One reason men are more vulnerable to cancer than women is their...
exposure to cancer-causing agents as a result of lifestyle or occupation and a tendency to delay going to the doctor.
Which of the following best describes the term generativity?
Involves reaching out to others in ways that give to and guide the next generation.
According to Erickson, generativity is motivated by...
Everything generated that can outlive the self and sure society's continuity and improvement.
Research showing gender identity becomes more androgynous in midlife...
Men tend to show an increase in feminine traits and vice versa.
Cross-cultural research of the big five personality traits has led researchers to conclude that...
adult personality change is genetically influenced.
Research on early child-rearing styles and parents' relation with adult children children shows that...
parents adjust well to the launching phase of letting go; children are more appreciative.
Middle age adults who balance the needs of aging parents and financially dependent children are called...
Sandwich generation.
According to our textbook, late adulthood is best viewed as...
An extension of earlier periods, not a break with them.
Researchers speculate expectancy crossover occurs because...
only the biological sturdiest survive into very old age.
Marchelle's immune system has began to turn against normal body tissue which is referred as...
Autoimmune response.
Elderly people tend to report physical and psychological problems with aging if they...
aren't optimistic??
The main reason low SES ethnic minority elders are less likely to follow a doctor's instruction is...
because they are less likely to believe they can control their health and that treatment will work.
Reports of a decline in sexual desire and activity among older people...
the trend may be exaggerated by cohort effects.
Falls in the elderly are caused in many cases by...
decline in vision, hearing, mobility and cognitive functioning & development of certain chronic illnesses.
When older adults engage in selective optimization, they...
Narrow their goals, they select personally valued activities to optimize returns from their diminishing energy. They also find new ways to compensate for losses.