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79 Cards in this Set

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Developmental Psychology
Studies how organisms grow and change over time as a result of biological and environmental influences
Nature-Nurture Issue
Discussion over relative importance of nature (heredity) and nurture (environment) in their influence on behavior and mental processes
Innate Ability
Capability of an infant that is inborn or biologically based
Prenatal period
The developmental period before birth
In humans, the name for the developing organism during the first 8 weeks after conception
The term for the developing organism between the embryonic stage and birth
Organ interface between the embryo or fetus and the mother. Allows the exchange of nutrients and waste products
Substance from the environment, including niruses, drugs, and other chemicals, that can damage the developing organism during the prenatal period
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
A set of physical and mental problems seen in children whose mothers drink exessive amounts of alcohol during pregnancy
Neonatal Period
The neonatal (newborn) period extends through the first month after birth
The imitation of other people's behaviors
The close coordination between gazing, vocalizing, touching, and smiling of infants and caregivers
Innate Reflex
Reflexive response present at birth
Spans the time between the end of the neonatal period and the establishment of language (about 18 months to 2 years
Sensitive Period
Organism is especially responsive to stimuli of a particular sort. Sensitivity to chemicals or hormones, also periods for learning language or development of vision
Synaptic Pruning
Process of trimming unused brain connections, making neurons available for future developmental
Process by which the genetic program manifests itself over time
Genetic Leash
Edward Wilson's term for the constraints placed on development by heredity
Contact Comfort
Stimulation and reassurance derived from the physical touch of a caregiverf
The enduring socioemotional relationship between a child and a parent or other regular caregiver
Primitive form of learning in which some young animals follow and form an attachment to the first moving object they see and hear
Secure attachment
Attachment style of children who are relaxed and comfortable with their caregivers and tolerant of strangers and new experiences
Separation Anxiety
A common pattern of distress seen in young children when separated from their caregivers
Anxious-ambivalent Attachment
A child wants contact with the caregiver and shows excessive distress when separated from the caregiver, and proves difficult to console even when reunited
Avoidant Attachment
A child shows no interest in contact with the caregiver and displays neither distress when separated nor happiness when reunited
Major developmental goal during the first 18 months of life. Child must choose between trusting or not trusting others
Language Acquisition Device
Biologically organized mental structure in the brain that facilitates the learning of language because it is innately programmed with some of the fundamental rules of grammar
Production of repetitive syllables, characteristic of the early stages of language acquisition
Rules of a language, specifying how to use the elements ot language and word order to produce understandable sentences
Telegraphic Speech
Short, simple sequences of nouns and verbs without plurals, tenses, or function words like the and of, like the language once used in telegraphs
Meaningful unit of language that makes up words. Some whole words are morphemes, others include grammatical components that alter a word's meaning
Cognitive Development
Global term for the development of thought processes from childhood through adulthood
Stage Theory
Explanation of development that emphasizes distinctive or rather abrupt changes. Emphasizes revolutionary changes in thought processes.
Piaget's theory--a mental structure or program that guides a developing child's thought
A mental process that incorporates new information into existin schemas
A mental process that modifies schemas in order to include new information
Sensorimotor stage
The first stage in Piaget's theory, during which the child relies heavily on innate motor responses to stimuli
Sensorimotor Intelligence
Piaget's term for the infant's approach to the world, relying on relatively simple physical responses to sensory experience, with very little cognition involved
Object Permanence
The knowledge that objects exist independently of one's own actions or awareness
Goal-directed behavior
An ability that emerges during the sensorimotor period by which infants develop the ability to keep a simple goal in mind as they pursue it
Mental Representation
The ability to form internal images of objects and events
Preoperational Stage
The second stage in Piaget's theory, marked by well-developed mental representations and the use of language
In Piaget's theory, the self-centered inability to realize that there are other viewpoints beside one's own
Animistic Thinking
A preoperational mode of thought in which inanimate objects are imagined to have life and mental processes
A peroperational thought pattern involving the inability to take into account more than one factor at a time
The inability in the preoperational child to think through a series of events or mental operations and then mentally reverse the steps
Concrete Operational Stage
Piaget's third stage--when a child understands conservation but still is incapable of abstract thought
The understanding that the physical properties of an object or substance do not change when appearances change but nothing is added or taken away
Mental Operation
Solving a problem by manipulating images in one's mind
Theory of Mind
An awareness that other people's behavior may be influenced by beliefs, desires, and emotions that differ from one's own
Wave Metaphor
A way of conceptualizing cognitive development, as occurring more gradually--in "waves"--rather than abruptly, as the stage theory suggests
An individual's characteristic manner of behavior or reaction--assumed to have a strong genetic basis
The lifelong process of shaping an individual's behavior patterns, values, standards, skills, attitudes, and motives to conform to those regarded as desirable in a particular society
Authoritarian Parent
Characterized by demands for conformity and obediance, with little tolerance for discussion of rules, which the parent enforces with punishment or threats of punishment
Authoritative Parent
Parent enforces with consequences, rather than punitive actions. High standards with warmth and respect for child's views.
Permissive Parent
Setting few rules and allowing children to make their own decision. May be caring and communicative, permissive parents give most decision-making responsibility to their children
Uninvolved Parent
Indifference or rejection, sometimes to the point of neglect or abuse
Psychosocial Stage
Erikson's theory--8 major challenges that appear successively across the lifespan, which require an individual to rethink his or her goals, as well as relationships with others
Erikson's theory--major developmental task of the second stage in childhood. Involves developing a sense of independence, as opposed to being plagued by self-doubt
Erikson's theory--major developmental task of third stage. Ability to initiate activites oneself, rather than merely responding to others or feeling guilt at not measuring up to other's expectations
Erikson--term for a sense of confidence that characterizes the main goal of the 4th stage. Children who do not develop industry (confidence) will slip into a self-perception of inferiority
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Psychological disorder involving poor impulse control, difficulty concentrating on a task for a sustained period of time, hish distractibility, and excessive activity
In industrial societies, a developmental period beginning at puberty and ending at adulthood
Rite of Passage
Social ritual that marks the transition between developmental stages, especially between childhood and adulthood
The onset of sexual maturity
The onset of menstruation
Sexual Orientation
The direction of one's sexual interests
Formal Operational Stage
The last of Piaget's stages, during which abstract thoughts appears
Stage of Moral Reasoning
Distinctive way of thinking about ethical and moral problems. According to Kohlberg, moral reasoning progresses through a series of developmental stages that are similar to Piaget's stages of cognitive development
Erikson's theory--Identity is a sense of who one is--a coherent self. Developing a sense of identity is the main goal of adolescence
Revolution in Aging
A change in the way people think about aging in modern industrialized nations. This new perspective grows out of increased longevity, better health care, and more lifestyle choices availablt to older adults. Stimulated psychological study of adult development.
Erikson's theory--the main developmental task of early adulthood, involving the capacity to make a full commitment-sexual, emotional, and moral-to another person
Emerging Adulthood
A transition period between adolescence and adulthood
Peer Marriage
Marriage in which the couple see each other as partners and friends, as contrasted with the older stereotypic roles of "husband" and "wife."
The process of making a commitment beyond oneself to family, work, society, or future generations. Erikson's theory--the developmental challenge of midlife
An individual's redefinition or transformation of a life role
Erikson's theory--the developmental task of late adulthood, involving the ability to look back on life without regrets and to enjoy a sense of wholeness
Alzheimer's Disease
A degenerative brain disease usually noticed first by its debilitating effects on memory
Selective Social Interaction
Choosing to restrict the number of one's social contacts to those who are the most gratifying