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35 Cards in this Set

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System of beliefs "framework"
increase in physical size quantitaive can be measured in inches & pounds
refers to progressive increase in skills and ability to function
What are the two directional principles
head to toe ex baby holding up their head before they can walk
Starts from the inside out ex rolling trunk matures before the extremities
Behavior patterns that distinguish one person from another the individual style
Prenatal stage of development
conception to delivery
infant stage of development
birth to 1 year
toddler stage of develpoment
1 yr to 3 yrs
Preschooler stage of development
3-6 yrs
School age stage of development
6 yrs-12 yrs
Adolescence stage of development
12 yrs-19 yrs
Adulthood stage of development
3 categories
young adult 20-40 middle 40-65 older 65 & up
Why should we study developmental theories
basic knowledge of personality development
to understand appropriate & unappropriate behavior
This theorisist focused on infancy & childhood sexual desires
personality development structural concept
Freudian theory
driving force aim to gratify impulses; ex newborn crys they dont care that it is 2 am all they car about is their own needs "pleasure principle"
part that takes control of the id; they learn there are consequences to their behavior starts around 1. "reality principle" "I"
your concious ;a portion of your ego developes into the ________
you need to have a balance of all of these 3 things according to Freud
id, ego, superego
techniques that help individual s cope with the threat of anxiety most are subconcious
defence mechanisms
this is the one mechanism the operates at a concious level
this is the most commonly use defence mechanism; used by all ages; use to justify or excuse undesirable actions or feelings
the oral stage is from ____-____
birth to weaning 12-18 mo
if trauma happens in this stage clients may suffer smoking alcoholism, obesity, nail biting, drug addiction, gum chewing, dependency, insecurity
oral stage
what stage deals with toilet training; learning muscle control, especially that involve urination & defecation
anal stage
what is the age range for the anal stage
18 mo-3 yrs
if someone has an anal fixation what may result
orderliness, constipation, obsession, compulsion, fastidious, possessiveness, obstinancy, perfection drive defence centers on holding in & letting go, miserliness
What is the phallic stage focused on
genital manipulation learning sexual identity, & developing awareness of genital area
what are the possible results to someone who is in the phallic stage
difficulty with sexual identity, transsexual, homosexual, difficulty w authority, Boys overly attached to mother, fears father may castrate them, girls overly attached to their fathers wishes to be a man has penis envy
sex drives are repressed homosexual stage quiet stage sexual drives are dormant
latency stage 6-12 yrs
genital stage is from___-____
12 to early adult
this stage they strive to have satisfactory relationships with the opposite sex
aspect of personality expressing the pleasure seeking component
retaining an inappropriate tie to the past