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137 Cards in this Set

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*dimples in w/ lateral pressure


cafe au lait


*lack of melanocytes


*from sun damage

solar lentigo

*uniform tan or brown macule, oval or round, smooth regular borders and can be flat or raised

junctional nevi

*dome shaped and soft; sometimes has surface telangiectasia

intradermal nevi

*looks warty

compound nevi

*up to 15 mm

*benign but resembles melanoma

congenital melanocyte nevi

halo nevi

cherry angioma


venous lake

*or on vulva


spider angioma

capillary hemiangioma

nevus flammeus

*soft, compressible deep tissue swelling

cavernous hemangioma

*d/t underlying skin condition

*pruritis and burning skin


*associated w. metastases

cutaneous metastasis

*@ belly button

Sister Mary Joseph's node


oral hairy leukoplakia

herpes zoster

condyloma accuminatum (genital warts)

seborrheic dermatitis

molluscum contagiosum

Kaposi's sarcoma

acanthosis nigricans

*red, annular lesions w/ little or scale; fat topped papules; can also be on head, ankles, and buttocks

*benign inflammatory

granuloma annulare


pypoderma gangrenosum

*seen w/ fever, malaise, joint pain

*very tender subcutaneous nodules

erythema nodosum

*painful nodules follow course of artery

polyarteritis nodosa

*think diabetics

necrobiosis lipodica diabeticicorum


alopecia areata

Raynaud's disease

*can also be on knees, periungal areas, and elbows

*can also be grey-brown papules

verruca vulgaris (common warts)

*areas of mild skin trauma

*pink, light brown, light yellow papules - slightly elevated by flat top

verruca plana (flat warts)

*small flesh colored papules --> round rough keratotic lesions

plantar warts

filiform warts


pearly penile papules

* prodromal sxs of low grade fever, HA, and malaise


varicella ("chicken pox")

*associated w/ serious ocular complications

*hint: its a sign

Hutchinson's sign in shingles

*children and summer

hand, foot, and mouth disease

*no prodrome

*starts on forehead then erupts to rest of face, trunk, extremities

*pink macules and papules


*w/ high fever

*ages 6 months - 3 years

*diffuse rash abruptly appears

*see rash on uvula and soft palate too

roseola infantum

*ages 5-14

*usually asymptomatic

erythema infectiosum (5th disease)

*infection from minor skin injury

*non bullous and bullous form


*w/ erythema, edema, pain, warmth, and fever

*secondary to wounds and areas of trauma


*most common in athletes


*acute, inflammatory form of cellulitis but more superficial than cellulitis

*strep A


*dome shaped pustules on small erythematous halo



*from shaving


*associated w/ characteristic exanthema

*fine punctuate pink to erythema and first on trunk

scarlet fever

*round annular lesions that start flat, scaly papules then slowly develop into raised border

*asymptomatic or mild itch

tinea corporis

interdigital tinea pedis

*"moccasin type"

chronic scaly tinea pedis

*well defined borders and scaling

tinea cruris

tinea capititis

*white, fine scaling

*hypopigmented in tanned skin or pink in untanned skin

tinea versicolor

*altered by steroids!

tinea incognito


*intertrigenous areas

*hot, humid environment

candida intertrigo

*red scaly rash from prolonged moisture

candida diaper dermatitis

candida balanitis


angular cheilitis

*severe pruritis and worse at night


*love hair


*benign in old people

seborrheic keratosis

dermatosis papulosa nigra

*older Caucasians

succo keratosis

*its a sign


leser trelat sign - seborrheic keratosis

skin tag

*papulopustular eruption

*young women

perioral dermatitis

infantile seborrheic dermatitis

seborrheic dermatitis

*fine pink scale

*starts as first large lesion and then smaller lesions erupt

pityriasis rosea

*associated w/ flu like symptoms

erythema migrans (lymes)


primary syphilis chancre

*pink scaly rash in generalized distribution too

*associated w/ flu like symptoms

secondary syphilis

*associated w/ CNS and CVS manifestations

tertiary syphilis

*usually in skin folds and flexural areas

*negative nikolsky sign

bullous pemphigoid

*skin and mucous membranes affected

*painful oral lesions

pemphigus vulgaris

*non intact blisters

pemphigus foliaceus


*clustered, red papules

flea bites

*local rxns

bee and wasp stings

*pain, burning, stinging and then followed by local vasospasm and tissue ischemia

*systemic sxs: joint/muscle pain, weakness, N/V, fever/chills

brown recluse spider bite

*hint they took medication before this

fixed drug eruption

*hint they took some medications before this

vasculitis drug rxn

*hint they took some medications before this or they have an underlying condition

erythema multiforme

allergic contact dermatitis


irritant contact dermatitis


atopic dermatitis


atopic dermatitis


atopic dermatitis

*starts on legs then trunk

*not usually itching

nummular eczema

*from follicular plugging

kertatosis pilaris

*hint she's preggo


*first sun exposure

polymorphous light eruption

*UV exposure

photosensitivity drug eruption

Mongolian spots

* < 10% of body surface area

Steven's Johnson syndrome

* >30% of body surface area

toxic epidermal necrolysis

*very pruritic



cutaneous small vessel vasculititis


*on low lower extremities




ichthyosis vulgaris

*associated w/ pruritis, edema, and hyperpigmentation

stasis dermatitis

*multisystemic disease



*face, scalp, or external ear

*scarring alopecia

chronic discoid lupus

*associated w/ proximal muscle weakness, arthritis, calcinosis, and dysphagia


*lavendar blush around eyes

*be specific

Heliotrope rash - dermatomyositis

*be specific

Guttron's papules - dermatomyositis


*sclerotic plaque w/ ivory colored center, violacious halo, and shiny surface


acne vulgaris



*elbows, gluteal cleft, scalp, fingers, toenails, knees, tip of penis, behind ears


*after strep

guttate psoriasis

*smooth, inflamed lesions

inverse psoriasis

*also affect mucous membranes

lichen planus

lichen planus

*gritty papules on erythematous base w/ rough scale

actinic keratosis

basal cell carcinoma

squamous cell carcinoma

merkel cell carcinoma


acral lentiginous melanoma

*palms, soles, subungals

amelanotic acral melanoma

*associated w/ URI sxs, hacking cough, fever, photophobia, and lymphadenopathy
*seen on face, neck, shoulders, trunk, and arms

*associated w/ URI sxs, hacking cough, fever, photophobia, and lymphadenopathy

*seen on face, neck, shoulders, trunk, and arms


*small bluish white papules w/ erythematous base after onset of fever

*small bluish white papules w/ erythematous base after onset of fever

Koplik spots - measles

*severe pruritis and burning
*vesicles --> crusted papules and erosion
*on elbows, knees, sacrum, base scalp or generalized

*severe pruritis and burning

*vesicles --> crusted papules and erosion

*on elbows, knees, sacrum, base scalp or generalized

dermatitis herpetiform

*generalized distribution
*hint: they took medication before this

*generalized distribution

*hint: they took medication before this

mobilliform drug eruption