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37 Cards in this Set

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What are the four stages of cognitive development?
Formal operational
What happens with pre-schoolers in the pre-operational stage?
They have judgment errors in conservation tasks and think appearance is reality
At what age do children under conservation?
5-7 years old...now concrete operational
At what age does logical reasoning kick in?
7-11 years old
How do logic skills change in the concrete operational stage?
*Identity does not change based on appearance
*Gender consistency
*No more conservation problems (the taller container does not hold more than the short one)
Reversibility occurs in what stage?
Concrete operational...logical reasoning
What is inductive reasoning?
Generalizing from particulars
Deductive reasoning is not fully developed until what stage?
Formal operational thought
What are the two skilled processes?
Automatic and controlled
The _________ process is fast, mandatory, and non-modifiable
What is IQ?
The measure of mental age to chronological age
Name the skills in formal operational stage?
*Deductive reasoning (conclusions follow from premises) Ex: "All men are mortal", "Socrates is a man", "Socrates is mortal"
*Hypothetical reasoning
*Formal logic
What are the pervasive developmental disorders?
Asperger's syndrome
Savant syndrome
When do autism symptoms occur?
Age 3
What is the likely beginning of autism?
Problems in brain stem development in embryonic stage, over proliferation of certain neurons may result in "over-connectivity" in some brain regions
Name symptoms of autism.
*Lack of social behavior
*Unresponsiveness to people's emotions
*Inability to communicate
*Repetitive motions
*Hypersensitive to touch and sound
Autism is ______ associated with the same genes.
T or F

Metal toxicity is a cause of autism
What syndrome is also called "High Functioning Autism"?
Asperger's syndrome
What are the characteristics of Asperger's syndrome?
Better language skills and poor social skills (unresponsiveness to others)
What is savant syndrome?
Person's with brilliant abilities in specific areas
T of F

People with savant syndrome usually have no symptoms of autism.
Who is more likely to have savant syndrome?
Which side of the brain are savant skills notable?
The right side
What is mental retardation?
Delay in all intellectual levels
What is the leading cause of genetically based mental retardation?
Fragile X syndrome...genetic abnormality on chromosome X
T of F

Learning disabilities are dependent of autism.
Name two common types of learning disabilities.
What is dyslexia?
Delayed reading ability
Who attempted to explain dyslexia?
Orton (1920's and 1930's)
What is dyscalcula?
Dela y in math skills
How many child are diagnosed with ADHD?
What are the official criteria for ADHD?
*Over activity
What is the most common drug treatment for ADHD?
*Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
T or F

ADHD patients do not need psychological therapy with medical treatment.
Children with ADHD symptoms also suffer from what?
Sleep apnea
At what age should Ritalin be prescribed?
age 6