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20 Cards in this Set

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Relationship between age and death anxiety

older people report lower levels of death anxiety then younger adults

gender differences in death anxiety

-men are less willing to admit they have a fear of death

-women's greater role in caring for the sick and dying

- women may be more tied to their physical bodies making it more difficult to deny their morality.

Wink & Scott (2005) finding religion and fear of death

moderately religious people were more anxious than low and high religious people

Relationship between self-esteem, self actualization, and death anxiety

- Death anxiety is negatively correlated with self-esteem

-more self actualization, the less death anxiety

-the more satisfied one is with their life, the less death anxiety they'll have

correlation between risk taking and death anxiety

- little empirical evidence between death anxiety and risky behavior

- there is evidence that the reminder of mortality will increase risky behavior but self esteem is weighed heavily

evolutionary perspective on disgust

emerged as a response to sensory properties of stimuli that signaled harm and promote survival

psycho dynamic perspective on disgust

concerns about contamination of the soul

5 coping processes

-life review: reflection on accomplishments of the past

- life planning: assess the goals

- identification with ones culture: how you fit in with your culture

- generative process: start worrying about other generations

-self detachment: break away from yourself

5 attitudes measured by death attitude profile revised

-fear of death: anxiety about death

-death avoidance: try not to think about it

- neutral acceptance: stoic resignation

- escape acceptance: release from suffering

-approach acceptance: passage to a better existence

Intrinsic and extrinsic religion

-intrinsic religion: people use their religion as a way of living

-extrinsic religion : people use their religion as means to an end (people have more anxiety)

Defensive and existential religion

-defense: faith deployed to avoid or minimize existential predicaments

-existential: belief that faith is just hope, not knowledge

4 categories of religious beliefs

4 categories: -literal inclusion: people define their selves as religious in different way such as close minded

-literal exclusion: rejects a positive religious reality with strict arguments

- symbolic inclusion: being open minded

symbolic exclusion: non religious and less judgement toward religious people

2 dimensions of religious beliefs

-literal vs symbolic

-inclusion vs exclusion

results of the four categories of religious beliefs

-literal inclusion and symbolic exclusion were negatively correlated as were literal exclusion and symbolic inclusion

- literal inclusion was positively correlated with fear of death and death avoidance

-literal exclusion: positive correlated with fear of death and death avoidance was negatively correalted

3 testable hypothesis from TMT

-The mortality salience hypothesis: reminders of personal death should strengthen the psychological buffer against death anxiety

- The anxiety buffer hypothesis: damaging buffer against death anxiety makes people prone to existential terror

2 components of psychological buffer against death anxiety

-self esteem

-cultural world view

proximal and distant defenses

proximal: thought suppression

distant: symbolic protection by allowing people to think they are valuable contributors

how mortality salience effects Japanese and America

-Japanese students evaluated personal success

-American students showed an increase in liking for those who praise American and decrease in liking for those who criticize America

Cultural worldview is to allow different individuals to look at or perceive the world as orderly

concept of culture view of tmt

if you have a good life style, are a good person, your culture would help manage death anxiety

people defend their world through derogation, assimilation , accommodation , and annihilation

Hope people defend their culture concept