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31 Cards in this Set

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educational programme


🔸Collocations :

curriculum reform

school curriculum

national curriculum

broaden the curriculum



course outline ملخص المقرر التعليمي

program/programme of study

🔸Collocations :

teach a syllabus

follow a syllabus

Maths syllabus

Science syllabus


pupil بيوبل (تلميذ )

The school has over 400 pupils.





specialist متخصص/ أخصائي


an influential scholar

a leading scholar

scholars study

scholarly work


well-informed حسن الاطلاع

learned متعلم / مثقف

a learned professor

cultured مثقف

a cultured person

knowledgeable حسن الاطلاع

He's very knowledgeable about German literature

educated متعلم

🔸Collocations :

literate population

highly literate

barely literate

financially literate


specialized متخصص

professional مهني / محترف



vocational training

vocational skills

vocational qualification

vocational course


pupil تلميذ

novice نوفس (مبتدئ)

I've never driven a car before - I'm a complete novice.


apprentice to

young apprentice

become an apprentice

work as an apprentice


teaching methods طرق التدريس

educational techniques التقنيات التربوية

teaching approach نهج التدريس


school pedagogy

educational pedagogy

pedagogical approach

pedagogical methods


artistic فني

He shows real artistic talent.

His friends are all artistic - they're painters, musicians, and writers.

pleasing سار / ممتع.

It was pleasing to know that the presentation had gone so well.

creative إبداعي / خلاق

They've come up with some creative new ways to make money.

artful داهية/بارع

He has shown himself to be an artful politician.

The prime minister dealt with the interviewer's questions in a very artful way.

🔸Collocations :

aesthetic quality

aesthetic value

aesthetically pleasing

aesthetic appeal


characterize/characterise يصف

In her essay, she characterizes the whole era as a period of radical change.

illustrate يوضح

This latest conflict further illustrates the weakness of the UN.

The exhibition will illustrate how life evolved from water

represent /يمثل/ يشرح/ يوضح

This new report represents the current situation in our schools.

The memorial represents the sacrifice of men and women who gave their lives in war.

portray يصف

show يعرض / يظهر

describe يصف


depict in

depict as

depict a scene

depict life


style نوع

type نوع

family عايلة

brand صنف * وقد تاتي بمعنى علامة تجارية

I don't like his brand of humor.

kind نوع

class 🥴


literary genre

artistic genre

invent genre

spawn genre


characterize/characterise يصف

In her essay, she characterizes the whole era as a period of radical change.

illustrate يوضح

This latest conflict further illustrates the weakness of the UN.

The exhibition will illustrate how life evolved from water

represent /يمثل/ يشرح/ يوضح

This new report represents the current situation in our schools.

The memorial represents the sacrifice of men and women who gave their lives in war.

portray يصف

show يعرض / يظهر

describe يصف


depict in

depict as

depict a scene

depict life


style نوع

type نوع

family عايلة

brand صنف * وقد تاتي بمعنى علامة تجارية

I don't like his brand of humor.

kind نوع

class 🥴


literary genre

artistic genre

invent genre

spawn genre


symbol رمز

The lion is a symbol of courage.

idol محبوب الجماهير

an actor who is the idol of millions

legend أسطورة


religious icon

cultural icon

sporting icon

iconic status


colorful غني بالألوان

a colourful painting

brilliant براق / فاقع

The sky was a brilliant, cloudless blue.

I was dazzled مذهل by a brilliant light.

detailed مفصل 🥴

powerful قوي 🥴

memorable بارز / قابل للتذكر🥴

It was the most memorable line of the play.

intense شديد 🥴

He shielded his eyes from the intense flash of light.

🔸Collocations :

vivid memory

vivid picture

vivid imagination

vivid colour


painting لوحة

characterization وصف(كارتكرتيزيشن)

don’t agree with your characterization of my home town as a boring place to live.

depiction ديبكشن (وصف /تصوير)

I disapprove of the depiction of violence on television.

The book is fascinating in its depiction of the country's early history.

account تقرير

She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.

According to one account, the party was a complete disaster.

representation تصوير/ وصف

He gave a talk on the representation of women in 19th-century art.

This statue is a representation of Hercules.هرقل

likeness شبه


portrait of

paint a portrait

portrait gallery معرض للصور

self portrait


fashion يشكل

He fashioned a hat for himself out of newspaper.

Students fashioned the clay into small figures.

shape يشكل

The artist shaped the stone with a hammer and chisel. حفارة

carve (كارف(ينقش

He carved her name on a tree.

chisel تشيزل (ينحت)

She chiseled the wood.

He chiseled off a corner of the block.

form يشكل

She formed [=made] the dough into balls.كرات

model يشكل

They modeled their educational system on the U.S. system


carve a sculpture

unveil انفيل a sculpture كشف النقاب عن تمثال

make a sculpture

sculpture by


fashion يشكل

He fashioned a hat for himself out of newspaper.

Students fashioned the clay into small figures.

shape يشكل

The artist shaped the stone with a hammer and chisel. حفارة

carve (كارف(ينقش

He carved her name on a tree.

chisel تشيزل (ينحت)

She chiseled the wood.

He chiseled off a corner of the block.

form يشكل

She formed [=made] the dough into balls.كرات

model يشكل

They modeled their educational system on the U.S. system


carve a sculpture

unveil انفيل a sculpture كشف النقاب عن تمثال

make a sculpture

sculpture by


upsurge )ابسرج( ارتفاع مفاجئ / زيادة سريعة

An upsurge of violence in the district has been linked to increased unemployment.

Department stores متاجر report a recent upsurge in credit-card fraud.

expansion زيادة/ توسيع

We need a dynamic expansion of trade with other countries.

spurt سبرت (يرتفع)

Shares of the jewellery store chain spurted $6.

growth نمو / ازدهار

The company has limited growth potential

upturn ارتفاع

There are fears that higher borrowing rates will threaten the economic upturn.

There are still no signs of an upturn in global economic growth.

soar يرتفع بقوة


boom and bust

boom years

the baby boom

economic boom


recession ريسشن (ركود اقتصادي)

A lot of companies have been adversely سلبا affected by the recession.

Demand for new cars has fallen due to the recession.

bust ركود اقتصادي

Each of the previous booms in real house prices was followed by a bust.

downturn تراجع

Thousands of workers have lost their jobs in the economic downturn.

The company saw a downturn in sales over the last six months

depression ركود اقتصادي

For most of the 20th century, economists focused on understanding and controlling inflation انفليشن (التضخم) and depressions.

decrease نقص/ انخفاض

decline نقص


economic slump

sales slump

housing slump

slump in



GDP per capita الناتج المحلي الإجمالي للفرد الواحد

annual GDP

increase in GDP

decline in GDP


excess إكسيَس)فائض)

Any excess over these expenses represents profit تمثل ربحاً attributable مرده الىto shareholders. المساهمين

unused غير مستعمل 🥴

The library has been unused for 10 years.

left over بقايا 🥴

There was no money left over for luxuries or little extras.


budget surplus فائض الميزانية

economic surplus

increasing surplus

decreasing surplus


shortfall نقص

The state is facing a budget shortfall of $1.75 billion for the fiscal year.

The county had to close three of its four libraries because of a budget shortfall.

arrears أريرس (متأخرات/ ديون)

He's been trying to pay off the arrears on his mortgage. مورقج

He is two months in arrears with his mortgage payments.

shortage عجز/ نقص

There's a shortage of cheap housing in the region.

lack قلة/ نقص

Lack of sleep had made him irritable.


deficit reduction خفض العجز

reduce the deficit تخفيض العجز

budget deficit عجز في الميزانية

attention deficit disorder اضطراب نقص الانتباه



macroeconomic policies

macroeconomic management

macroeconomic stability

macroeconomic conditions



macroeconomic policies

macroeconomic management

macroeconomic stability

macroeconomic conditions


microeconomic policies

microeconomic management

microeconomic theory

microeconomic reform إصلاح الاقتصادي الجزئي


microeconomic policies

microeconomic management

microeconomic theory

microeconomic reform إصلاح الاقتصادي الجزئي


microeconomic policies

microeconomic management

microeconomic theory

microeconomic reform إصلاح الاقتصادي الجزئي


foresee يتوقع

I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.

He foresaw the need for cars that would be less polluting.

forecast يتوقع * وقد تاتي بمعنى نشرة جوية

Oil prices are forecast to increase by less than two percent this year.

expect يتوقع

predict يتوقع

await ينتظر

The two men are awaiting trial,scheduled to begin next month

wait for ينتظر


anticipate a decline يتوقع انخفاض

anticipate a slowdown يتوقع تباطؤ

anticipate a rise يتوقع ارتفاع

widely anticipated متوقع على نطاق واسع


microeconomic policies

microeconomic management

microeconomic theory

microeconomic reform إصلاح الاقتصادي الجزئي


foresee يتوقع

I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.

He foresaw the need for cars that would be less polluting.

forecast يتوقع * وقد تاتي بمعنى نشرة جوية

Oil prices are forecast to increase by less than two percent this year.

expect يتوقع

predict يتوقع

await ينتظر

The two men are awaiting trial,scheduled to begin next month

wait for ينتظر


anticipate a decline يتوقع انخفاض

anticipate a slowdown يتوقع تباطؤ

anticipate a rise يتوقع ارتفاع

widely anticipated متوقع على نطاق واسع


understand يفهم

recognize يتعرف

acknowledge يعترف / يقر


appreciate the importance نقدر الأهمية

appreciate the seriousness نقدر الجدية

much appreciate نقدر كثيراً

fully appreciate نقدر تماماً