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31 Cards in this Set

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erantne castra iūcunda?
was the camp enjoyable?
quid fēcistī?
what did you do?
esne omnia oblītus?
have you forgotten everything?
(on) the next day
Salvius fundum īnspicere voluit
Salvius wanted to inspect the farm
Vārica eum per fundum dūxit
Varica led him through the farm
dominō agrōs ostendit
he showed his master the fields
multum frūmentum
a lot of corn
in horreum iam intulērunt
(they) have already brought into the granary
Cervīx arātōribus praeest
Cervix is in charge of the ploughmen
hodiē abest quod aeger est
(he) is away today because he’s sick
itaque arātōrēs nōn labōrant
and so the ploughmen are not working
Salvius servum aegrum retinēre nōn vult
Salvius does not want to keep a sick slave
duo servī cibum ferunt
two slaves are carrying food
placetne tibi?
is that O.K. with you?
mihi nōn placet
it’s not O.K. with me
servīs ignāvīs
to lazy slaves
nūllum cibum dō
I give no food
prope horreum
near the granary
est aedificium sēmirutum
is a half-collapsed building
vīlicus horreum novum aedificāre voluit
the estate manager wanted to build a new granary
ubi servī horreum aedificābant
when the slaves were building the granary
rēs dīra accidit
a terrible thing happens/happened
in hoc aedificium
on this building
taurus impetum fēcit
the bull made an attack
mūrōs dēlēvit
he destroyed the walls
et servōs terruit
and frightened the slaves
Bregāns taurum dūcēbat
Bregans was leading the bull
omnēs Britannī sunt stultī
all the Britons are stupid
sed iste Bregāns
but that Bregans
est stultior quam cēterī
is more stupid than the rest